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Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

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  • #16
    Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

    These transgenic fish are grown in ocean pens. Over time there is a 100% chance they will escape, however it remains to be seen if they
    would take over the habitat and forage base of wild fish, as well as cross breed with Atlantic Salmon.

    I am sure this Super-fish is safe to eat but what happens when Super-fish starts to take over habitats that were dominated for perhaps millions of years by fish that are bound to the covenants of nature? Wild salmon dine on zooplankton and small invertebrates. Once they get a tad bigger, salmon can readily eat smaller fish, like herring, or the shrimp-like critter called krill.

    What happens if Super Fish invades the food chain?

    Man is now treading where only Gods have walked, genetic engineering could be a great boon to Humanity and even Nature or the bane of us all.


    • #17
      Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

      Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post

      Problem: We've got too many people on the planet to feed.
      Solution: Conduct a mad scientist experiment and roll the dice.
      Yup. Too many monkeys on the rock.


      • #18
        Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

        Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
        I can not understand why anyone would oppose genetic engineering. Mankind has been genetically engineering crops (such as corn) for a thousand years or more.

        The same bunch of eco-frauds that have opposed and tried to kill atomic power plants (i.e, the Union of Concerned Scientists in Toronto) are also trying to kill genetic engineering. And they don't offer any scientific evidence to make their case against genetic engineering except to say that they are "scientists", and those who oppose them are not. They are "concerned" while others who oppose them are not "concerned scientists".

        Maybe a minor from the University of Minnesota in public health doesn't make me "scientist" enough for the Union of Concerned Scientists? Who knows?

        Or maybe the Union of Concerned Scientists would rather halt the genetic-engineering of food such as salmon--- and let people starve?
        Well, if you know in Shanxi province of china the big rats are disappearing after they eat the Genetic Modified Corn. Enjoy your GMO salmon. People like you really need to eat those.


        • #19
          Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

          Life is constantly evolving on Earth because everything changes on Earth through the process of mutation and natural selection. Change is natural. And change is required to keep the process of evolution going. So, I don't see the issue with mankind speeding-up and guiding the process of evolution through genetic engineering.

          Would we give-up all of the benefits of biological science and medicine in the last half-century because of the odd mistake, like the mistake with the drug called, Thalidimide in the 1960s?

          Every endeavour of mankind has risk, including genetic engineering, but would we rather go back to living without science and return to dependence upon nature and faith?

          Has anyone observed the accomplishments of the people of Pakistan lately? The locusts and flies are living off of a rich harvest of people.

          Yes, we should critically examine what science and technology are doing, but we should go forward with our science and technology. We should go forward with our genetic engineering, and we should have no doubts about our future.
          Last edited by Starving Steve; September 21, 2010, 12:11 PM.


          • #20
            Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

            re: "I don't see the issue with mankind speeding-up and guiding the process of evolution through genetic engineering."

            The only doubt I have is whether man can keep the Genie of Genetic Engineering from destroying us all.

            Klebsiella planticola is an example of a genetically engineered bacteria designed to convert plant waste into fuel nearly did us all in. Perhaps every living creature on earth could have died because the food chain would have been destroyed. You can find plenty of info on it in Google. It was an accident waiting to happen all in the name of Science and Renewable Energy rubber stamped by the EPA.

            Who knows how many other close calls there have been?

            The story of Icarus and Man's careless use of his powers over matter is a lesson that should not be ignored.


            • #21
              Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

              Originally posted by seanm123 View Post
              re: "I don't see the issue with mankind speeding-up and guiding the process of evolution through genetic engineering."

              The only doubt I have is whether man can keep the Genie of Genetic Engineering from destroying us all.

              Klebsiella planticola is an example of a genetically engineered bacteria designed to convert plant waste into fuel nearly did us all in. Perhaps every living creature on earth could have died because the food chain would have been destroyed. You can find plenty of info on it in Google. It was an accident waiting to happen all in the name of Science and Renewable Energy rubber stamped by the EPA.

              Who knows how many other close calls there have been?

              The story of Icarus and Man's careless use of his powers over matter is a lesson that should not be ignored.
              Just reading critically through the literature that came up on my google search of your Klebsiella Planticolla, as usual, I am lost. I need some clarification here: 1.) What does the term "ecological balance" mean? ( I thought everything in nature was in balance, by definition. ) 2.) What does the term "biological integrity of an ecosystem" mean? What precisely is "biological integrity" and what is an "eco-system"? ( I get lost if words and phrases are vague.) 3.) What is "a gene-altered monster"?
              (This sounds like something from a comic book or sci-fi movie. ) 4.) What is "sustainable agriculture"? ( The only failing agriculture that I know of is in the Turd World. ) 5.) What is "a terrifying discovery"? ( If I check with my feeeeeeeeeeelings, I find scientific discoveries, whatever they might be, to be interesting, insightful, and helpful. ) 6.) What are "risky effects"? (Don't buy stocks or play commodities.)

              And then I am in a bad mood about ecology since yesterday when 200,000 plant species (according to the BBC home-page) were eliminated from the list of plant species known on Earth. The deletion amounted to 1 in every 3 plant species known to ecologists. The reason for the deletion was a duplication error in the naming of plant species.

              So, I have these other dumb questions: "WHAT IS A SPECIE?" Then how do ecologists "name a specie"?

              I'll stay after class, and maybe you can explain these minor details to me. As usual, I'm lost.
              Last edited by Starving Steve; September 21, 2010, 03:20 PM.


              • #22
                Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                Originally posted by seanm123
                I am sure this Super-fish is safe to eat
                That's not a given. There are reports that GMO plants are not so safe to eat. A Google search for gmo foods unsafe will lead to some such reports. The variety and complexity in detail, large and small, of the organic molecules we consume in our food is quite a bit more than our usual simplistic discussions account for.

                In the case of fish genetically modified to produce more growth hormone, it would not surprise me if eating such fish contributed to increase growth hormones in the consumer. Would you feed such fish to your children? Would the declaration of safety by some government body (headed by a former or future executive of a food company ;)) allay your fears?
                Last edited by ThePythonicCow; September 21, 2010, 03:25 PM.
                Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                • #23
                  Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                  In the news today, from US urged to delay approving genetically altered salmon:
                  ROCKVILLE, Maryland (AFP) – A group of independent experts have urged US authorities to do more studies before allowing a genetically modified salmon to become the first transgenic animal to hit American dinner tables.

                  "We are sending a message for further studies," said David Senior, a professor of veterinary medicine at Louisiana State University and chair of a committee of independent experts consulted by the Food and Drug Administration.

                  The 14-member committee did not vote but most agreed that the studies undertaken so far were insufficient to determine with any certainty whether the genetically altered salmon proposed by AquaBounty Technologies pose a risk to humans or the environment.

                  They reached the conclusion at the end of a long day of deliberations at a hotel in the Washington suburb of Rockville.
                  Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                  • #24
                    Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                    Steve perhaps some light reading? Try the The Demon in the Freezer



                    • #25
                      Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                      I agree with the premise that introducing genes from one organism into another can lead to unpredictable results and is dangerous. But not all genetically engineered crops fall into this category. You can suppress or express a given naturally occurring gene in a food crop like corn and that would also make it "genetically engineered".
                      It's the Debt, stupid!!


                      • #26
                        Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                        Originally posted by loweyecue View Post
                        I agree with the premise that introducing genes from one organism into another can lead to unpredictable results and is dangerous. But not all genetically engineered crops fall into this category.
                        I agree that not all genetic modifications are dangerous or unpredictable.

                        I do not trust my government, nor the corporations intending to profit from these products (but I repeat myself ;)) to competently determine which is which, nor even if they did, to responsibly act on that knowledge.

                        Well, it's stronger than that. I trust them not to do so.
                        Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                        • #27
                          Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                          Originally posted by mliu_01 View Post
                          Well, if you know in Shanxi province of china the big rats are disappearing after they eat the Genetic Modified Corn. Enjoy your GMO salmon. People like you really need to eat those.
                          Sigh....don't be ignorant more than likely you have eaten and currently eat GM HT and GM IR crops.
                          Last edited by Guinnesstime; September 21, 2010, 10:03 PM.


                          • #28
                            Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?


                            Ecologist are necessarily the ones who name species... generally its a taxanomist/systematic biologist. I don't know about the animal side of things but as for plants the naming process for plants has defined set of rules... for more info look up the American Society of Plant Taxonomists. As for the rest of your questions go look up info at the Botanical Society of America.
                            If you want more information on Ecology go to amazon and get a basic college ecology textbook or try the Ecological Society of America.... All 3 orgs I mentioned have well respected journals with a plethora of information.


                            • #29
                              Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                              Originally posted by Guinnesstime View Post
                              Sigh....don't be ignorant more than likely you have eaten and currently eat GM HT and GM IR crops.
                              The iTulip forum software is confused. I just replied once, without editing, to the above comment. The result is two identical posts, moved to the very beginning of this thread as Posts 1 and 2.
                              Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                              • #30
                                Re: Clarified: What does "genetically modified" salmon mean?

                                Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                                The iTulip forum software is confused. I just replied once, without editing, to the above comment. The result is two identical posts, moved to the very beginning of this thread as Posts 1 and 2.
                                Some of my recent posts have ended up in strange places, too. I started a thread the other day and my first post ended up at the bottom. What's going on?

                                Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

