It seems to me that gold has certain characteristics that make it special:
Relatively rare.
Looks different from other metals (not silvery like silver, platinum, nickel), and it is pretty.
Does not significantly corrode.
Does not have very significant industrial uses (so far) that would consume the supply rapidly.
Supply cannot be rapidly increased because difficult to mine.
The above results in the supply being relatively stable over time.
So, relatively rare and relatively stable amount seem to do it.
What if the supply of gold were to suddenly and steadily increase? Here is a clue.
Outstanding episode of A History of the World in 100 objects, and sure to be of interest to iTulipers.
Mega gives the episode two thumbs up!
Relatively rare.
Looks different from other metals (not silvery like silver, platinum, nickel), and it is pretty.
Does not significantly corrode.
Does not have very significant industrial uses (so far) that would consume the supply rapidly.
Supply cannot be rapidly increased because difficult to mine.
The above results in the supply being relatively stable over time.
So, relatively rare and relatively stable amount seem to do it.
What if the supply of gold were to suddenly and steadily increase? Here is a clue.
Outstanding episode of A History of the World in 100 objects, and sure to be of interest to iTulipers.
Mega gives the episode two thumbs up!