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Its time for the FED to stop screwing savers........

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  • Its time for the FED to stop screwing savers........

    This is the other side of the trade, while the FED want to crush the value of the $ these voices will go unheard. Once the currancy war is over Rates will do a Saturn 5 & even Paul Volkcer will be shocked...........however by that time the REST of the World will have ditched the $ as WRC & America (& the rest of the Anglo-saxon scum) will be history.


  • #2
    Re: Its time for the FED to stop screwing savers........

    After a screw-job like this zero interest rate policy that has been foisted upon savers, who on Earth would be foolish enough to invest money in the U.S. at a 2% or even 3% interest rate? That rate of interest doesn't even come close to covering the rate of inflation, and then there are serious questions about the safety of the dollar, also questions about more dirty tricks ahead from the Federal Reserve Bank.

    After a screw-job like this, my money will stay-OUT of the U.S. Good-bye!

    And, after an experience like this, every Democrat should be thrown-OUT onto their duff. It was the TARP, the ZIRP, Bernanke, the bail-outs for bankers, bail-outs for dead-beats, bail-outs for AIG, bail-outs for Wall Street, spending just to be spending, cash for votes, bird-habitat protection as an energy policy, Al Gore and the great anthropogenic global-warming hoax, the cap-'n-trade agenda, the hidden agendas of Nancy Pelosi, the dead economy, the hidden inflation in food and energy, our savings de-valued and destroyed, our retirement dreams dashed, and our hope for real change in America destroyed.

    Every Demo in Congress: good-bye and good-riddance.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; October 03, 2010, 01:38 PM.

