For some years now Mega’s life has not been a happy one. He had to watch some of the most undeserving scum in British society get given….EVERYTHING.
Want a car? hey no worries the bank will sort you a line of credit & off that you can lease hire a BMW 3 series or Audi Q7……what can’t afford the fuel, we do you an overdraft for that as well.
Can’t think up a good productive business?.......just nip down to Bank & ask for a BUY TO LET loan………buy a few houses & rent them……..can’t find good tenants?....Well your lovely Labour government has upped & upped housing welfare….just find ANY inn-city scum whom have NEVER worked & place them into a nice low crime (not for long) estate…………..just watch the “Joy” on the faces of those whom worked & saved hard to move away from this scum 20-30 years ago as they move in.
After all, house prices all EVER go up & rates are always LOW……… can’t miss. Want a Porsche or Lambo……just go back to the bank & get them to remortage the homes again, letting you extract the “wealth” from them……….laugh at those silly fools that work for a living MAKING things…….this is the new era, debt is wealth !
………….and then the music stopped.
For most of 2010 we had a stand off, house buyers refused to pay the insane “market prices” sellers trying to tough it out & the government trying like Hell to prop up the market with every trick they know.
But now the tipping point has been reached, only today I had dinner with a civil service contact whom had a bad week. When the recession hit in 2008 the government agreed to cover the interest on mortgages for 2 years. For many people its like “Times up”…..& these are not lower class scum either they middleclass & they pissed!.........they refuse point blank to except that the government is going to STOP giving them “free money”.
At the other end of the spectrum:-
Indeed the “Free money machine” is now not working elsewhere. For many years Labour hid the true level of unemployment by paying for older people to train to be plumbers or electricians…..modern apprenticeships …..even if you where 45. Over 1 million people are “In training” on things like this……….they were told last week that they have to pay for training if they want it!
We were paying kids £30 a week to stay on and study…….that’s about to die as well. Program after program is getting killed & unlike when I was a lad the
I fear 2011 will be a year of “discovery” for those whom thought the magic money machine would run forever & ever.