"[T]he regular profits of the new age of industry were very large. In every country of the Temperate zone, the demand for British manufactures was much greater than could be paid for by exports. And the difference in the balance of trade was always systematically arranged by lending money on mortgage for that amount, or by spending the amount of the deficit in starting some business enterprise in that country. In this way, the adverse balance of trade was not felt by the country falling behind. It bought all it wanted, and the adverse balance of trade actually made the times better; for it caused the profits of the Money Kings to be invested in the country, stimulating business into activity. It only had the disadvantage that the business investment did not belong to the nation, but to the Money Kings: and the prosperity it caused was not national prosperity, but was the bloated gains of the Money Kings."
And this:
"City Buildings have been a favorite investment with them in countries of the Temperate zone. They derive two advantages from these institutions: the buildings yield a high profit on the investment; and the Money Kings could thus put up rents in other countries, and increase the cost of living. This last point is an essential part of their industrial system.
In order to maintain the manufacturing supremacy of Great Britain, it is necessary that the cost of living should be as cheap there as in other countries. The price of food is necessarily higher in England than in other countries; and this has to be counterbalanced by cheaper rents. Rents are very low in England. By owning many buildings in foreign countries, the Money Kings are able to start a prevailing high standard of rents; which increase their profit on their investment, and raises the cost of living, till it is as high or higher, in other countries than in England. Furthermore, these high rents increase the value of property, and start foreign capital into real estate speculation, leaving to the Money Kings the safe field of productive industry. They are wonderfully shrewd, and understand perfectly all the points that benefit their interest, and injure the interest of the rest of the world."
And this:
"City Buildings have been a favorite investment with them in countries of the Temperate zone. They derive two advantages from these institutions: the buildings yield a high profit on the investment; and the Money Kings could thus put up rents in other countries, and increase the cost of living. This last point is an essential part of their industrial system.
In order to maintain the manufacturing supremacy of Great Britain, it is necessary that the cost of living should be as cheap there as in other countries. The price of food is necessarily higher in England than in other countries; and this has to be counterbalanced by cheaper rents. Rents are very low in England. By owning many buildings in foreign countries, the Money Kings are able to start a prevailing high standard of rents; which increase their profit on their investment, and raises the cost of living, till it is as high or higher, in other countries than in England. Furthermore, these high rents increase the value of property, and start foreign capital into real estate speculation, leaving to the Money Kings the safe field of productive industry. They are wonderfully shrewd, and understand perfectly all the points that benefit their interest, and injure the interest of the rest of the world."