Where do i start?
I like Max, but like so many in the blog-a-sphere he has a very inflated opinon about himself. I rather not spend time discussing his time on Wall st, just a few points like to make:-
A. His attempt to hijack a boycott of Coke a few years ago, even though many other had the same idea & in the A-rab world they were going to take down Coke because of American wars never went anywhere, you only have to see how usless the A-RABS are at wars to see this was a hope-less non starter.
B. Having failed @ Plan A he then goes with Peter Schiff/Marc Farber/Jim Rogers & of Course EJ...........This was a good plan, i came to the same conclusions.......Sadly he mis read the deflationly bust of 2008-09 & decied that it was going to be DEFLATION, Not inflational like what Peter & co had said. He panic & jumped into Bed with "MISH" Whom was at War with Peter @ the time.
I didn't panic, i didn't stab Peter in the back (there was a que) i asked EJ to please explain to me want was happening & i quickly sussed this was temp flight to the dollar. I simply waited & bit by bit things recovered.
C. T.O.B:- This is possably the most disapointing thing in ages that happened for me. Keiser went on air before nations of the World & pro-claimed the British £ was about to get KILLED.
"He (Gordon Brown) doesn't have the $, the £ is not the World reserve cunnecy, this is going to be a Thing Of Beauty" (TOB) Oh how i rejoiced at the news, Gordon Brown was going to get stuffed by this & UK rates would rocket...........the £ recovered & has done (all thing considered) rather well.
D.:- the Dollar is 24 hours from Death!..........Even one on RT or Press TV was "surpised" by this statment........even more so that 48 Hours later the $ was getting STRONGER..........
So, where does this all lead us?
Well his Keiser-ness sez there is to be a "Mass Attack" On J P Morgan via everyone buying silver. I have silver, i bought it 3-4 years ago, perhaps Max will get it right THIS TIME?.....................May be?
We see, but the "Yuppy Fidel Castro" is fast running out of street cred.
Where do i start?
I like Max, but like so many in the blog-a-sphere he has a very inflated opinon about himself. I rather not spend time discussing his time on Wall st, just a few points like to make:-
A. His attempt to hijack a boycott of Coke a few years ago, even though many other had the same idea & in the A-rab world they were going to take down Coke because of American wars never went anywhere, you only have to see how usless the A-RABS are at wars to see this was a hope-less non starter.
B. Having failed @ Plan A he then goes with Peter Schiff/Marc Farber/Jim Rogers & of Course EJ...........This was a good plan, i came to the same conclusions.......Sadly he mis read the deflationly bust of 2008-09 & decied that it was going to be DEFLATION, Not inflational like what Peter & co had said. He panic & jumped into Bed with "MISH" Whom was at War with Peter @ the time.
I didn't panic, i didn't stab Peter in the back (there was a que) i asked EJ to please explain to me want was happening & i quickly sussed this was temp flight to the dollar. I simply waited & bit by bit things recovered.
C. T.O.B:- This is possably the most disapointing thing in ages that happened for me. Keiser went on air before nations of the World & pro-claimed the British £ was about to get KILLED.
"He (Gordon Brown) doesn't have the $, the £ is not the World reserve cunnecy, this is going to be a Thing Of Beauty" (TOB) Oh how i rejoiced at the news, Gordon Brown was going to get stuffed by this & UK rates would rocket...........the £ recovered & has done (all thing considered) rather well.
D.:- the Dollar is 24 hours from Death!..........Even one on RT or Press TV was "surpised" by this statment........even more so that 48 Hours later the $ was getting STRONGER..........
So, where does this all lead us?
Well his Keiser-ness sez there is to be a "Mass Attack" On J P Morgan via everyone buying silver. I have silver, i bought it 3-4 years ago, perhaps Max will get it right THIS TIME?.....................May be?
We see, but the "Yuppy Fidel Castro" is fast running out of street cred.