Love to know where inflation is going to come from here. These people are losing their jobs due to the disintermediation of the internet, technical innovation, and the vastly larger labor pool of globalization which is also greatly enabled by the internet to outsource/work anywhere.
It's time to reduce the maximum # of weekly working hours before overtime kicks in to reduce unemployment and to start doing some massive technical innovation and automation in North America to be more competitive with Germany (which has been doing EXACTLY that) and China.
Huge tax credits to anyone who actually *destroys jobs* via creative destruction should be the order of the day. Tax credits to those who create work sharing.
What's really sad about this is that Obama and friends couldn't even rig it so unemployment would trough before election day.
Love to know where inflation is going to come from here. These people are losing their jobs due to the disintermediation of the internet, technical innovation, and the vastly larger labor pool of globalization which is also greatly enabled by the internet to outsource/work anywhere.
It's time to reduce the maximum # of weekly working hours before overtime kicks in to reduce unemployment and to start doing some massive technical innovation and automation in North America to be more competitive with Germany (which has been doing EXACTLY that) and China.
Huge tax credits to anyone who actually *destroys jobs* via creative destruction should be the order of the day. Tax credits to those who create work sharing.
What's really sad about this is that Obama and friends couldn't even rig it so unemployment would trough before election day.