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Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

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  • Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

    Folks, the most horrific prediction was given by the Federal Reserve. Six, count 'em, six years of high unemployment. From the Federal Open Market Committee:

    Somewhat more than half of the participants judged that, in the absence of any additional shocks to the economy, the economy would converge fully to its longer-run rates of output growth, unemployment, and inflation within about five or six years; the rest indicated that it could take longer for unemployment to fall back to its longer-run rate or for inflation to rise back to the level they deemed desirable in the longer run.

    It's not that what the Fed is saying is inaccurate, it's more to our government, and it's refusal to get off of it's corrupt and special interests agenda and do something.
    Imagine how many skills will atrophy, how many people will never financially recover with these kind of projections.

    Below are the Fed's consensus for new GDP, unemployment and core inflation revisions. As we can see, they were lowered and the FOMC minutes are loaded with pessimism. The only good news is how often the Federal Reserve gets it wrong in economic forecasts. Unfortunately, this time, they probably are right on the money.


    Even worse, the Fed believes unemployment could increase:

    Participants agreed that progress in reducing unemployment was disappointing; indeed, several noted that the recent rate of output growth, if continued, would more likely be associated with an increase than a decrease in the unemployment rate.

    So, what the hell is the problem? Why, beyond giving the banksters carte blanche, offshore outsourcing our jobs, committing labor arbitrage at every turn, selling people over-inflated houses that they now take away....what is the reason employers won't get off of their asses and hire some people?

    Bloomberg quotes productivity gains as the cause, completely ignoring the fact offshore outsourcing business is booming, China imports are soaring and corporations are investing overseas. Others try to claim there is a skills mismatch, that somehow, magically the United States workforce is less than what it is, instead of acknowledging the great worker squeeze.

    It is true that corporate profits have come from cost cutting, but this has been happening since 2000, when corporations started in mass treating U.S. workers as disposable commodities and offshore outsourcing anything that wasn't nailed down. It's more a continuation of the same ole thing, only the same ole thing was temporarily masked by a housing bubble. From the Federal Reserve meeting minutes:

    With respect to business spending, contacts generally reported that they were investing to reduce costs but were refraining from adding workers or expanding capacity in the United States. Energy producers were an exception.

    But what is the real problem? In a word, growth. That's highly targeted U.S. domestic growth. The economy isn't growing enough to generate jobs.
    There is a way to increase economic growth and that is by reducing the trade deficit. Anyone reading GDP reports can see imports wipes out GDP. Even the Federal Reserve mentioned the excessive imports:

    But construction activity in both the residential and nonresidential sectors remained depressed, and a significant portion of the rise in domestic demand was again met by imports.

    Since the housing bubble popped, resulting in a greater than 20% unemployment rate in construction, there probably is a little structural unemployment. That said, there are a host of highly skilled individuals who need a job right this minute, else those skills will atrophy and be lost. On this score one can blame globalization, offshore outsourcing and labor arbitrage. U.S. workers sit idle, while their jobs are moved offshore and nowadays, created offshore instead of in the United States.

    Bottom line the United States need a major economic shot in the arm and unfortunately that shot is under the control of the government, the executive branch and Congress versus the Federal Reserve. While the Federal Reserve secretly met to even consider unlimited quantitative easing, the bottom line is trade, taxes and Stimulus as well as modifications in corporate and labor law, is under the purview of Congress.

    Waiting for Americans to become homeless, fall of of the labor participation count is not the answer to these long term unemployment problems and yet that seems to be the only real strategy identified.
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  • #2
    Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

    Weren't we supposed "to grow our way out" of this debt-hole with additional tax-cuts? It was called, "unleashing the productive capacity of America with de-regulation and tax-cuts," according to Ronald Reagan and Arthur Laffer.

    One can just hear Ronald Reagan and his speeches, "Let's get government off of our backs...."

    Kids, write this down: "The Federal Reserve Bank of the US is now mentioning a possible six more years of high unemployment in America." (November 2010)..... Write this down because the supply-side economists (Larry Kudlow and Arthur Laffer, among others) will say this Great Recession was not the result of their folly with tax-cuts and de-regulation in the 1980s and 1990s.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; November 25, 2010, 12:20 PM.


    • #3
      Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

      "Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!"

      So to translate Fedspeak, that means 20, right?

      Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


      • #4
        Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

        Unless they redefine, again, what it means to be unemployed this level unemployment is destined to become permanent. Advances in automation, excess over seas manufacturing capacity, currency issues, and global wage arbitrage will see to it.


        • #5
          Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

          Just looking at the bail-out to Irish banks (up to 100-billion euros) for the real estate bonanza in Ireland, courtesy of keeping interest rates too low for too many years--- thanks to Alan Greenspan and his friends in central-bank circles--- where do these bail-outs stop? Who comes next to the bail-out window? Which countries: Iceland, Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece? Which banks? Which municipalities? And in America, who's next: California, Arizona, Nevada, where does this line-up end? How many trillions of new bail-outs?

          Aren't the lessons in this disaster: 1.) Central bankers don't have a clue about where to set interest rates; 2.) This Great Recession may well go on for years and years to come, and six-years more of high unemployment in America may be an optimistic scenario; 3.) The next leg-down--- and there may be a next leg-down--- might have more quantitative-easing, and then skyrocketing interest rates as the worldwide debt market chokes on these bail-out and intervention policies; 4.) China may pull-the-plug on this bail-out insanity, whatever Bernanke and his academics might otherwise plan; 5.) This contagion can spread because other currencies are backed with paper U.S. dollars, and little more; 6.) We've seen how this might end in prior years: in Mexico, in Brazil, in Peru, in Columbia, in Chile, in Bolivia, in Argentina, in Ecuador, in Israel, in Zimbabwe, etc.

          Central-banking and fiat money and fiat-everything has been a disaster for the entire world. But it is not so easy now to put the proverbial, genie back into the bottle. As interest rates go up, then more bankruptcies lie ahead. And more central bank interventions erode confidence, requiring interventions and higher interest rates.

          Wait until the bond market comes-apart in America......... Then comes another hit to U.S. real estate. So the troubles in Ireland just might be the beginning of what lies ahead, especially for America. And more quantitative-easings to prevent the death-spiral just forces money into oil and gold and other inflation-hedges. Money even flees to risk investments of all types. The more bail-outs and QE, the more money flees to risk-investments, and that requires additional QE, additional bail-outs, etc.......... This can't end well, as the proverbial "dog chases its tail". And to think that this all came from econometric-modelling.

          Bernanke might opt for another round of QE to keep interest rates at zero, but that further compounds the mess. The debtors and dead-beats run wild........ At this point, time is not on Bernanke's side.
          Last edited by Starving Steve; November 25, 2010, 05:02 PM.


          • #6
            Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

            Quantitative-easings buy Bernanke time to grow the U.S. economy and increase American exports. But what can the U.S. export: 1.) inflation? 2.) law-suits? 3.) additional debt-instruments and faith? 4.) bubbles and speculations? 5.) cement to seal-up oil wells? 6.) productive companies and talent? 7.) risk-capital?

            QE is a strategy that might not work.


            • #7
              Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

              Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
              Quantitative-easings buy Bernanke time to grow the U.S. economy and increase American exports. But what can the U.S. export: 1.) inflation? 2.) law-suits? 3.) additional debt-instruments and faith? 4.) bubbles and speculations? 5.) cement to seal-up oil wells? 6.) productive companies and talent? 7.) risk-capital?

              QE is a strategy that might not work.
              Devalue the currency and ease up the burden of debt servicing.


              • #8
                Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

                6 more years? We can only hope.

                Thanksgiving this year was a nice time to connect with family, where my sisters daughter is in her second year of college, their other daughter a senior in high school, and my kids following in the coming years.

                What's to come of their college education? Will there be any worthwhile opportunities?


                • #9
                  Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

                  "where do these bail-outs stop?" When will they run out of Tax Payers to bail out the speculators? Looks like they see no limit to this. Reminds me of Japan with the payment of loans stretched across future generation of the loan taker.


                  • #10
                    Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

                    Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
                    "where do these bail-outs stop?" When will they run out of Tax Payers to bail out the speculators?
                    Aw, heck, man. They've already run out of current tax payers. Trillions more are leaving our government and federal reserve coffers than entering it from taxes. The rest is being booked as debt against our kids, and their kids, and ...
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #11
                      Re: Fed to America: only 6 more years of high unemployment! Man up!

                      Well I don't know about you but Shelia Blair sure gave me a brown stain with this comment.

                      She wrote:

                      Even as work continues to repair our financial infrastructure and get the economy moving again, we need urgent action to forestall the next financial crisis. I fear that one will start in Washington. Total federal debt has doubled in the past seven years, to almost $14 trillion. That's more than $100,000 for every American household. - Now can any of you say your happy with that credit card bill sitting on the counter and Ben B adding to it when ever he fears fear.
                      My Goodness I doubt most American Families have that amount in free and clear assets. She would also appear to have a death wish.


