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Financial Markets are Polluted with Risk

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  • Financial Markets are Polluted with Risk

    Do we need more government regulation or will the markets work it out?

  • #2
    I'm not sure there is an answer to that

    But I like to think, like all things, it's a balance. On one side we have anarchy, which I've never seen work, and on the other we have centalized economies which don't seem to work either.

    I think we need intelligent rules that leverage the wisdom of markets.


    • #3
      So I'm a CDO-risk dunce. I think it would be helpful to see a specific (hypothetical (hopefully)) example of how a derivatives meltdown might occur.

      Is it completely analogous to LTCM?


      • #4
        Government regulation - yeh - right?
        Wasn't it a Democratic Administration and then a Republican Administration that have been happy to expand home owner ship - without credit (a powerful and deadly tool in the wrong hands) and ever loosing credit neither administration could ever accomplish this dream/nightmare.
        Look at the mess the government has created with the GSEs?


        • #5
          Do we need more government regulation or will the markets work it out?

          That is the way it has always been.



          • #6
            Warren Buffett called derivatives " weapons of financial mass destruction".

            They are borrowed money used to place a downpayment on borrowing more money. They are risk squared.

            Credit derivatives bet on which way the credit payments of a loan will go - either paid as agreed against not paid.


            • #7
              Do we need more government regulation or will the markets work it out?
              In my view:
              Because the financial news media’s presentation of relevant historical truth is seriously compromised by their dependence on paid advertising by the financial services industry, I favor some entity that, by law, keeps such “relevant historical truth” in the public’s face ongoingly. As the example I know best: I reckon that stock market price bubbles would be well-deterred by keeping in the public’s face ongoingly Shiller’s
              and/or my

              Intellectual honesty is the only tool required.


              • #8
                EU Regulators Aren't Prepared for Financial Crises, Report Says
                April 6 (Bloomberg) --

                European Union regulators aren't prepared for financial crises at a time when hedge funds and private buyout firms pose rising risks to the economy, EU finance ministries said in a confidential report.

