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Quote of the Day

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  • #16
    Re: Quote of the Day

    “It’s about degrees,” says John D. Gartner, a psychologist and author of “The Hypomanic Edge.” “If you’re manic, you think you’re Jesus. If you’re hypomanic, you think you are God’s gift to technology investing.”

    The attributes that make great entrepreneurs, the experts say, are common in certain manias, though in milder forms and harnessed in ways that are hugely productive. Instead of recklessness, the entrepreneur loves risk. Instead of delusions, the entrepreneur imagines a product that sounds so compelling that it inspires people to bet their careers, or a lot of money, on something that doesn’t exist and may never sell.

    So venture capitalists spend a lot of time plumbing the psyches of the people in whom they might invest.

    While the school system routinely brands them as Attention Deficit.
    Last edited by don; September 19, 2010, 02:06 PM.


    • #17
      Re: Quote of the Day

      The Tea Party’s inherent fear of sex is always close to the surface. Earlier this year, Scott Southworth, the DA from Juneau County, WS, and a strong Tea Party backer, warned local teachers that if they used a new state sex ed course they could be committing a crime and serve up to six years in prison. He found particularly objectionable sexual relations between two consenting adolescents, often referred to as “Romeo and Juliet” affairs, that, according to state law, he considered incidents of sexual assault.
      * * *
      Race, and particularly interracial sex and procreation, is the other unstated, hot-button issue that galvanizes the Tea Party movement. Demographic profiles depict the movement as a predominately middle-aged and older white constituency, often from smaller towns and cities throughout heartland America.

      Unstated, their lives have been uprooted by capitalist globalization and they are desperately clinging to post-WWII white skin privileges that assured them the benefits of a “middle-class” life. A half-century later, capitalism has betrayed them.

      The promotion of that false consciousness is corporate media’s principal responsibility.


      • #18
        Re: Quote of the Day

        Neoliberal Lullaby


        • #19
          Re: Quote of the Day

          Originally posted by mooncliff View Post
          The Republican nominee for a Senate seat in Delaware says she will be guided by the Constitution, "not my personal beliefs" about abstinence, masturbation and other social issues.


          I didn't know that the Constitution said things about masturbation.
          Wouldn't it fall under the "Blessings of Liberty" secured to ourselves and our posterity?


          • #20
            Re: Quote of the Day

            Originally posted by don View Post
            The Tea Party’s inherent fear of sex is always close to the surface. Earlier this year, Scott Southworth, the DA from Juneau County, WS, and a strong Tea Party backer, warned local teachers that if they used a new state sex ed course they could be committing a crime and serve up to six years in prison. He found particularly objectionable sexual relations between two consenting adolescents, often referred to as “Romeo and Juliet” affairs, that, according to state law, he considered incidents of sexual assault.
            * * *

            Race, and particularly interracial sex and procreation, is the other unstated, hot-button issue that galvanizes the Tea Party movement. Demographic profiles depict the movement as a predominately middle-aged and older white constituency, often from smaller towns and cities throughout heartland America.

            Unstated, their lives have been uprooted by capitalist globalization and they are desperately clinging to post-WWII white skin privileges that assured them the benefits of a “middle-class” life. A half-century later, capitalism has betrayed them.

            The promotion of that false consciousness is corporate media’s principal responsibility.
            Many, many thanks for this.

            I now see that opposition to any and all manner of perversion being forced upon eight year olds is caused by an "inherent fear of sex".

            I can also dispense with the idea that the Tea Partiers have any legitimate concerns about the direction the government is taking our country, or the anger at the Imperial Congress that provides special perks for their members while exempting themselves from the legislation they force upon the Hoi Poloi (Social Security, Obamacare, etc.), or the sense of betrayal they feel toward the self-serving stupidity of Denny Hastert, Trent Lott, and George W. Dumbass.

            I have just been shown the light!!!

            They're all a bunch of racists.


            • #21
              Re: Quote of the Day


              • #22
                Re: Quote of the Day

                We actually added owner occupied households yet renter households declined by a stunning 2.3 million. Why did this occur? A few reasons:
                -a. The long drawn out foreclosure process. With government gimmicks, banks ignoring non-payments, and other loan modifications a “home owner” can stay put for much longer than a renter that’ll be out in the street in a few weeks from their missed payment.

                -b. Bias and subsidies to home buying. Tax incentives and low interest rates are subsidized by taxpayers. Banks influence legislation and they rather have a hot body in a home than another vacant property.



                • #23
                  Re: Quote of the Day

                  Originally posted by don View Post

                  We actually added owner occupied households yet renter households declined by a stunning 2.3 million. Why did this occur? A few reasons:
                  -a. The long drawn out foreclosure process. With government gimmicks, banks ignoring non-payments, and other loan modifications a “home owner” can stay put for much longer than a renter that’ll be out in the street in a few weeks from their missed payment.

                  -b. Bias and subsidies to home buying. Tax incentives and low interest rates are subsidized by taxpayers. Banks influence legislation and they rather have a hot body in a home than another vacant property.


                  Throw in the fact that many "renters" have moved back in with Ma and Pa, as well as a large number who went back to their native country. The lowest income groups made up the majority of renters, and that group has been the hardest hit by the recession.


                  • #24
                    Re: Quote of the Day

                    Raz: I tried to send you this as a private message but your in-box was full.

                    Came across a few tidbits on Pearl Harbor- when the Japanese high command (Yamamoto in charge) gamed the attack it was assumed the US would be on full alert, war being declared. Losses were heavy in a/c, with 1-2 carriers sunk. It was enough for Yamamoto to cancel any landings. Japanese capability was two elite regiments maximum. They would only have a couple of days to destroy installations before the navy would have to withdraw. In the real operation the Washington ambassadors delayed the declaration until the attacks were underway. Surprise was complete, losses were minimal. That came back to bite Yamamoto when the Japanese gamed Midway. Again losses were heavy but Yamamoto discounted the gamed results, influenced by the Pearl Harbor exercise.


                    • #25
                      Re: Quote of the Day

                      Originally posted by don View Post
                      Getting Out the Vote

                      Election workers carry voting material to remote mountainous villages in Shotol, Afghanistan.
                      Somebody should ask his opinion about hanging chad...


                      • #26
                        Re: Quote of the Day

                        Quote from the past:

                        My first wife's Dad was a Stanford grad/Silicon Valley engineer. Over a Sunday dinner desert in Los Altos he said:

                        All cooking is, is chemistry.

                        I thought at the time; and where's the list of great places to eat started by ex-engineers?


                        • #27
                          Re: Quote of the Day

                          Originally posted by don View Post
                          Quote from the past:

                          My first wife's Dad was a Stanford grad/Silicon Valley engineer. Over a Sunday dinner desert in Los Altos he said:

                          All cooking is, is chemistry.

                          I thought at the time; and where's the list of great places to eat started by ex-engineers?

                          Apparently love is also "just chemistry"...according to the engineers... :-)


                          • #28
                            Re: Quote of the Day

                            Was that a Cary Grant movie or a Jimmy Stewart?


                            • #29
                              Re: Quote of the Day

                              Think the middleclass is getting squeezed now...

                              These might be the good old daze...for coach, at least

                              The SkyRider seat in a test. The airline seat would give less legroom to passengers, and is intended for 'short' flights.

                              They say it's akin to riding a horse.



                              • #30
                                Re: Quote of the Day

                                Originally posted by don View Post
                                Think the middleclass is getting squeezed now...

                                These might be the good old daze...for coach, at least

                                The SkyRider seat in a test. The airline seat would give less legroom to passengers, and is intended for 'short' flights.

                                They say it's akin to riding a horse.


                                I like the part where everyone in the row has to lean over to watch the safety video on the one screen. Presumably they're going to charge something for the breath mints...

