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The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

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  • #16
    Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

    Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
    I'm betting better than even odds on breaking scandals leading to impeachment or resignation. Democrat leadership will turn on him (Obama) ...
    I just got done listening to a snippet of Glenn Beck that Karl Denninger posted at Glenn Beck And The FOMC... MUST SEE.

    I was wrong. Obama doesn't go yet.

    My prediction above was based on speculations as to what some Democrat or Republic politicians might want. But as most Tin Foil Hat Conspiracists know, and quite a few others suspect, politicians don't decide this game.

    Obama has many vulnerabilities. More than any other President in my memory, his past has been hidden from us, for good reasons I presume.

    But in the world of international power, the vulnerable don't go at a time determined by their weakness. They go when the strong decide to take them down.

    Listening to Glenn Beck, I was asking myself why a major commentator on the network (Fox) with the biggest politically involved audience is now warning his viewers to stock up on food and spend time with the family. Why is Beck allowed, given a grand soap box to stand on, to warn his viewers of some impending collapse.

    Beck spells out this collapse with examples of McDonald's closing in Iceland and with warnings that a massive collapse would only take 15 days from start to a grand collapse. He personifies the evil doer behind this collapse with images of George Soros and warnings of the "hands" behind the puppet show of the elections we just witnessed in the U.S. Beck paints a scary picture.

    Why? Beck is not alone here. The 10 or 20 percent of the population that can be expected to be watching out for future dangers and preparing themselves and their family and friends are stocking food and water, sniffing at gold and silver and preparing for hard times. There is a significant sub-thread of the messages in the main stream media sounding alarms.

    Why is such a warning message allowed, even encouraged, anywhere near a major controlled medium?

    Here's why.

    Every group of people, every nation, has its few guard dogs and its many sheep. Most go through the details of their daily lives, heads down. A few stand guard, watching and preparing for possible dangers. When necessary the guards sound the alarm and arouse the others to action.

    Our nations guard dogs are being guided to tend for themselves and their immediate families when an economic crisis hits. They are being guided to be leery of the larger community, to avoid it and keep their heads down. You never know ... there might be a heavily armed SWAT team out there if you get out of line too far. Don't lead, don't try to guide the rest of the community to resist and survive, just keep your head down, stock up food and water and spend time with your family. If you have guns, use them to protect your home from the unprepared and unworthy rioting masses. Don't even consider trying to lead an armed rebellion; that would be quite hopeless anyway.

    It is part of Obama's job to diminish the pride and honor that American's have for their country. Carter might have had a similar role in his time. The message is that there is nothing to fight for here, guard dogs. Stand down, button up your sweater and survive on your stashed rations. You'll get through this. But do not alarm, do not lead your communities. Let us lead the sheep and cattle to their destiny. Let us place yet one more nation, the once greatest nation on earth, in debt slavery.

    At some point, perhaps in the next year or two, the stage settings will change.

    Presently they are piling up as much U.S. Treasury debt and promises as they can short of alarming the populace excessively. I'll have to give them credit here. Between Fannie, Freddie, FHA, FDIC, state and local governments, Medicare and Social Security and big banks, the U.S. national debt (present and promised, acknowledged and stealth) is growing at a truly awesome rate.

    At some point, the mood of the background music will shift and the stage settings will change. Some crisis event, perhaps yet another damnable false flag casus belli or perhaps arising from the awesome size of the U.S. national debt, will be intentionally used to arouse the sheep to panic, the better to herd them into the crowded pens of debt slavery. Likely some big shots will be made the villains; quite possibly Obama will lead the list of villains. It's a lot easier to enrage the masses against a person than against some organization or concept. Or perhaps another nation (China?) or external group (Terrorists?) will be made the villain, though it seems to me that Americans have tired of that gambit for now.

    If the villain is Obama, he could fail politically, as Carter did, or he could be driven from office by pending or actual impeachment, as Nixon was.

    Obama leaves the stage when the playwright decides Obama should leave the stage, as part of the larger dramatic timing.

    Meanwhile this old guard dog (that looks oddly like a cow) is feeling sad. I'm preparing to batten down the hatches and ride out the storm with my Berkey water filter and my stash of rice and beans ... as the community about me goes to hell in a securitized debt financed basket. That's not doing my job.

    EJ and Chris may think their job is to build a better community and a healthier economy. That's not how I see my job. My job is to chase the damn wolves off the land first, or else no good will come of any of this. I'm not doing my job.
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #17
      Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

      Dear Cow,

      With all due respect, as you are easily one of the most thoughtful people here on iTulip and certainly one of the most eager to engage in civil and thought-provoking conversation, but (and yes, it's THAT kind of but): Glenn Beck? Come on, there's no there there, no truths to be unearthed or wisdoms to be received. He's a fear-monger, a hopeless and pathetic doomer, an apocalyptic messiah that could only have an audience in an Age of Unreason like ours. His role is to provoke and cultivate fear and paranoia among the disenfranchised, thus generating TV ratings -- and nothing else.


      • #18
        Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

        Originally posted by Chomsky View Post
        Glenn Beck?
        Thank-you for the kind words, Chomsky.

        I was listening to Glenn Beck as a doctor looks at a skin rash ... as another opportunity to observe the symptoms of what ails us.

        Though he's but a hapless fool, he's playing a bit larger role than just generating ratings. He's more than just the sexy girls on Page 3 of The Sun. He seems to be allowed and encouraged his fear monger role as part of a larger dynamic. I was analyzing that dynamic.
        Most folks are good; a few aren't.


        • #19
          Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !


          • #20
            Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !


            Forget the messenger whether it is Beck, Celente etc, your perception is reality. You are doing contingency planning- probability and impact of a collapse are strong. You don't have to be an economist to understand devalued dollar will have more than inflation effects but rather interesting geopolitical consequences. The World Bank, IMF and the Financial Stability Board are organizations in-waiting.


            • #21
              Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

              IT'S A CONSPIRACY
              An easy and amusing rejoinder, yes. (But how did you get a picture of my keyboard -- have you hidden a camera in the ceiling of my Texas Trailer?)

              But that way lies not understanding.
              Most folks are good; a few aren't.


              • #22
                Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

                Originally posted by jpetr48 View Post
                Forget the messenger whether it is Beck, Celente etc, your perception is reality. You are doing contingency planning- probability and impact of a collapse are strong.
                I agree that probability of a collapse is strong, and that it doesn't matter whether I listen to Beck or Celente or neither to figure that out.

                I wasn't listening to Beck for his analysis. He's obviously a shill, and about the only questions of interest regarding him are for whom he is shilling and to what purpose. I began with him as it was while listening to him that I happened on an interesting perspective (not one he intended or would recognize, I'm sure.)

                I probably should not even have mentioned Beck in my post. It's been like waving a red flag in front of a herd of bulls.

                Perhaps some readers will get to the second half of my long post above, perhaps not. There is always that risk when posting too long a post.

                My main point this last week has been that the U.S. is being maneuvered into paying a high proportion of its tax revenues on long maturity, high yield Treasuries bought cheap (with our own Treasury debt funded bailouts no less!) and held by a small number of wealthy families and their favorite banks. Such indebtedness will not only provide a fine source of income to its lenders, but will also (I should have mentioned this earlier) provide a useful lever of control over the debtor (the U.S. and its taxpayers.)

                My main point in my long post above today was that the fear mongering that's being aimed at societies watch dogs is being done to call off the dogs, getting them to focus on survival for themselves rather than on alerting their communities. Flipping from quietly (as quietly as possible, given the Trillions involved) piling up Treasury debt, to the next phase of cramming its price down (yield up) so as to enable long Treasuries to be bought cheap, will be a potentially dangerous and violent maneuver. It's best to call off the guard dogs first ... even better ... train the watch dogs to run to their kennel and guard their stash of spare dog bones at the sound of danger!

                Extra added bonus thought: the present fear mongering (of Beck, Celente, et al) also increases the general anxiety level of the general population, the sheeple. This will make it easier to drive the entire flock of sheep all off the White Cliffs of Dover Debt when the time comes for the grand debt crisis.

                Notice, notice once again, how all those sounding the alarm are urging people to take care for themselves and their immediate families. The community is viewed as but a source of dangerous rioters when a crisis hits, not as fellow citizens with whom to join in defending the common liberty of the people. Where are the Thomas Paine's, the Patrick Henry's, the George Washington's, the Benjamin Franklin's, the Thomas Jefferson's, the John Adam's ... those who would arouse a nation? They are no where to be found.
                Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                • #23
                  Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

                  Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                  Notice, notice once again, how all those sounding the alarm are urging people to take care for themselves and their immediate families. The community is viewed as but a source of dangerous rioters when a crisis hits, not as fellow citizens with whom to join in defending the common liberty of the people. Where are the Thomas Paine's, the Patrick Henry's, the George Washington's, the Benjamin Franklin's, the Thomas Jefferson's, the John Adam's ... those who would arouse a nation? They are no where to be found.
                  Now is the time for all good Bovines to moo for their country.....

                  OK, couldn't resist there. But honestly, I think there are several reasons why the US is complacent.

                  1 ) Many are convinced this is a "normal" although harsher recession. They don't understand that we are in a completely different game. I mention owning gold and most people look at me like the eccentric uncle in the room. A few have asked how to buy it, but *none* (none!) have actually gone through with it. This is even though I was warning about the housing bubble and upcoming crash for years (thanks to EJ and other sites). You'd think I'd have some credibility.
                  2 ) The US has been in growth mode and on top for as long as anyone can remember. This is a critical mental block to break and many people while they might intellectually be made to articulate it, still haven't really accepted that this may be over (or dramatically changing)
                  3 ) What's the last major protest/strike (that wasn't simply for show) that you remember? Might it be the air traffic controller strike? Which was broken.
                  4 ) There still isn't a sense of crisis. There was in 2008/2009 -- unfortunately right at the time of government transition, and that got wasted (and we got screwed over by TPTB)
                  5 ) Major media is completely under the foot of TPTB. The information is out there, but you have to look for it and find it. Most people aren't up to that. We're drowning in information -- at times I wonder if that isn't deliberate.


                  • #24
                    Re: The Dem-o-crats are getting K I L L E D !

                    I agree with your ruminations, jpatter.

                    Yes, we are drowning in information, misinformation and deception.

                    Yes, it is deliberate.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.

