If you own stocks SELL ( my opinion).
The FED has just pump billions into a Sept rally to try and avoid massive redemption notices (due pre Sept30). But funds have been running out of the mutual fund for that last 20 weeks ($70 Billion, last count zerohedge.com)
This Sept Rally (10%) is the biggest since 1939, FOR WHAT REASON...??
If you dont believe me look at AAPL and AMZN, these stocks are the favorites for HFT programs. Their movement is very weird, there as been plenty of bad news, yet not a kink in the trend.
By about the second week of Oct 2010 reality will set in hard.
my forecast: http://chart.ly/v64ii6i
Any sell off in stocks could force margin calls on GLD.
The FED has just pump billions into a Sept rally to try and avoid massive redemption notices (due pre Sept30). But funds have been running out of the mutual fund for that last 20 weeks ($70 Billion, last count zerohedge.com)
This Sept Rally (10%) is the biggest since 1939, FOR WHAT REASON...??
If you dont believe me look at AAPL and AMZN, these stocks are the favorites for HFT programs. Their movement is very weird, there as been plenty of bad news, yet not a kink in the trend.
By about the second week of Oct 2010 reality will set in hard.
my forecast: http://chart.ly/v64ii6i
Any sell off in stocks could force margin calls on GLD.