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"Opt Out"

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  • "Opt Out"

    Amazing how far this is going. Definitely psychological torture. More than 3 officers surrounding someone sounds ridiculous. Tarring up the ticket really shows no respect to the person. As one of these officers said to the guy "By buying the ticket you give up a lot of your Rights". Translation, "You have lost citizen status at the airport".

    Where is all this going????

    Israelis who are experts at finding terrorists at airports for some reason don't seem to have problems to do this in a sophisticated and tolerable way.
    Last edited by Shakespear; November 14, 2010, 03:48 AM.

  • #2
    Re: "Opt Out"

    Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
    Amazing how far this is going. Definitely psychological torture
    This reminds me in an odd way of basic training in the military, where they endeavor to take you apart and then reassemble you as an obedient cog in their machine. One is no longer a free, sovereign, responsible individual, but rather serial number so-and-so, SIR! It is also training the petty bureaucrats on the other side of this transaction to be petty tyrants, treating the populace like cattle.

    If only one per-cent resist, that's a pretty high "acceptance" rate, one that the authoritarian bastards would no doubt consider a success.

    The piece I haven't figured out yet is how the resistance of the airline pilots will play out. I half expect the pilots to get "bought out", and settle for an exemption just for themselves from this insult. Now if only the pilots for some airline would stand up and say "If you treat our passengers this way, we refuse to fly the plane", then I might have to invent an excuse to fly somewhere, just for the pleasure of buying a seat from that airline.

    However it plays out, this is all just one of many steps in gaining sufficient control over the American citizenry to insure that they won't protest too much as more of their wealth and liberty are stolen.
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #3
      Re: "Opt Out"

      Well today on several blogs I visited the "Opt Out" stories are cropping up like wild mushrooms. What they are doing in the US is just plane insane. Heck, there are other destinations where threats exists but people are treated like humans.

      Yes, I am also curious how the pilot does. Here is a story that is related to his story,

      Then there was this case of someone's mom going through this insane process. It really looks like de-humanization to the level I would have never imagined that could happen in the US.

      Pure Insanity by people way up who apparently just do not give a flip. To me it looks like a case of "We need to look busy". They are spending insane amounts of money on this "dog show" so it needs to LOOK GOOD.


      • #4
        Re: "Opt Out"

        Originally posted by Shakespear View Post

        . To me it looks like a case of "We need to look busy". They are spending insane amounts of money on this "dog show" so it needs to LOOK GOOD.

        Some months ago I saw a security expert call our TSA / homeland security operations "security theater". We've spent a gazillion dollars on this kabuki and watched without complaint as small but important pieces of our liberties get eroded away by our big new state security apparatus.

        Most folks I know still receive great comfort from this big show, believing that it is required and is effective.


        • #5
          Re: "Opt Out"

          Flight attendants need to raise a fuss about this, too. They put in the same number of hours in the air as pilots do, while getting paid much, much less.

          My husband and I stopped flying several years ago when we decided we could not/would not tolerate such an assault on our personal sovereignty.

          It isn't just the body searches, either. Realize that now you are not allowed to fly without showing your "papers", which are checked against a list that determines if you will be allowed to fly. I have strong memories of learning about the Soviet Union in 6th grade, hearing about how the poor Soviet citizens couldn't travel without government permission, and how the government spied on their every move and deed. We were told over and over how blessed and fortunate we were to live in a free country.

          Look at the bigger picture:

          We have the TSA, Homeland Security and the Patriot Act using the excuse of stopping terrorists to strip away our rights as citizens. We have cameras that can track our movements on foot and by car, spying on our electronic communications and banking transactions, all in the name of keeping society "Safe". At the same time, we have a Federal government that REFUSES TO SECURE OUR BORDER, and forbids the States to do so.

          Why can't the airports use bomb-sniffing dogs? Dogs can be trained to detect all kinds of things and don't cause cancer. But that would be too simple.

          So why is it that all the so-called security measures have to come at a cost to our Constitutionally-guaranteed freedom and liberty? Why is it that we are under so much scrutiny, but the bankster elite is not? Why is it that one of us will go to jail for making a joke, but the banksters can rape an entire country and destroy millions of lives, and get nary a hand slap?

          Because the government isn't really concerned about security! They are using this as an excuse to train the populace to be compliant sheep. They've even said that the purpose of the "enhanced pat-down" is not for added security, but to make the process so unpleasant that it will pressure people to submit to the naked X-ray.

          If they were really serious about our security, they would have deployed the military and citizen militias to seal our borders within two weeks of 9/11.

          Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.


          • #6
            Re: "Opt Out"

            I was listening to a call in radio show the other day. An airline pilot called in. He was one of those pilots who got the training and approval to carry a pistol in the cockpit. While going through security they of course allowed him to carry his weapon, but took away his nail clippers!


            • #7
              Re: "Opt Out"

              Why can't the airports use bomb-sniffing dogs? Dogs can be trained to detect all kinds of things and don't cause cancer. But that would be too simple.
              Glad you mentioned this as I have forgot about this article ,


              It is as obvious as day that this "airport show" is only to justify using the MOST EXPENSIVE (read profitable) method.


              • #8
                Re: "Opt Out"

                Originally posted by Shakespear View Post
                Glad you mentioned this as I have forgot about this article ,


                It is as obvious as day that this "airport show" is only to justify using the MOST EXPENSIVE (read profitable) method.
                Exactly. Its seems these days no government "solution" gets implemented unless somebody can find a way to make money off it. Our government has become a wealth creator for global corporations, not a servant of the people.


                • #9
                  Re: "Opt Out"

                  Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                  This reminds me in an odd way of basic training in the military, where they endeavor to take you apart and then reassemble you as an obedient cog...It is also training the petty bureaucrats on the other side of this transaction to be petty tyrants, treating the populace like cattle.
                  Dehumanization via Deindividuation. While useful in creating killers who act without thinking much, if at all about the consequences, such indoctrination creates members of society who will never-again quite fit in. Military, prison... different industries, similar doctrine and affect. I say this having lived with family, returned from various military conflicts, and simply "service".

                  Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                  If only one per-cent resist, that's a pretty high "acceptance" rate, one that the authoritarian bastards would no doubt consider a success.
                  Ever make the mistake of speaking up for yourself (e.g. when receiving poor service) after a cue has formed? Everyone would prefer you just take it, shut up, and let them have their turn. YOU, are the problem... not the poor service. Some in cue will even attempt to menace or harass. Its these Unlce Tom types who, whether they realize it or not are the problem.

                  Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                  However it plays out, this is all just one of many steps in gaining sufficient control over the American citizenry to insure that they won't protest too much as more of their wealth and liberty are stolen.
                  These times are quite sad. Rather than stand up for and defend thy neighbour, for what one believes in (or if only for the future chance that thy neighbour might return the favour), it seems that many would rather take thy neighbour down a peg, help in doing so, or look away, so as not to see it happening.

                  Each time another person or group is disenfranchised some part of me, perhaps perversely hopes to see the pitchforks come out. Yes... either the threat of violence, or violence itself.

                  I question what the reaction would be if there were civil disobedience & dissent... I hope it would be one of support & unity, but I fear that it would be: "sacrifice the troublemakers, and maybe my own burden will be made lighter"
                  Last edited by DToM67; November 14, 2010, 04:56 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: "Opt Out"

                    Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                    I was listening to a call in radio show the other day. An airline pilot called in. He was one of those pilots who got the training and approval to carry a pistol in the cockpit. While going through security they of course allowed him to carry his weapon, but took away his nail clippers!
                    Funny that so much time is spent checking pilots, seeing as how they are flying the plane and can crash it at will...

                    Im glad this post was started because this "security" is becoming insane and needless to say unconstitutional.
                    It is not even effective as already pointed out here. Any person can walk up to a line with 500 people waiting to go through screeners and blow themselves up. The intelligence work is where this will be prevented. And the intelligence was already in place to stop 9-11 yet no action was taken on tips. THe underwear bomber was ratted out by his own father to the embassy and nothing was done!

                    Here are some links of citizens trying to fight back:

                    Oh and just add, just another area were the Obama administration is more like the Bush administration... To those who think democrats stand up for civil rights, take note...

                    And one more thing, it is absolutely ridiculous that some common sense is not applied to these "pat downs". I highly doubt a 80 year old veteran in a wheel chair is a threat to bring the plane down or an 8 year old white kid. Fact is some "religions" tend to somehow produce more suicide bombers than other, by a large extent. Most of these suicide bombers come from a certain region in the world. It would not be a bad idea to use those statistics when making "extra" searches...


                    • #11
                      Re: "Opt Out"

                      Originally posted by tsetsefly View Post
                      Fact is some "religions" tend to somehow produce more suicide bombers than other, by a large extent. Most of these suicide bombers come from a certain region in the world. It would not be a bad idea to use those statistics when making "extra" searches...
                      If you believe what they tell us, that "certain" people are causing the problem and that the purpose of the increased tyranny is to protect us, then yes, this doesn't make sense.

                      But if you flip it around, and consider that perhaps the purpose of the increased tyranny is to control us, that the purpose of the apparent terrorist events is to justify that increased tyranny over us, and that the purpose of the "politically correct" imposition of this tyranny on everyone (even on the pilot's nail clippers) is to demonstrate that power of state tyranny applies equally to all of us, then it makes more sense.
                      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                      • #12
                        Re: "Opt Out"

                        Originally posted by tsetsefly View Post
                        Funny that so much time is spent checking pilots, seeing as how they are flying the plane and can crash it at will...

                        Im glad this post was started because this "security" is becoming insane and needless to say unconstitutional.
                        It is not even effective as already pointed out here. Any person can walk up to a line with 500 people waiting to go through screeners and blow themselves up. The intelligence work is where this will be prevented. And the intelligence was already in place to stop 9-11 yet no action was taken on tips. THe underwear bomber was ratted out by his own father to the embassy and nothing was done!

                        Here are some links of citizens trying to fight back:

                        Oh and just add, just another area were the Obama administration is more like the Bush administration... To those who think democrats stand up for civil rights, take note...

                        And one more thing, it is absolutely ridiculous that some common sense is not applied to these "pat downs". I highly doubt a 80 year old veteran in a wheel chair is a threat to bring the plane down or an 8 year old white kid. Fact is some "religions" tend to somehow produce more suicide bombers than other, by a large extent. Most of these suicide bombers come from a certain region in the world. It would not be a bad idea to use those statistics when making "extra" searches...
                        Dont worry man.... I'm 29, born and raised in the states and due to my family background and last name am on a watch list..... Funny thing is; i at one point was approved for top secret security clearance and declined the job offer... I will refuse to go through that scanner and make them pat me down just to piss them off.....

                        To call the TSA tards is to insult mentally handicapped folks...

                        Reminds me of a wise man who once said that those who would sacrifice personal liberty in pursuit of safety shall have neither....


                        • #13
                          Re: "Opt Out"

                          Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                          If you believe what they tell us, that "certain" people are causing the problem and that the purpose of the increased tyranny is to protect us, then yes, this doesn't make sense.

                          But if you flip it around, and consider that perhaps the purpose of the increased tyranny is to control us, that the purpose of the apparent terrorist events is to justify that increased tyranny over us, and that the purpose of the "politically correct" imposition of this tyranny on everyone (even on the pilot's nail clippers) is to demonstrate that power of state tyranny applies equally to all of us, then it makes more sense.
                          No, im criticizing the way security is handled all the way around. The charade and gross abuse of power shown at the airports (which doesn't) even work,should not be allowed. At the same time one can't be blind to statistics and the usual profile of a suicide bomber in handling airport security (be it doing background searches, or just some more questions at the airport).


                          • #14
                            Re: "Opt Out"

                            Originally posted by tsetsefly View Post
                            No, im criticizing the way security is handled all the way around.
                            I suspect my cynicism was a tad too subtle.

                            Yes, I appreciate that you were criticizing the way security is handled, and surely there is much to criticize.

                            I was suggesting that this whole bloody mess is a charade, a giant false flag. I was suggesting that the entire War on Terror was concocted, from the get-go, not by radical Muslims "angry at our freedoms", but rather by British-Israelie-American intelligence operatives as a cover story for increased domestic surveillance and control, and for increased foreign military aggression against non-cooperating nations.

                            My views on this matter are dark and sinister.

                            You have my permission to dismiss this post as the deranged work of a conspiratorial nut-job.
                            Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                            • #15
                              Re: "Opt Out"

                              Funny that so much time is spent checking pilots, seeing as how they are flying the plane and can crash it at will...
                              This is a Brilliant Observation tsetsefly. Bravo !!!!

                              And one more thing, it is absolutely ridiculous that some common sense is not applied to these "pat downs". I highly doubt a 80 year old veteran in a wheel chair is a threat to bring the plane down or an 8 year old white kid. Fact is some "religions" tend to somehow produce more suicide bombers than other, by a large extent. Most of these suicide bombers come from a certain region in the world. It would not be a bad idea to use those statistics when making "extra" searches...
                              tsetsefly, We know "they" know this. Israel I believe invented from ground up the profiling of passengers and elimination of the terrorist threat on planes. Tough to believe they check their pilots personal areas to make sure they are not sneaking anything on board. Anything is Possible but what matters is the Probability, hence you marshal your resources accordingly.

                              Oh and just add, just another area were the Obama administration is more like the Bush administration... To those who think democrats stand up for civil rights, take note...

