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Harvard’s Warren picked as adviser for creation of consumer protection bureau

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  • #16
    Re: Harvard’s Warren picked as adviser for creation of consumer protection bureau

    Originally posted by we_are_toast View Post
    What hope? This is a political move to quiet the left before the midterms, then appoint someone else to lead the agency after the elections. But, like most of Mr. Obama's incompetent political moves, it will end up alienating his base.
    I was wrong about this. Everything I've read since posting this indicates that Warren will have a great deal to say about how the new department will be structured and who will be the 1st administrator. I've also read that she really didn't want the job (who could blame her). Who knows, maybe while she's on the inside she can teach the President a few things that he would never learn from Summers and Geithner.


    • #17
      Re: Harvard’s Warren picked as adviser for creation of consumer protection bureau

      Haven't we played this song before?
      I will not be a part of this hope and change stuff again. It is best to assume she will be shut up, shut down, and shut out.


      • #18
        Re: Harvard’s Warren picked as adviser for creation of consumer protection bureau

        Originally posted by karim0028 View Post
        Impoverish someone and leave them just enough to survive and they will become docile, broken hearted and never disobey... Its the same way a pimp treats his girls or a drug dealer his customers.....
        More simply put by Harold Wilson when British PM: "What's the point of having constituents if you can't sell them out." (Umpteenth time I've cited it but can't help it: I love that quote.)

        Elizabeth Warren is a hero of our times along with William Black and Markopoulos. When Markopoulos heads the SEC, Warren has some real regulatory power and Black is in charge of breaking up the banking cartels and we see a thousand or so indictments for financial fraud we'll know there's "hope and change." Anything short of that is short of what the situation requires.


        • #19
          Re: Harvard’s Warren picked as adviser for creation of consumer protection bureau

          Originally posted by doom&gloom View Post
          Warren will report ot Obama & TurboTax(cheat) Timmy Geithner. I am not all that optimistic she will get much done, but I am still hopeful...
          The Daily Bell has a pretty good take on this. Don't waste your time being hopeful.


          "The whole idea of yet another agency – another watchdog – to make sure the average consumer is not taken advantage of is absurd in the context of what is taking place in America and throughout the West, in fact. It is of course central banking that creates the tremendous booms and busts that the West suffers from. The Great Recession of the late 2000s is the end result of a century's worth of the over-printing of currency. And yet the same power elite that runs the printing presses is now demanding "austerity" from the communities and societies that were fooled by the mountains of paper money thrust into the economy.

          The United States does not need another regulatory body to oversee its financial services. What gives anyone the idea that the federal government is competent at this sort of thing? The Pentagon, before 9/11, mislaid some US$2 trillion in funding according to then defense chairman Donald Rumsfeld, but that money has never been traced. Numerous states are teetering on the verge of bankruptcy and California has taken to issuing IOUs for payment. And yet somehow the administration and Congress have determined that they will now make it an obligation of the federal government to protect individuals from fraud inherent in financial products."

