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Nasty Shock for the British (Ho Ho Ho Drink deeply from the well of nothingless Limey bastards!)

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  • Nasty Shock for the British (Ho Ho Ho Drink deeply from the well of nothingless Limey bastards!)

    Its at last arrived in Blighty!

    Let me assure you that 95% of people who become millioners in England do so via house prices.........either buying then flipping or as the greatest of SCUM the BTL (Buy to Let).


    What happened was the BOE & Gordon Brown decied to ramp house prices so the BTL moratge was invented. This was a way that a pennyless pick could walk into a bank & get a loan to buy a house to rent.

    His (Wet) dream was for the people to rent his nice house while paying him a "wage" & paying off the loan for him. Thus he would be left with a house paid for + a wage over the years...................& house prices ONLY go up thus he was on BIG money, he be RICH!

    However, there was a small problem, just as he could get a loan, so could anyone else!

    So, plan "B":-
    Same deal but he go into the innercity & find ANYONE (Scum) to live in the house long as they get house welfare he can still do well. Sure the welfare only just covered the costs............but hey house prices ONLY go up! & rates are never going higher...........

    So lots of nice people whom had worked hard to move away from inner-city scum suddenly found themselves right back with them! House breaking, muggings in areas were there had been little or none of this a few years ago..

    I know this personaly in that my Mum & Dad (in their 80's) awoke to find the dog attacking scum whom broke in & robbed them of some cash & Dad's car....

    Every house in their village has now had to be alarmed & new locks etc because the BTL scum started putting scum stright out jail ( i joke you not!) give them a "Fresh start"........The guy running this Neo-lib program JUST happens to own a few of these houses!

    Well, Well,Well............Mother F*cker, hers a bucket of VERY cold water for you & shits like you!.........your "investments" are going under water & all that "wealth" you drew off the value is now due. Everyone on the planet who's the British ecom is 90% house prices & the £ is going to race to the bottom..........with in 18 months "Normal" (Eg +7%) rates will be with us..........& your F*CKING FINISHED
    F*CK YOU>
    (That was from the heart by the way)

  • #2
    Re: Nasty Shock for the British (Ho Ho Ho Drink deeply from the well of nothingless Limey bastards!)

    Come to MEGA!


    • #3
      Re: Nasty Shock for the British (Ho Ho Ho Drink deeply from the well of nothingless Limey bastards!)

      Ho Ho Ho


      • #4
        Re: Nasty Shock for the British (Ho Ho Ho Drink deeply from the well of nothingless Limey bastards!)

        Mike I can get any of the links, But without the ability to read I will offer a conversation with a Real estate agent, today in Brisbane.(small town in Queensland Australia)
        "We have reached an impasse that is crippling - We have out priced ourselves to owner occupiers while screwing the renters that hard with rent increases, that the renter has no physical ability to save a deposit. The Banks have, as a counter to risk that has become evident in various markets around the World, tightened lending standards so tight that if you could qualify for a loan you never needed one in the first place while the Sellers are in denial of yesteryear - as a result I have a supply and demand problem. I have supply that won't shift on price and no ******* demand from Buyers that can't meet the price. Erstwhile my credit provider, my bills and my salaried employees keep draining my Cash - I'm going Broke working my butt off.
        So Yes - Tonight I get an unsolicited call from a Company called 'Broadsword' that has some link with accountants, that is trying to sell me 'Tax effective - negative geared Investment properties. I tell the Call center Lady that the 'hopeful' company is correct in name only.
        Wikipeadia- Quote 'The broadsword is designed for both cutting and thrusting, but primarily the former' unquote -- Well that is understating it - It was used to cleave an 'investor'... ahh I mean an 'opponent' in halve.
        Seems they have top billing in Google -
        and yes they were formerly Known as the 'Noah' Group' ( - And by the way a Noah in Australia is a 'big shark' as in Noah / noah's ark - a shark (rhyming slang).
        I feel the anger Mike, I really do- Chill man- it is unfolding as it should. The joy in opera is waiting for the 'fat lady' to sing and sing she will.


        • #5
          Re: Nasty Shock for the British (Ho Ho Ho Drink deeply from the well of nothingless Limey bastards!)

          How do I short the Aussie housing market? Seems like a no-brainer of a trade. Unless there is rampant wage inflation, the market has nowhere to go but down.

          May be the best way to trade this is to short the largest banks that have lent money to the housing market.

          Why can't these "Anglo-Saxon" economies ever try to accumulate wealth the old fashioned way - hard work, thrift, technological improvement, genuine increases in productivity the way the Germans do? Economic policy in the "Anglo" world seems to revolve around inflating one bubble after another. First it was the Americans and now the Brits, Canadians, Australians - they're all in on the act.

          May be the Aussies can re-mortgage the country to the Chinese. Seems like the only escape route.


          • #6
            Re: Nasty Shock for the British (Ho Ho Ho Drink deeply from the well of nothingless Limey bastards!)

            Originally posted by hayekvindicated View Post
            How do I short the Aussie housing market? Seems like a no-brainer of a trade. Unless there is rampant wage inflation, the market has nowhere to go but down.

            Currency could be an option? might take some time to develop.

