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The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

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  • The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

    The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

    As reported on HuffPost last week, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has expressed opposition to the possible nomination of Elizabeth Warren to head the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, according to a source with knowledge of Geithner's views.

    One can assume that Geithner, being very close to the nation's biggest banks, is concerned that Warren, if chosen, will exercise her new policing and enforcement powers to restrict those abusive practices at our commercial banks that have been harmful to consumers and depositors.

    Certainly, Warren is not the commercial banking industry's first pick to serve in this new role. And unlike other legislation in which an industry's lobbying effort would naturally slow or cease once the legislation is passed, the new financial reform bill is continuing to attract enormous lobbying action from the banks. The reason is simple. The bill has been written to put a great deal of power as to how strongly it is implemented in the hands of its regulators, some of which remain to be chosen. The bank lobby will work incredibly hard to see that Warren, the person most responsible for initiating and fighting for the idea of a consumer financial protection group, is denied the opportunity to head it.

    But this is not the only reason that Geithner is opposed to Warren's nomination. I believe Geithner sees the appointment of Elizabeth Warren as a threat to the very scheme he has utilized to date to hide bank losses, thus keeping the banks solvent and out of bankruptcy court and their existing management teams employed and well-paid.

    To see how this scheme works during the current crisis we must go back and examine previous crises and recessions in order to understand their cause. As Kenneth Rogoff explains in his new book, This Time is Different, most crises are preceded by a boom or bubble period in which asset classes, such as homes in this case, reached unsustainable pricing levels. The main driver of most of these asset bubbles is loose bank lending in which banks offer money to asset buyers on very liberal terms, thus guaranteeing that asset prices will inflate abnormally. Eventually, all bubbles burst, and in the worst cases we are led into financial crises. The banks make things even more difficult because as prices fall the banks end up with substantial increases in problem loans.

    To deal with this increase in problem loans, the banks typically pull back on all lending, not just lending in the affected sector. The banks, now primarily concerned with their own survival if they wrote off the problem loans, literally stop almost all new lending, thus driving the economy into a deep recession. It is difficult to sustain economic activity when there is no credit being supplied by the banking system. The banks, instead of lending to businesses and consumers, shift their investments to very safe instruments like US Treasury securities. The result is a risk-free cash flow that over time eventually repairs the banks' balance sheets by increasing their profitability and thus restoring their book equity.

    Typically, during crises, the Federal Reserve also lowers interest rates and the cost of bank borrowing so as to make this risk-free profit spread to banks even greater. In the current financial crisis, the Federal Reserve has lowered interest rates to almost zero percent per annum thus assuring that the banks can profit enormously by doing almost nothing, not lending and sitting on risk free Treasury investments. While good for the banks, one can see how damaging this lack of credit extension can be to an economy trying to recover from an economic crisis.

    What is most damaging about this approach to an economy attempting to recover from a recession is that it ensures that the policy of tight money from the banks will continue for some time. Time is needed for the banks to earn their way out of their loan losses and insolvency problems if they decide not to quickly write off the bad loans. In Japan, after their banking crisis of 1994, it took more than a decade for the banks to repair their balance sheets and resume normal lending thus retarding economic growth for decades.

    This is exactly the plan that Geithner and Larry Summers have proposed for the current crisis. If you remember, Hank Paulson, the Treasury Secretary at the time, had announced that the $700 billion TARP funds would be used to buy toxic assets like bad mortgage loans from the commercial banks. But this never happened and now the amount of bad bank loans has increased in the trillions. Immediately after receiving authorization of the funding for TARP from Congress, Paulson reversed direction and decided to make direct equity investments in the banks rather than using the TARP funds to acquire their bad loans.

    So where are the trillions of dollars of bad loans that the banks had on their books? They are still there. The Federal Reserve took possession temporarily of some of them as collateral for lending to the banks in an attempt to clean up the banks for their supposed" stress tests". But as of now, the trillions of dollars of underwater mortgages, CDO's and worthless credit default swaps are still on the banks books. Geithner is going to the familiar "bank in crisis" playbook and hoping that the banks can earn their way out of their solvency problems over time so the banks are continuing to slowly write off their problem loans but at a rate that will take years, if not decades, to clean up the problem.

    And this is where defeat of the nomination of Elizabeth Warren becomes critical for Geithner. For Geithner's strategy to work, the banks have to find increasing sources of profitability in their business segments to balance out their annual loan loss recognition from their existing bad loans in an environment in which they continue to recognize new losses in prime residential mortgages, commercial real estate lending, sovereign debt investments, bridge loans to private equity groups, leverage buyout lending and credit card defaults.

    The banks have made no secret as to where they will find this increase in cash flow. They intend to soak their small retail customers, their consumer and small business borrowers, their credit card holders and their small depositors with increased costs and fees and are continuing many of the bad mortgage practices that led to the crisis (ARM's, option pay deals, zero down payments, second mortgages, teaser rates, etc). American and Banking Market News reports this week that the rule changes in the financial reform bill may lead banks to start implementing fees that had essentially disappeared from the industry early in the new millennium, such as fees for not meeting minimum balance requirements on a checking account, or reinstituting fees for certain online banking transactions that are currently free or charging to receive a paper statement or to talk to a live teller as Bank of America's CEO has recently proposed.

    It is exactly these types of unwarranted fees on small consumers and poorly designed products that Elizabeth Warren will fight against as head of the new consumer finance protection group. And it is why Geithner sees her as so threatening. Unless the banks are allowed to raise fees and charges on their smaller consumer customers, Geithner's and Summers' scheme for dealing with the banking crisis by hiding problem loans permanently on the banks' balance sheets will be exposed for what it is, an attempt at preserving the jobs of current bank executives at the cost of dragging out this recovery needlessly for years in the future. For the investment banks without small consumers and depositors to soak, Geithner and Summers have offered an environment with fewer competitors, more dominant market shares for the surviving firms and near monopoly pricing of their investment banking and derivative products to corporate clients and institutional investors to ensure continued and increasing profitability and growth.

    Warren's appointment wouldn't just be a setback, it would devastate Geithner's entire plan on how to deal with trillions of bad assets the banks still won't recognize as losers. That is why I think she is going to face enormous resistance, even inside of the administration. The next one to oppose Warren after Geithner will be Larry Summers for this very reason. Then they will see if they can get Bernanke and finally Obama on board. The pitch to Obama and Bernanke will not be personal, it will be the same phony argument that Paulson and Bernanke used to justify TARP to congress, they will say that if Warren is appointed the entire world of banking and finance as we know it will come to an end.

    I am reminded of when Bernie Sanders offered an amendment to audit the Fed to the financial reform bill earlier this year. While it was just one of many amendments being considered, the administration came out and said it was not against any of the amendments being discussed, with one exception, they would fight the "audit the Fed" idea to the death (me thinks the lady doth protest too much). Why? The same reason, a complete audit of the Fed would show that we have still not dealt with the bad loans on the banks' books.

    As to the other two potential nominees on Obama's short list for the position, Michael S.Barr is Geithner's boy currently working for him as an Assistant Secretary at Treasury. More importantly, he is Bob Rubin's boy, having served as Rubin's assistant in the Clinton administration. If you are Rubins' boy, you are the bank lobby's boy as this position of Rubin's boy was previously held by Summers and then Geithner. Eugene Kimmelman seems like a nice enough person who has no background in finance. If the banking lobby can't get their guy in, the next best thing is to get a completely clueless person in who is too afraid to act boldly given he couldn't tell a CDO from a CEO. He has been the top lobbyist for the Consumers Union, so he is pro-lobbying and as a positive comment, really understands how toasters and garage door openers work.

    Elizabeth Warren won't just protect consumers, her Oklahoma bred sense of honesty, fairness and decency just might reinvigorate and redirect a government and a banking industry that for too long has seen the average American taxpayer and the typical small consumer as the enemy to be taken advantage of at every turn.

    If you want to help make sure Elizabeth Warren is appointed to head the new consumer finance protection agency, please take a minute and sign this online petition that will be presented to the President and then use the accompanying email opportunity to invite your friends to do the same.

  • #2
    Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

    Geithner is such a joke, I'm not even sure how to address the man.


    • #3
      Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

      Thanks for posting Rajiv.

      The appointment of yet another Rubin cabana boy into a financial supervision position in the US government wound be yet another nail in Obama's political coffin.


      • #4
        Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

        How do I know that Warren is just not a pre-planned paper tiger and that this opposition is not manufactured in order to make her more appealing to the public during this process?
        The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


        • #5
          Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

          Originally posted by reggie View Post
          How do I know that Warren is just not a pre-planned paper tiger and that this opposition is not manufactured in order to make her more appealing to the public during this process?
          In my opinion one only has to observe her briefly to be convinced of her sincerity, her empathy toward consumers and her disdain for abusive financial institutions.

          But perhaps that is simply a masterful ruse. Review her record, it is consistent. She's not a politician, not a member of the plutocracy.


          • #6
            Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

            Originally posted by swgprop View Post
            In my opinion one only has to observe her briefly to be convinced of her sincerity, her empathy toward consumers and her disdain for abusive financial institutions.

            But perhaps that is simply a masterful ruse. Review her record, it is consistent. She's not a politician, not a member of the plutocracy.
            With all do respect, didn't most of us draw similar conclusions about Obama pre-election?

            She's being trumpeted around the mainstream media on all the "right" TV shows, just like so many other politicians we were supposed to think differently about. I can't see any reason why the existing establishment would give this type of PR to someone who is going to break-up their fun.
            The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


            • #7
              Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren


              • #8
                Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                Originally posted by reggie View Post
                With all do respect, didn't most of us draw similar conclusions about Obama pre-election?

                She's being trumpeted around the mainstream media on all the "right" TV shows, just like so many other politicians we were supposed to think differently about. I can't see any reason why the existing establishment would give this type of PR to someone who is going to break-up their fun.
                Sadly yes, most believed in Obama. I wrote in Ron Paul personally. Pointless exercise I know.

                We all have to make our own assessment of a person's integrity and agenda. Granted it ain't easy. I've bought into Warren's. And even if I hadn't this is all it would have taken to push me into her court:

                Dodd Casts Doubt on Warren for Consumer Agency

                I consider it a tacit endorsement when one of the most corrupt kleptocrats on the hill comes out against her.


                • #9
                  Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                  Originally posted by KGW View Post
                  The Coming Collapse of the Middle Class
                  But didn't we know this no later than 1995, when Sir James Goldsmith testified at the US Senate regarding GATT. Audio of testimony (apologize for audio quality).

                  The greatest obstacle to discovery is not ignorance - it is the illusion of knowledge ~D Boorstin


                  • #10
                    Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                    Originally posted by reggie View Post
                    I can't see any reason why the existing establishment would give this type of PR to someone who is going to break-up their fun.
                    Aw heck, reggie, you know better than that. The media doesn't just present the elitist position; it presents two or more fragmented and conflicting positions, to distract and amuse the proletariat and to fuel the "debate" leading to the intended resolution. You know ... that old Hegelian dialectic thing.
                    Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                    • #11
                      Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                      Originally posted by swgprop View Post
                      Sadly yes, most believed in Obama. I wrote in Ron Paul personally. Pointless exercise I know.
                      I didn't believe in Obama either. Though I cannot brag much; I voted for McCain .

                      Originally posted by swgprop View Post
                      We all have to make our own assessment of a person's integrity and agenda. Granted it ain't easy.
                      Yup. Human trust and reputation do matter. They aren't perfect, nothing is. But a strong faith, a clear and deep understanding, and the human bond are the best we've got.
                      Most folks are good; a few aren't.


                      • #12
                        Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                        Originally posted by reggie
                        With all do respect, didn't most of us draw similar conclusions about Obama pre-election?

                        She's being trumpeted around the mainstream media on all the "right" TV shows, just like so many other politicians we were supposed to think differently about. I can't see any reason why the existing establishment would give this type of PR to someone who is going to break-up their fun.
                        Obama had no track record to speak of and was a warm body to take advantage of the neo-con crackup. His record, such as it is, extends less than a decade.

                        Dr. Warren in contrast has been publicly writing about the facts of the American middle class economic position since at least the mid '90s, and was unknown outside of select liberal circles until very recently.

                        Her positions haven't changed from that era.

                        What Dr. Warren really is in this equation is the combination of fig leaf - to make it appear that the Rubin cabana boy is credible, and to ensure that other competitive figures don't get put forth.

                        More passive-aggressive reggie talk.


                        • #13
                          Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                          God I wish this woman would run for president.

                          What a great lecture. It is refreshing to hear someone present and expound on cold hard data instead of ideological fairy tales. She does a great job of giving us the tale of the tape. Been a fan of hers for quite a while now.

                          Thanks for posting it.



                          • #14
                            Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                            Originally posted by ThePythonicCow View Post
                            I didn't believe in Obama either. Though I cannot brag much; I voted for McCain .

                            Yup. Human trust and reputation do matter. They aren't perfect, nothing is. But a strong faith, a clear and deep understanding, and the human bond are the best we've got.
                            Isn't McCain sponsoring a Glass Steagall Amendment?
                            Two years ago, Feinfold was one of just 15 senators who opposed the Wall Street bailout that steered U.S. tax dollars into the accounts of the speculators.
                            During the current debate over how to reform the financial sector following the collapse of 2008, Feingold has repeatedly sought to strengthen regulations in a manner that will ensure against future collapses.
                            To that end, he has sponsored or co-sponsored:
                            *An amendment (which he co-wrote with Senators. John McCain, R-Ariz.ona, and Maria Cantwell, D-Washington) to restore the Glass-Steagall protections.



                            • #15
                              Re: The Real Reason Geithner Is Afraid of Elizabeth Warren

                              Originally posted by D-Mack View Post
                              Isn't McCain sponsoring a Glass Steagall Amendment?
                              Let me guess -- he's up for re-election in Arizona. Right?
                              Most folks are good; a few aren't.

