Re: $5 Triilion "QE" coming?
I wasn't making that implication, although I sense it is both factors at work: a willingness of the TBTF banks to work with their lifeblood the Fed, AND the fact that they are of course profit seeking centers with capitalistic motivations. That motivation at the moment is rewarded by making a safe 0.25% on money that if marked-to-market would have been a lot smaller.
If the Fed does this we have system reset. The papering over process could easily flow into unwanted areas. All bets are off at that point, except that there will be inflation in real things. An uncontrolled "neutron bomb" is the last thing I expect them to do. Seems like desperation to me, but maybe we will get there. My sense is that while the rest of the world wants austerity, the Helicopter Pilot has other ideas. A credit machine who he is and so we are on a one way street, no matter what the rest of the world, a few lower members of congress and the populace want. Remember that martial law was threatened prior to the TARP bailout. As I have said before, use your imagination when it comes to the security threat and concomitant response that an out-of-control monetary process presents, whether deflationary or inflationary. Zimbabwe doesn't have the means of the US. The world's reserve currency is used in every aspect of globalized life, it will not be easy to pull back from a poison that is needed for almost anything to get done. That doesn't even begin to broach potentials like the military and covert options.
I see all the potential black swan events that could transpire as linked fractal events and I doubt in hind sight anyone will be able to point to one essential reason for it all.
Originally posted by ThePythonicCow
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Originally posted by ThePythonicCow
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Originally posted by ThePythonicCow
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