I think I know what "the nuclear option" means in the last line, but anyone have possible alternative interpretations?
For all intents and purposes, Japan, even during its two-decade long deflationary process is far better equipped to handle the economic collapse that is unravelling for an entire generation of Japanese consumers. Which is why the Fed is now actively pumping $5 billion in the market every other day to stimulate inflation, and the stock market, as this is now the Keynesian system's Maginot line. The Fed can not allow mass perception of the the double dip to become entrneched as that would be the proverbial game over. What has worked in Japan for 20 years will fail miserably when applied in the US, simply because US consumers are in a far, far worse shape than their Japanese counterparts. This is further exacerbated by the massive difference in net worth distribution: Japanese society is far more homogeneous, and thus far better represented, than the US, which is extremely skewed toward high wage earners, and their specific interests (think Wall Street). If that means a POMO every day, every hour, every minute, so it shall be done. This is Bernanke's last attempt to reflate the economy by traditional means before he uses the nuclear option. Which he will have to do shortly anyway.
For all intents and purposes, Japan, even during its two-decade long deflationary process is far better equipped to handle the economic collapse that is unravelling for an entire generation of Japanese consumers. Which is why the Fed is now actively pumping $5 billion in the market every other day to stimulate inflation, and the stock market, as this is now the Keynesian system's Maginot line. The Fed can not allow mass perception of the the double dip to become entrneched as that would be the proverbial game over. What has worked in Japan for 20 years will fail miserably when applied in the US, simply because US consumers are in a far, far worse shape than their Japanese counterparts. This is further exacerbated by the massive difference in net worth distribution: Japanese society is far more homogeneous, and thus far better represented, than the US, which is extremely skewed toward high wage earners, and their specific interests (think Wall Street). If that means a POMO every day, every hour, every minute, so it shall be done. This is Bernanke's last attempt to reflate the economy by traditional means before he uses the nuclear option. Which he will have to do shortly anyway.