On the NYT website, they've posted an 'interactive' budget cutting tool. This one nugget caught my eye.
I'm not sure if this is one of the recommendations from the Deficit Commission, but it's out there, it's meaningful. Despite what people see around them and experience on a daily basis, the government and those in the periphery of policy making will attempt to mislead them.
Use an alternate measure for inflation
Some economists believe that the Consumer Price Index overstates inflation, giving Social Security recipients larger cost-of-living increases than necessary. This option would use a different, lower inflation measure both for Social Security and in the tax code (thus pushing more households into higher brackets over time). Supporters say the lower measure is more accurate. Opponents say it is less accurate for the elderly, who buy a different mix of goods and services than other households.
No one involved in the political process says that the CPI doesn't accurately account for the true cost of living for regular folks.Some economists believe that the Consumer Price Index overstates inflation, giving Social Security recipients larger cost-of-living increases than necessary. This option would use a different, lower inflation measure both for Social Security and in the tax code (thus pushing more households into higher brackets over time). Supporters say the lower measure is more accurate. Opponents say it is less accurate for the elderly, who buy a different mix of goods and services than other households.
I'm not sure if this is one of the recommendations from the Deficit Commission, but it's out there, it's meaningful. Despite what people see around them and experience on a daily basis, the government and those in the periphery of policy making will attempt to mislead them.