It's knives out now. Krugman:
And Frank Rich:
Both miss the point entirely. Obama and the Democrats aren't wimps who need to grow some balls, they are totally owned placeholders for the oligarchy.
But the bitter irony goes deeper than that: the main reason Mr. Obama finds himself in this situation is that two years ago he was not, in fact, prepared to deal with the world as he was going to find it. And it seems as if he still isn’t.
But none of this will matter unless the president can find it within himself to use his power, to actually take a stand. And the signs aren’t good.
But none of this will matter unless the president can find it within himself to use his power, to actually take a stand. And the signs aren’t good.
And Frank Rich:
On last Sunday’s “60 Minutes,” Obama was already wobbling toward another “compromise” in which he does most of the compromising. It’s a measure of how far he’s off his game now that a leader who once had the audacity to speak at length on the red-hot subject of race doesn’t even make the most forceful case for his own long-held position on an issue where most Americans still agree with him.
Two years ago, Obama campaigned on this issue far more strenuously than he did on, say, reforming health care. Now he and what remains of his Congressional caucus are poised to retreat from even this clear-cut battle. You know things are grim when you start wishing that the president might summon his inner Linda McMahon.
Two years ago, Obama campaigned on this issue far more strenuously than he did on, say, reforming health care. Now he and what remains of his Congressional caucus are poised to retreat from even this clear-cut battle. You know things are grim when you start wishing that the president might summon his inner Linda McMahon.
Both miss the point entirely. Obama and the Democrats aren't wimps who need to grow some balls, they are totally owned placeholders for the oligarchy.