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Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

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  • Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

    Fortunes will be made ... and lost....

    26 October 2010

    CFTC Commissioner Raises Alarm Over Silver Market Manipulation

    The manipulation in the silver market with two or three banks holding enormous undeliverable short positions was obvious, for years.

    The CFTC was complicit in turning a blind eye to this, stonewalling and whitewashing the corruption, as were many market commentators and participants. Ted Butler and GATA did a wonderful job of highlighting this enormous fraud but were ignored and even vilified for the past twelve years in the same vein as whistle blower Harry Markopolos was in raising concerns about Madoff's investment scheme.

    Bart Chilton is speaking out as he said a few weeks ago he would if the CFTC was not making progress in correct this travesty. This is the sort of reform that the people were seeking when they swept the Democrats into office, a reform which they never received.

    This obviously should be investigated by an independent body, given the regulatory capture held by the banks who manipulated the market to the detriment of the world in suppressing prices and creating an artificial shortage that will be painful to unwind.

    This is not a partisan issue, but involves politicians of both parties going back twenty years or more, in both London and New York. And the corruption is pervasive and ongoing in multiple US finanical and commodity markets. The regulators and ratings agencies have not been doing their jobs.

    Some will attempt to dismiss what Mr. Chilton is saying here as inconclusive. Keep in mind that he is a high profile CFTC official, and what he says comes through a 50,000 watt megaphone, so he must choose his words with great care. But this is almost unprecedented for an official to speak out against his own administration.

    The response to these sorts of revelations seem to be a blanket of media silence and whispered character assassination, which is the mark in trade of those who have no sense of duty, honor, and country. Their crime is betrayal of the public trust, and the public's fault is apathetic complicity. 'Silver did not rally on the news, it must not be significant. I did not hear about this on television, so it must not be true.'

    But the dominos are starting to fall, and more revelations are to come.
    CFTC's Chilton raises alarm about silver market
    Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:30am EDT

    Oct 26 (Reuters) - There have been repeated attempts to influence prices in silver markets, Bart Chilton, a commissioner at the U.S. futures regulator, said on Tuesday.

    "There have been fraudulent efforts to persuade and deviously control that price," Chilton said in prepared remarks before a Commodity Futures Trading Commission meeting.

    Chilton said he could not pre-judge the outcome of the CFTC's ongoing investigation of the silver markets, but said public deserves some answers to their concerns.
    Gold and silver are no bubbles. It is a like a Ponzi scheme in reverse that goes back for decades, that has sold many more ounces of metal than can possibly be delivered at today's artificially low prices, that was tolerated and even promoted by those who were running a monetary control fraud, quite probably the greatest in history. The banks and insiders are trapped and desperate, trying to bluff and buy themselves out of another fraud yet again. They will never give up, but will have to be rooted out. It is unlikely that reform can come from within, since the righteous anger of the people and the will to change will be co-opted by those very forces that have manipulated the system and perpetrated the fraud.

    Fortunes will be made and lost, and careers ruined, as the revelations of manipulation and corruption are made over the next ten years. And this will make for dangerous times, as an empire of deceit collapses not at once, but in stages. Most people are caught up in their own web of petty diversions, apathetic cynicism and denial, but the tide has turned and change is in the wind.

    Banks short 20,000 tonnes of gold.

    "A single breaker may recede; but the tide is evidently coming in."
    Thomas B. Macaulay


  • #2
    Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

    Why does this feel like a bull trap? A short cover rally would be exciting.


    • #3
      Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

      Bart Chilton - when ever any government bureaucrat - that looks like a surfer - claims to have inside knowlege market manipulation - I have to believe this is B/S. Bart back ground reads like a typical Government hack - if you've seen this guy speak - you would not be impressed - checkout is Bio below:

      Chilton was formerly the chief of staff and vice president for government relations at the National Farmers Union, one of the oldest and largest U.S. trade associations.
      In 2005, Chilton was a Schedule C political appointee of President Bush at the U.S. Farm Credit Administration where he served as an executive assistant to the board. From 2001-2005, he was a senior advisor to Senator Tom Daschle, Democrat leader of the U.S. Senate, where he worked on issues including, but not limited to, agriculture and transportation policy.
      From 1995-2001, Chilton was a Schedule C political appointee of President Clinton where he rose to deputy chief of staff to U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Dan Glickman. In this role, he became a member of the Senior Executive Service (SES), government executives selected for their leadership qualifications to serve in the key positions just below the top Presidential appointees. As an SES member, Chilton served as a major link between Secretary Glickman and the rest of the federal work force at USDA.
      From 1985-1995, he worked in the U.S. House of Representatives as legislative director for three different members of Congress on Capitol Hill. He also worked in the U.S. House as the executive director of the bipartisan Congressional Rural Caucus.
      Chilton previously served on the board of directors of Bion Environmental Technologies, and the Association of Family Farms – where he also served on the executive committee and as treasurer.


      • #4
        Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!



        • #5
          Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

          I read Jesse. He is thoughtful and seems to have real integrity (a rare commodity). But who is he. I feel like he posts here as sometimes.


          • #6
            Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

            Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
            I read Jesse. He is thoughtful and seems to have real integrity (a rare commodity). But who is he. I feel like he posts here as sometimes.
            He does post here, infrequently:



            • #7
              Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

              Originally posted by goadam1 View Post
              I read Jesse. He is thoughtful and seems to have real integrity (a rare commodity). But who is he. I feel like he posts here as sometimes.
              Yes, he posts here, infrequently. His login name is Jesse.

              (Chomsky - the search you posted for Jesse's posts comes up empty.)
              Most folks are good; a few aren't.


              • #8
                Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

                Originally posted by don View Post
                Fortunes will be made ... and lost....

                26 October 2010

                Hey that a La-Z-boy reclining saddle that the Lone Ranger is using?

                Man, he's getting soft in his old age...but then aren't we all...


                • #9
                  Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

                  Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                  Yes, he posts here, infrequently. His login name is Jesse.

                  (Chomsky - the search you posted for Jesse's posts comes up empty.)

                  Not for me it doesn't.


                  • #10
                    Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

                    Originally posted by Chomsky View Post
                    Not for me it doesn't.
                    Comes up empty for me as well. Maybe you have certain access rights?


                    • #11
                      Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

                      Putting aside my skepticism on Ted Butler, suppose the system really has been corrupted (I did just as an exercise) and everything Butler writes is true.

                      THEN ... the reason the investigation took so long was the CFTC was ignoring any manipulation by the shorts and was searching as hard as possible for manipulative longs.

                      Any charges CFTC is going to level are against longs.
                      QED (If you buy the premise of corruption)

                      Nothing that Chilton's reported to have said changes this line of reasoning. What side does CFTC think was manipulating, longs or shorts? In the report, there's no clue.

                      IMHO It's possible CFTC will level no charges against any shorts and will in fact charge a long or 2. (I'm hoping it's a remote possibility, but considering what happened with Judge George Painter recently ... what goes on without a loud mouth dumb ass judge spilling the beans? (edit: this would be Levine - who spilled the beans to Painter; this sentence's previous version could be easily and wrongly read to mean Painter's the dumbass))

                      Originally posted by don View Post
                      Fortunes will be made ... and lost....

                      26 October 2010

                      CFTC Commissioner Raises Alarm Over Silver Market Manipulation

                      Last edited by Spartacus; October 27, 2010, 05:08 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

                        I don't know how to judge bios of US public servants.

                        I haven't heard Chilton, but the issue you raise is problematic ... laboratory studies repeatedly show people put too much weight on this and it's a bad way to judge truth and/or accuracy.

                        The legal profession is just one that is coming to grips with the idea that a convincing speaker (witness) is not any better than a wishy washy one. The number of cases where a jury convicted due to a convincing witness and the convict was later overturned is alarming.

                        Butler has complained a bunch of times over the last 20 years and all the replying commissioners have sent him back a list of reasons to be bearish on Silver.

                        End of story, as far as CFTC was concerned. Before Chilton, it was "read letter, dismiss, send weak - ass reply" .

                        Chilton was the first to look at the issue seriously.

                        Originally posted by BK View Post
                        Bart Chilton - when ever any government bureaucrat - that looks like a surfer - claims to have inside knowlege market manipulation - I have to believe this is B/S. Bart back ground reads like a typical Government hack - if you've seen this guy speak - you would not be impressed - checkout is Bio below:


                        • #13
                          Re: Hi Ho, Silver, Away!

                          Originally posted by Spartacus View Post
                          Putting aside my skepticism on Ted Butler, suppose the system really has been corrupted (I did just as an exercise) and everything Butler writes is true.

                          THEN ... the reason the investigation took so long was the CFTC was ignoring any manipulation by the shorts and was searching as hard as possible for manipulative longs.

                          Any charges CFTC is going to level are against longs.
                          QED (If you buy the premise of corruption)

                          Nothing that Chilton's reported to have said changes this line of reasoning. What side does CFTC think was manipulating, longs or shorts? In the report, there's no clue.

                          IMHO It's possible CFTC will level no charges against any shorts and will in fact charge a long or 2. (I'm hoping it's a remote possibility, but considering what happened with Judge George Painter recently ... what goes on without a loud mouth dumb ass judge spilling the beans? (edit: this would be Levine - who spilled the beans to Painter; this sentence's previous version could be easily and wrongly read to mean Painter's the dumbass))

                          JPM, HSBC Sued For Silver Market Manipulation, Reaping Billions In Illegal Profits


