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1 in 5 Mortgages will default

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  • 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

    A leading mortgage analyst predicts over 11 million homeowners will default and lose their home if the government fails to take more radical intervention.

    Amherst Securities Group LP, one of the most respected names in mortgage research, has trumpeted an ambitious call-to-government arms in its October mortgage report.

    “The death spiral of lower home prices, more borrowers underwater, higher transition rates (to default), more distressed sales and lower home prices must be arrested.”

    The authors dismiss recent talk of mortgage performance improvement as statistical sleight-of-hand magically conjured by modifications.

    “This ‘improvement’ (in mortgage performance) simply reflects large scale modification activity having served to artificially lower the delinquency rate” (Please see the chart above of mortgage balances delinquent and re-performing. All charts in this post are from “Amherst Mortgage Insight” dated October 1, 2010.).

    The report offers an astounding forecast of the fate of severe negative-equity properties. Nineteen percent of properties with a loan-to-value (LTV) of 120% or greater are defaulting every year. A death-defying 75% of mortgages on 120% LTV properties will eventually go bad (19% + 19% + 19%, …).

    The current crop of mortgages is already “impaired” at the one-of-five level. Nine of 100 are seriously delinquent. Six of 100 are “dirty current” (made current by modification). Five of 100 are seriously underwater (LTV greater than 120%) (Please see the chart above categorizing the forecast of 11 million defaults.).

    The authors, who describe current conditions as leading to “an impossible number” of defaults and one that is “politically unfeasible”, unveil a major arms race of measures to counteract the default tide.

    The solutions include mandatory principal reductions, looser underwriting of new mortgage loans, leveraged capital pools for investors, and penalties for defaulting homeowners. Amherst reports that a family who defaults can live rent-free for 20 months on average. They propose that missed mortgage payments, including property taxes and insurance, be counted as W2 income.

    They make note of recent new signs of distress including two record-low readings of existing home sales in the last two reports. Another block is that underwriting standards have grown much stricter at Fannie and Freddie. Only 2% of Freddie purchases are now bad-credit borrowers where they represented about 20% of borrowers in 2006. FHA purchase mortgages, however, which have by definition much more lenient lending guidelines, have exploded upwards from roughly 10% of their lending in 2006 to more than 50% today.

    The buyer pool is also compromised by the fact that 17% of borrowers now have a seriously compromised credit history. After mortgage default a typical wait-time to qualify again is anywhere from 3 to 7 years. One of the more desperate measures suggested by the authors seeks a new mortgage for those who are now behind or in danger of failing. “This (default) can be fixed by re-qualifying borrowers who are in a home they can’t afford into one they can afford.”
    1 in 5 will default and they want to make default a taxable event (once foreclosure occurs it already is), but they want to make the missed payments as W2 income... Who are these heartless bastards? If this isnt debt slavery i dont know what is!!!

    Its either pay your bank or the govt will force you to pay! Since when is the govt the banks debt enforcer! Next thing you know the IRS will come break your legs when you fall behind on your payments.

  • #2
    Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

    It could also be like UK where a bank can steal your home for not paying an un-related unsecured loan.


    • #3
      Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

      Why shouldn't dead-beats have to pay? Why would it be an imposition if dead-beats were presented with a bill for the costs of the damages they caused? Why shouldn't dead-beats have to pay income tax on their missed rent or missed mortgage payments? Why should others have to pay to support the dead-beats?

      No-one should be entitled to anything unless they pay for it through taxation or through rent or through amortization of debt as in a mortgage. There is no free lunch in this world because there is no free energy in this world. Everything costs, and everyone has to pay..... Discovering this fact-of-life (this law of nature) is part of growing-up and rejecting pot-head or hippie economics.
      Last edited by Starving Steve; October 07, 2010, 01:02 PM.


      • #4
        Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

        Yes, 1 in 5 will default. Then those homes will eventually be resold at a lower price and this will help prices re-set to a reasonable level. So that later on, some of those who lost their home will be able to buy another back at a price they can afford. The ones who really get the raw deal are the ones who pay their mortgage, even though they have lost thousands in equity with the recession. I am against making default a taxable offense( though living rent free for 20 months is a huge benefit), but I don't see why broke people so desperately want to hang on to a home that they can't afford to pay for. I think we have just become conditioned to accept massive debt as a way of life.

        Most who are truly destitute will owe little taxes anyway, despite making this "free rent" taxable. I suppose it is meant more to catch those who are trying to game the system. Investor types who pocket the rent money instead of paying mortgages, ten cent millionaires who bought the mansion then saw it all blow up. That type. I know more than a few of these types. But I agree, I don't want Uncle Sam involved in debt collection.


        • #5
          Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
          Why shouldn't dead-beats have to pay? Why would it be an imposition if dead-beats were presented with a bill for the costs of the damages they caused? Why shouldn't dead-beats have to pay income tax on their missed rent or missed mortgage payments? Why should others have to pay to support the dead-beats?

          No-one should be entitled to anything unless they pay for it through taxation or through rent or through amortization of debt as in a mortgage. There is no free lunch in this world because there is no free energy in this world. Everything costs, and everyone has to pay..... Discovering this fact-of-life (this law of nature) is part of growing-up and rejecting pot-head or hippie economics.
          Since when is it the govt job to collect private debts? Thats what i am saying... You replace a private debt with a public debt that can put you in jail.... This isnt even about rent... This is saying if your too poor to pay your mortgage that mortgage payment that you couldnt afford in the first place now becomes income! Thats slavery! You cant even get out of debt on a debt you legitimately cant pay. This will push many folks barely on the edge and trying to get by into bankruptcy.


          • #6
            Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

            My understanding of the tax implications of default is different ( though I'm an engineer, NOT an accountant)

            When you default, the money you borrowed for your house changes instantly into income and is taxable.
            After all, you got that money from someone and won't be paying it back, and the IRS doesn't care if you spent it on vacations or groceries or a building.
            So if you defaulted on a $200,000 mortgage balance, you owe taxes on $200,000 of income, which would wash out to about $30,000 of taxes for most working folks.
            And you can't escape a tax liability with bankruptcy, it haunts you forever.

            Perhaps our actual accountants or attorneys can clear me up on this.


            • #7
              Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

              Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
              Since when is it the govt job to collect private debts?
              It is the government's job to judicially enforce contracts and/or resolve contract disputes, but I agree with you that the gov should not be involved in the collection of debt from one private party to another.

              Let's ask ourselves who actually owns the debt instrument in these cases? Fannie and Freddie? The Fed via MBS'? Big banks who have the implicit backstop of the Fed gov? In other words, the gov has by its own actions become essentially responsible for all the bad debt, and the gov will get it's money from the population at large (taxation or inflation).

              The solution of course is and has always been, don't have the gov backstop debt between private parties as it generates moral hazard which is only accelerating at present. Dissolve Fannie and Freddie and put the banks on their own, and let the banks try and collect on the defaults, and let them take their losses and go bankrupt. And while we're at it, abolish the Fed banking cartel once and for all.

              But since none of these is going to happen, TPTB will push towards Fascism where Big Gov and Big Business team up to deprive the common man of his property and his liberty.

              When fraud is rampant, and the gov not only abdicates its regulatory and enforcement responsibilities, but also encourages, underwrites, and protects the oligarchy, the population will soon adopt the ways of its masters in order to survive, e.g., fraud, gaming of the system, and a general attitude of every man for himself.

              May Almighty God guide our leaders in prudence, justice, and courage to do the right thing.


              • #8
                Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

                Originally posted by vinoveri View Post

                When fraud is rampant, and the gov not only abdicates its regulatory and enforcement responsibilities, but also encourages, underwrites, and protects the oligarchy, the population will soon adopt the ways of its masters in order to survive, e.g., fraud, gaming of the system, and a general attitude of every man for himself.
                Yup. The rule of law can only exist if (almost) every individual citizen decides to act within the law, even when a cop isn't looking.


                • #9
                  Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default


                  • #10
                    Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

                    Originally posted by Munger View Post


                    • #11
                      Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

                      Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
                      A post suggesting that the extrajudicial killing of Steve might be fair has since been removed from this thread. Now, Munger's post could be taken several ways given the context... but that's the context.


                      • #12
                        Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

                        Thanks for the clarity, ASH.
                        And cheers to you, Munger.

                        BTW, Munger, I seem to recall you are an attorney and may have some professional insight into the tax implications of default.
                        Love to hear your take on that.


                        • #13
                          Re: 1 in 5 Mortgages will default

                          I believe the law was changed, but regardless, if you default and lose your home, you do not pay taxes. Default does not equal debt forgiveness. You lose the asset.

