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Wikileaks releases 390K plus classified documents on Iraq war

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  • #16
    Re: Wikileaks releases 390K plus classified documents on Iraq war

    Originally posted by DToM67 View Post
    Being that anyone can be 'gotten to', its not beyond the pale that Wikileaks could be compromised - personnel, its data, or both.

    If Wikileaks is a credible non-anointed source, then there would be need to compromise them. So... if Wikileaks isn't already infiltrated, one would have to believe that its in the works.

    Whose interests are best served if Wikileaks credibility is brought into question?
    1. Is Wikileaks legitimate (or has it always been a spook outfit)?
    2. If legitimate, has Wikileaks been compromised?
    3. Was the recent document leak legit, or filled with planted falsified documents?

    The military industrial complex/MSM/bankster/oligarchy is served by all of the above.
    How are they served by the first one? Additionally, even if they are served by that one, that doesn't necessarily mean diddly.

    The simple fact is that the larger the secret or secretive organization, the weaker it is with regards to keeping secrets. The US intelligence business is only recently a very, very large secretive organization. It makes no sense that "they" would intentionally leak this stuff, especially with regards to torture and civilian deaths, for "their" benefit; but it is very believable that one of the thousands with access would leak it intentionally for their own purposes.

    I am beginning to dislike conspiracy theorists because of their utter simplicity. Sometimes a spade is just a spade, but some people are just outright convinced that only this mysterious "they" can ever do anything of note, and are in complete control of seemingly every situation. It's the same with JFK, the Moon Landing, the OKC bombing, the 9/11 attacks, and now this leak. C'est la vie...

