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ron paul calls for end of soc sec

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  • #61
    Re: ron paul calls for end of soc sec

    Originally posted by Ghent12 View Post
    "For-profit" anything works just fine in filling the needs of people in a general sense--are "for-profit" clothing manufacturers causing shortages in clothing? The problem is that we have too much corporatism in the health insurance industry. The health insurance industry grew to monstrous proportions slowly over decades because employers had the choice to give employees tax-free health benefits or taxed wages. Generations of bad tax policy have created this monster, not the profit motive.

    Do you know what the Obama healthcare plan will do? It will feed the beast, more than anything. Imagine you are selling a product that people need to live--food, water, shelter, clothing, medicine, healthcare, transportation, etc. Now imagine that the government gives you half a century of extraordinarily favorable tax policy. Now imagine that, in order to "make" your product to be readily available to all, the government forces the people to buy your product as a condition of simply living. The only two likely outcomes are that you either go out of business because producing the product to government specifications proves too costly or political action is enacted to take over your business because you are "gouging" your customers.
    When I opened my coin shop in Colorado Springs, my monthly bill for private health-insurance was about $80 per month for a family of five people, no-one sick, and no-one even over age 40. Four years later when I decided to move back to Canada, the bill was $600 per month, and again we were the exceptional family: no-one was sick, no-one had claims, and no-one was old.

    Get the picture: $80 >>>>>> $600 per month in four years. The private and for-profit health insurance industry is a racket, and that racket has lobbyists who pay bribes to the U.S. Congress for their re-election campaigns. This is part of the reason why America is now in total decline. America can not change with the times, and it can not adapt. Its Congress represents corporate interests and not the interests of the people.

    Connect the dots, and tell your friends in the South. Have your friends, including your hero, Ron Paul from Texas, read every one of my twenty-five letters to the editor that were published in the Colorado Springs, Gazette Telegraph. I was in Colo. Spgs. from 1987 to 1991. The letters were sent from Elbert, Colorado to the Gazette Telegraph, and I even sent some of the letters to representatives in the U.S. Congress at the time. I even sent one letter to Sen. Edward Kennedy, and he agreed with me about what a failure and a racket U.S. for-profit private health-insurance industry was. One of my letters published in the GT raised the proposal to get rid of mortgage income-tax deductions for home-owners, as a way to pay for socialized- medicine or national health insurance in the U.S.


    • #62
      Re: ron paul calls for end of soc sec

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      When I opened my coin shop in Colorado Springs, my monthly bill for private health-insurance was about $80 per month for a family of five people, no-one sick, and no-one even over age 40. Four years later when I decided to move back to Canada, the bill was $600 per month, and again we were the exceptional family: no-one was sick, no-one had claims, and no-one was old.

      Get the picture: $80 >>>>>> $600 per month in four years. The private and for-profit health insurance industry is a racket, and that racket has lobbyists who pay bribes to the U.S. Congress for their re-election campaigns. This is part of the reason why America is now in total decline. America can not change with the times, and it can not adapt. Its Congress represents corporate interests and not the interests of the people.

      Connect the dots, and tell your friends in the South. Have your friends, including your hero, Ron Paul from Texas, read every one of my twenty-five letters to the editor that were published in the Colorado Springs, Gazette Telegraph. I was in Colo. Spgs. from 1987 to 1991. The letters were sent from Elbert, Colorado to the Gazette Telegraph, and I even sent some of the letters to representatives in the U.S. Congress at the time. I even sent one letter to Sen. Edward Kennedy, and he agreed with me about what a failure and a racket U.S. for-profit private health-insurance industry was. One of my letters published in the GT raised the proposal to get rid of mortgage income-tax deductions for home-owners, as a way to pay for socialized- medicine or national health insurance in the U.S.
      I find a great deal of agreement with what you say, but I have a totally different perspective. The health insurance industry is indeed a racket, but how did it get this way? They captured Washington, and we should hold Washington accountable. Instead, we have "elected" to do the opposite by having ObamaCare pass--we have given the keys to the city directly to the health insurance industry and learned nothing about the problems caused by in-your-face fascism. This form of fascism will die a horrible death, and we will all be the collateral damage from it in the form of our standards of living--to include health care--will noticeably decrease.

      I believe that you are blaming the wrong person. If you give (and not just give, but shove) a sports car and booze to an average 15 year old, you should not be surprised if he gets himself killed and/or his car totaled. Stop blaming just the "for profit" health insurance industry. Every private company is that 15 year old--they act predictably on certain stimulus and unless they are very disciplined, they will get into trouble with too much stimulation. However, the government in this example is not the parent; the government is a nerdy 15 year old that thinks they know the answer to everything. We the people are the parents, and we the people need to hold both government and the insurance companies accountable. Giving those same keys to a different immature entity will not result in much of a different outcome.


      • #63
        Re: ron paul calls for end of soc sec

        Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
        Are you saying that it is necessary to remove the social security system sometime, or that it is necessary to remove it right now, forthwith, immediately?

        If we remove it right now, that does great and immoral harm to many poor old people depending on it to eat. It would be, speaking bluntly, genocidal murder.

        I hope you are not suggesting we should cancel all Social Security payments immediately.
        Obviously, other things should be cut first. But, the political reality is such that it is easier to commit genocidal murder of old white people, who are all evil racists anyway, than to starve the oppressed huddled masses who live on welfare instead of working. Need I even discuss debt payments?

        Personally, I'm torn on the issue of my elders. They were mostly fools who listened to endless lies and accepted them without question. We were the most powerful nation on earth and it was all squandered within a lifetime. And many of these old people committed genocide themselves, but not having enough children and leaving the rest of us as a dwindling minority in an increasingly hostile world.

        But my point is the word *system*. All of these systems we discuss here, every political issue, whether it is financial reform, tax reform, social security, racism reform, sexism reform, and all such actions - they ALL require complex systems that operate above and outside normal human interaction and that will soon cease to exist.

        The truth is that those old people who took care of their children in the way parents should will be fine. Those parents who had children out of animal instinct, stupidity, or narcissism and simply wrote them checks while Johnny smoked dope all day and Jenny turned into a whore will die alone. We all must live with the consequences of our decisions. But you can't stop the present body politic, which will sacrifice these aging hippies on the alter of liberalism and realpolitik. I feel sorry for most of them, but for many their future will lie in group homes with barracks style accommodations. Some will probably die, but most won't. And more than a few will have their children to help them.

        The future will be one of traditional culture, i.e. the ways humans have lived since the dawn of civilization. In general, those who most deviated from traditional culture will fare the worst as they are most dependent upon the bureaucratic managerial state, of which social security is just one part.


        • #64
          Re: ron paul calls for end of soc sec

          Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
          Well, there are also those who send in 80K and get back 20K, if that. Black men, out of various possible groups, get one of the shortest ends of the stick. They work most of their lives, sometimes paying in more in FICA (Social Security) than in income tax (especially when you consider the employer's matching "contribution"), only to die, on average, not long after they retire.

          Sure (even given that some pay in more than they get) the numbers don't add up. But that's not a big deal. If we stopped all Federal programs that were not self-funding, we wouldn't have much of a Federal government left (hmmm ... I should think about that possibility further.)
          Cow I love you but drill down just a little more on the SS payments. The 20k in and 80k out is 8 to 1 over 80k in and 20k out. I have done my part over the last 30 years for SS - max payments in and I'm 55 do you think that I may see a dime ;-0 I don't either. Hey I'm a giver

