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Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

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  • #46
    Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

    Originally posted by Dave Stratman View Post
    Thanks, Don. I agree, Liberalism is a powerful and, in my view, still the dominant ideology of social control, though it can take many forms. For what it's worth, here's my take on affirmative action:


    A New Democracy Flyer


    There are good people trapped on both sides of the affirmative action debate.
    We think there is a way out of the trap which can unite working men and women of all races.

    The liberal and conservative positions on affirmative action claim to be opposites. In fact they amount to the same bad idea.

    Liberals support affirmative action, saying that it is important to make competition between the races and genders fair; by favoring one group over another now, liberals say, affirmative action makes up for past discrimination.

    Conservatives oppose affirmative action, saying that, by favoring one group over another, affirmative action unfairly affects competition between individuals.

    The liberal and conservative positions on affirmative action both favor the idea of competition.
    They share the view that society consists of groups and individuals all competing in a war against everyone else for jobs and other goods. Liberal and conservative both accept class inequality as permanent and competition among working people as good.

    The corporate and government elite always tell us to identify with one group against all others. "What group are you part of?" they ask. "Asian male?" "Black female?" "Angry white male?"
    People care most about what they have in common, but the government stresses the differences. People know there has always been discrimination in job and other opportunities. Yet people also know that more discrimination, even in the name of "fairness," attacks people's natural inclinations to overcome differences and work together.

    Affirmative action continues the game of pitting people against each other. It distorts what people mean by racial justice, which would require decent jobs for all. Instead the government promotes unemployment while it encourages competition among racial groups.
    There is only one "group" that the powerful do not want us to identify with-the working class.

    The ruling elite know that they can keep groups based on race or gender fighting each other forever. The elite cannot control a united working class.
    The elite force us to compete for scarce jobs and necessities like medical care.
    But the scarcity of jobs and other goods is artificial. The US economy is more productive than ever.
    The corporate and government elite intentionally cut jobs and programs, while taking an even greater share of the wealth for themselves. While corporations lay off millions, the government gives them tax rebates to ship jobs overseas. The government cuts taxes on the rich, then slashes Medicare for workers, saying that there's no money to pay for it.
    The goal of job and program cuts is to control people by making them feel insecure.

    The debate over affirmative action is part of a larger battle over the direction of society. Politicians may play roles as "liberals" or "conservatives," but they all have the same goal: to tighten elite control over working people. They promote competition in every way they can.
    Most working people believe in equality and solidarity of all workers. We have been at a terrible disadvantage in this battle, however, because no working class leadership has firmly rejected both affirmative action and discrimination of all kinds in favor of solidarity of working people against elite rule.

    Solidarity is the answer to discrimination. The real struggle for equality has always come from the solidarity of working people in their everyday lives. Let's continue and extend the fight:
    Build bridges among people in your plant or neighborhood. Stand up if any of your brothers or sisters is treated unfairly. Fight against all layoffs. Slow down against speed-up. Refuse overtime, so businesses are forced to hire more workers. Support strikes and spread them. Fight for real equality: not the false equality of fighting each other for a handful of jobs, but a world where the wealth we create is ours.
    Please copy this flyer and pass it on.
    Affirmative Action was a brilliant riposte to the winning efforts of Civil Rights. The jujitsu performed on the so-called Women's Movement is another jaw-dropper. Perhaps this "5th Gen Warfare only works to maximum effect on the domestic population. (See today's WikiLeaks revelations on the success of 5th Gen in Afghanistan)


    • #47
      Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

      Originally posted by don View Post
      Affirmative Action was a brilliant riposte to the winning efforts of Civil Rights. The jujitsu performed on the so-called Women's Movement is another jaw-dropper. Perhaps this "5th Gen Warfare only works to maximum effect on the domestic population. (See today's WikiLeaks revelations on the success of 5th Gen in Afghanistan)

      By the way, WikiLeaks is 5GW.
      The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


      • #48
        Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

        Originally posted by Dave Stratman
        My experiences during busing opened my eyes on the role of liberalism as a means of social control. The vigorously pro-busing mayor of Boston at the time was the very liberal Kevin White. The two best-known racist leaders of the anti-busing movement were Louise Day Hicks and Pixie Palladino. Louise Day Hicks went from a seat on the Boston School Committee to Congress. Pixie took a School Committee seat as Louise left. Here's the kicker: both their husbands were employed during all those years by Mayor White.
        Thank you for the in-person experience.

        I do find it interesting that someone in the 'opposing' group wound up getting into Congress, as a Senator no less.

        Doesn't seem very consistent with the NWO uber alles.


        • #49
          Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

          Originally posted by c1ue View Post
          Thank you for the in-person experience.

          I do find it interesting that someone in the 'opposing' group wound up getting into Congress, as a Senator no less.

          Doesn't seem very consistent with the NWO uber alles.
          The phrase "NWO uber alles" it certainly isn't mine, but you're right, I did present only one aspect of how the rulers promote a strategy and didn't mention the other roles people play in carrying it out. (Incidentally Louise Day Hicks was not a Senator but a Representative.)

          I once asked Al Shanker--a few moments after he had trounced the opposing candidate for president of the AFT--how he won so big. He replied, "I choose my opponents very carefully."

          The real powers in society--the Masters of Great Wealth--make sure that, as far as possible, they control both sides of the debates in society. Republicans vs. Democrats, MSNBC vs. Fox, Judge Garrity or Ted Kennedy vs. Louise Day Hicks, even Capitalists vs. Communists: they all play their roles, with greater or lesser degree of consciousness, and the effects are the same: to lead people up blind alleys and to enforce elite rule. Judge Garrity/Ted Kennedy was directing people one way, LD Hicks another. Both paths appeared very different but were in essence the same.

          What was so exciting to many people in Boston about our campaign for Better Education Together is that we were a real opposition to the busing plans. We said that, as parents, we felt trapped between two bad alternatives: a racist School Committee that had delivered an inferior education to all our children, white as well as black, and a Federal Court that was making things worse; that we shared the same hopes and dreams for our children; and that it was up to us to unite and fight for them. We broke out of the box of false alternatives--which pitted white against black and race against education--offered by the rulers.


          • #50
            Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

            Originally posted by Dave Stratman View Post
            The real powers in society--the Masters of Great Wealth--make sure that, as far as possible, they control both sides of the debates in society. Republicans vs. Democrats, MSNBC vs. Fox, Judge Garrity or Ted Kennedy vs. Louise Day Hicks, even Capitalists vs. Communists: they all play their roles, with greater or lesser degree of consciousness, and the effects are the same: to lead people up blind alleys and to enforce elite rule. Judge Garrity/Ted Kennedy was directing people one way, LD Hicks another. Both paths appeared very different but were in essence the same.

            What was so exciting to many people in Boston about our campaign for Better Education Together is that we were a real opposition to the busing plans. We said that, as parents, we felt trapped between two bad alternatives: a racist School Committee that had delivered an inferior education to all our children, white as well as black, and a Federal Court that was making things worse; that we shared the same hopes and dreams for our children; and that it was up to us to unite and fight for them. We broke out of the box of false alternatives--which pitted white against black and race against education--offered by the rulers.
            Yes, Marx-Engels version of the dialectic in play. We also see non-profit organization pitted against so-called established state or corporate actors, alternative media vs mainstream media, nation (leader) versus nation (leader), etc. What's critical is the marginalization of any real opposition to the manufactured dialectic, which is exactly what Dave experienced. This is what we're witnessing right now, for example with Wikileaks, but that's a matter for an entirely different thread that will most likely not be well received here.
            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


            • #51
              Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

              Originally posted by reggie View Post
              Thank you for posting that excellent example.

              Another example of migrating society away from horizontal to vertical relationships is the use of generational labels in cultural segmentation (ie Gen-x; Gen-Y, etc.). By leveraging public education, Hollywood, Silicon Valley tech, the music industry, and Madison Avenue ad agencies, children were cultural shifted from family originated culture and behaviors toward [Theodor Adorno's] mass centralization of the same via vertical relationships with these cultural and educational suppliers.
              Excellent point, Reggie.


              • #52
                Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                Great deleted scene from Apocalypse Now.... explains how the simulacra is played-out on the public....the US created the Viet Minh...this scene made it into the version of the film that played at the Cannes Film Festival. However, this entire part of the movie was censored BEFORE the film was publicly released. In the scene... Martin Sheen has discovered a Rubber Plantation still occupied by its French founders, who do not wish to leave Vietnam, ever. Sheen is having dinner with the French family and enters into a discussion about the war and its beginnings

                The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                • #53
                  Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                  They got that covered, reggie:


                  It's a 13 year effort to propagandize us into thinking just that. Here's the President at the kick off:

                  "Because of Vietnam and our veterans, we now use American power smarter, we honor our military more, we take care of our veterans better. Because of the hard lessons of Vietnam, because of you, America is even stronger than before.”

                  As part of the rewrite, they move the start of our involvement to 1962. Of course, our involvement began in 1944/45 and by 62/63 Kennedy had made up his mind to withdraw, ordering McNamara to start drawing up plans for a complete withdrawal by 65.

                  Since we're under sequester, why not save time and money by letting poet and USMC vet W.D. Ehrhart sum up the war in 66 words:

                  Guerrilla War

                  It’s practically impossible
                  to tell civilians
                  from the Vietcong.

                  Nobody wears uniforms.
                  They all talk
                  the same language,
                  (and you couldn’t understand them
                  even if they didn’t).

                  They tape grenades
                  inside their clothes,
                  and carry satchel charges
                  in their market baskets.

                  Even their women fight,
                  and young boys,
                  and girls.

                  It’s practically impossible
                  to tell civilians
                  from the Vietcong.

                  After awhile,
                  you quit trying.


                  • #54
                    Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                    Originally posted by Woodsman View Post
                    They got that covered, reggie:


                    It's a 13 year effort to propagandize us into thinking just that. Here's the President at the kick off:

                    "Because of Vietnam and our veterans, we now use American power smarter, we honor our military more, we take care of our veterans better. Because of the hard lessons of Vietnam, because of you, America is even stronger than before.”

                    As part of the rewrite, they move the start of our involvement to 1962. Of course, our involvement began in 1944/45 and by 62/63 Kennedy had made up his mind to withdraw, ordering McNamara to start drawing up plans for a complete withdrawal by 65.

                    Since we're under sequester, why not save time and money by letting poet and USMC vet W.D. Ehrhart sum up the war in 66 words:

                    Guerrilla War

                    It’s practically impossible
                    to tell civilians
                    from the Vietcong.

                    Nobody wears uniforms.
                    They all talk
                    the same language,
                    (and you couldn’t understand them
                    even if they didn’t).

                    They tape grenades
                    inside their clothes,
                    and carry satchel charges
                    in their market baskets.

                    Even their women fight,
                    and young boys,
                    and girls.

                    It’s practically impossible
                    to tell civilians
                    from the Vietcong.

                    After awhile,
                    you quit trying.
                    pls write 'the secret history of the vietnam war'.

                    btw... what do you think of kissinger?


                    • #55
                      Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                      Originally posted by metalman View Post
                      pls write 'the secret history of the vietnam war'.

                      btw... what do you think of kissinger?
                      vietnam war = one of the principle levers in getting the Chinese elite to the Globalist's "table"

                      kissinger = one of the instrumental actors in opening up China to the Globalists, in preparation fo Clinton's 1990's GATT, which sealed the deal.
                      The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                      • #56
                        Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"



                        • #57
                          Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                          Someone did. At least the (not so) secret part about how a president, convinced by his personal experience in war and guided by the counsel of such men as the former General of the Army and the future dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, fought to keep his country and his people out of a disastrous war.

                          No book has done more to change the view of scholars and academics on the subject of American involvement in Vietnam than Prof. John Newman’s JFK and Vietnam. I don't think you'll find a better one.

                          For reasons they've been unwilling to share, Dr. Newman has not been invited to speak at conference sponsored by the Vietnam Center and Archive out of Texas Tech at the National Archives in late September. I find it interesting because a look at the speaker's list will note that many of the other invited scholars have yet to produce a work of such magnitude.

                          I've emailed Prof. Steve Maxner, director of the Vietnam Center and Archive, Texas Tech University to ask respectfully that he work to correct this oversight. Any interested persons out there might do the same if a spare moment makes itself available.


                          • #58
                            Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                            Originally posted by Woodsman
                            No book has done more to change the view of scholars and academics on the subject of American involvement in Vietnam than Prof. John Newman’s JFK and Vietnam. I don't think you'll find a better one.
                            Thank you again for a very elucidating reference.

                            The conclusion put forward by Galbraith in his book review seems eminently reasonable to me - irrespective of what Kennedy had ordered, the assumption that the planned withdrawal from Vietnam would have occurred is at best, premature. Of particular interest is the exposition of the conflicting interests and agendas - yet more example of how the illusion of central conspiracy is so wrong.


                            • #59
                              Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                              ...irrespective of what Kennedy had ordered, the assumption that the planned withdrawal from Vietnam would have occurred is at best, premature.
                              Except that it would have absolutely occurred had JFK made it home from Dallas; of this I am certain, as was MacNamara.

                              And it's not at all correct to call it an assumption. The weight of the evidence is too great. On top of the documents and recordings, there are too many private statements, too many hearsay accounts confirming JFK's intentions. Getting out was totally consistent with JFK's policy in the Congo, Laos, Indonesia and Cuba. Staying in and escalating was entirely counter to JFK's many statements in support of third-world nationalism. We were going to get out, if Kennedy had anything to do with it. A late morning drive in Dallas ensured he wouldn't.

                              You can look at the shift in policy between October 63 and March of 64, but the issuance of NSAM 273 is pretty clear that there is a policy reversal in place just days after Kennedy's murder. Soon after that, Johnson tried giving Mac "the treatment" to get him to reverse himself on the withdrawal. There's even an audio recording that should set the record straight (why it never seems to, I won't speculate):

                              Johnson:"I always thought it was foolish for you to make any statements about withdrawing. I thought it was bad psychologically. But you and the president thought otherwise and I just sat silent."

                              He grinds MacNamara down in his usual style without the slightest consideration as to Mac's obvious doubts about staying in Vietnam. Every time MacNamara makes a point, Johnson shoots him down. Mac even gets a bit testy, as in this exchange.

                              Johnson: "How in the hell does McNamara think, when he's losing the war, that he can pull men out?"

                              McNamara: "McNamara's not fighting a war...he's made a commitment to train [the South Vietnamese] to fight. And if he trains them to fight and they won't fight, he can't do anything about it. Then he's got to choose whether he want's to fight, or let them have it."

                              In a follow-up conversation on March 2 1964, Johnson appears to give Mac a way out of the box and get back into the president's favor.

                              "Now why'd you say you'd send a thousand home? I'd put in a sentence in that "because they'd completed their mission...That doesn't mean everybody comes back, but that means your training ought to be in good shape by that time. That's what said, not anything inconsistent [with Johnson's reversal of JFK's policy in NSAM 273.]"

                              MacNamara would not bite and remained mostly silent. Nevertheless, by spring of 64 Mac understood LBJ would not allow any dissent in policy and it seems he decided to get on board until his resignation and replacement by Clark Clifford in 68. MacNamara kept his silence almost until his death. Not until the publication of his memoir did MacNamara finally call our escalation in Vietnam correctly - a calamitous mistake.
                              Last edited by Woodsman; August 09, 2013, 03:29 PM.


                              • #60
                                Re: Fifth Generation of Warfare (5GW) is "indistinguishable from magic"

                                makes me think part of the problem has been presidents from texas.

