Re: NYTimes article: Academic Bankruptcy
The one thing I tried to impress upon my kids is to be something. To have marketable job skills when you finish your education. The days of getting a college degree for the sake of having a degree are gone. True it never hurts,but get a general business degree or a history degree and see where you are in the job market. They tired to get a two track education program going here and the academics shot it down. Look at what Germany does. They still have skilled trade people who make high quality stuff weather it's autos or optics. They have a dual track educational system. The other side of the problem is that academia has become a tenured, self serving special interest which is more interested in"higher" education than imparting job skills.
The local chemical plants and refineries put together a 2 year CC degree program in process technology. The average starting salary for an entry level operator is 65K. Most make close to 100K with OT after a few years. We should do more of this.
I think American education went all wrong when we dropped vocational tracks from High Schools and started the "every child deserves a college education" nonsense. How many MBA's do we really need? Not all people are cut out for academia and that's OK, but it's politically incorrect to say so.
The local chemical plants and refineries put together a 2 year CC degree program in process technology. The average starting salary for an entry level operator is 65K. Most make close to 100K with OT after a few years. We should do more of this.