After our glorious president (and no, I refuse to capitalize it) went on TV last week to give us the big pep talk about the BP spill, I developed a nauseating sensation of doom followed by a visceral rage at the lack of leadership and sheer incompetence of the current administration. Of course, it's not like the last administration was any better but at least they talked tough. Under Bush the 2nd, we started the "War on Terror" and invaded two countries halfway around the globe. Iraq is just waiting for us to pull out so they can resume their sectarian civil war. So much for victory there. The latest spring offensive in Afghanistan has sputtered out before it even really got started. The world's strongest military beaten by a country of goat herders. Meanwhile, the failed state to our south has come back with a vengeance. Bush and Obama talked a tough game about securing the borders but both rolled over under pressure from the Mexican government from actually doing anything about it. Now the Mexican Cartels have moved in and they now control the southern portion of Arizona from the border to the outskirts of Phoenix. American soil has been invaded for the first time since Pancho Villa without so much as a whimper from our government. Suffice it to say that our government is rapidly losing any level of credibility it had left. It's basically shown itself incapable of managing anything successfully whether its the response to the economy (i.e. the banks are in charge), the Gulf oil spill (BP's in charge), two wars (military's in charge), or protecting sovereign territory from foreign incursion (nobody's in charge). Now there are rumors Cheney has approached General Petraeus about running for president on the Republican ticket. Great. A four star loser who can't secure victory in either theatre he commands and who passes out under arduous questioning by marshmallow senators. Excuse me while I go hyperventilate. I also need to get started on building that bunker in the back yard.
Meanwhile, for your reading pleasure:
Mexican Drug Cartels Control Parts of Arizona
Meanwhile, for your reading pleasure:
Mexican Drug Cartels Control Parts of Arizona