Re: Crush JPM by buying Silver goes MSM in US: SF Chronicle on the squeeze
OK, say JPM doesn't have a lot of shorts or is hedged. From my understanding, someone has a lot of shorts and will get burned but no one knows for sure who it is and if they've got some sort of back-up plan. Now, buying silver is being pushed pretty heavily by a lot of sites out there. What are the consequences of places, like Apmex, running out of silver. What is the end game? Will people move on to something else in a couple months? Are we going to see 6+ delays in silver shipments for retain investors? Do you think the public will catch on to this idea and people will go for anything silver? Is it going to go parabolic or will world wide governments, since it is a global movement, be able to put in laws to stop the run? At what price are people going to be willing to part with their silver?
Originally posted by nitroglycol
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