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"It doesn't have to be like that"

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  • "It doesn't have to be like that"

    I apologizes in advance - it not news, its truth so search for it yourself.
    I just watched a BBC program called
    "Obama's America part 2 - End of a Dream'.
    I live in the ass end of the World so I can send you a link because it is not permitted. MR Cow If you would please.

    So many truths, so many Lies, so little action, such small balls......
    But they forgot that in business you have assets and liabilities and in the USA the people are the hard asset and the Liabilities have yet to be dealt with once (If) someone grows a pair

  • #2
    Re: "It doesn't have to be like that"

    Originally posted by thunderdownunder View Post
    ... a BBC program called
    "Obama's America part 2 - End of a Dream'.
    I live in the ass end of the World so I can send you a link because it is not permitted. MR Cow If you would please.
    Sorry, matey, but Her Majesty doesn't deem us upstart rebel Yanks anymore worthy of linkage than you chaps down under.

    All I could find is
    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


    • #3
      Re: "It doesn't have to be like that"

      Oh, and there is a longer review of it at Glee: it's a musical comedy-drama full of misfits, but you'll need a higher tolerance for Brit humor than I have to make it all the way through this review, I'm afraid.

      P.S. -- Well I found the BBC page for it finally.

      The first part of this two part series is at Obama's America - Part One (BBC). It has embedded video that I can see.

      The second part you referred to is at Obama's America - The End of the Dream (BBC). It has an embedded audio track, but does not provide me the video.

      For the video of Part Two, it seems you'll need the bittorrent or download links in the prior post.
      Last edited by ThePythonicCow; October 27, 2010, 08:52 PM.
      Most folks are good; a few aren't.

