Sorry for the long title, but had to catch the synopsis. I was listening to Alex Jones broadcast (Alex is a putz but sometimes his guests are good) a few days ago that elaborated on what might actually be going on with the oil spill. Seems that there is not just one leak from the well hole but maybe as many as two more leaks coming from fissures in the ground up to five miles away. How is this possible? Well, it seems that it is likely that the well casing which is nothing more than pipe and concrete to line the bore hole was fractured some way down during the explosion that sank the Deepwater Horizon. This would enable oil to leak into the surrounding rock strata at extremely high pressure and travel through fissures/porous rock for a long distance away from the original well. Anyhow, a site that has a synopsis of all this is here:
BP Admits to Damage Under Sea Floor
Lots of good detail with supporting video links as well.
Meanwhile, the government continues to manage the flow of information coming from the Gulf via a news blackout. Seems now they are using the national guard to prevent news crews access to clean up efforts. Below is a short clip from Anderson Cooper of CNN:
Anderson Cooper speaks out on Gulf Media blackout
Aside from the staged photo ops, news crews have been allowed ZERO access to the disaster, one that is likely several magnitudes greater than anyone is admitting.
As America moves closer and closer to the centrally planned and controlled oligarchical society that the powers that be want to create, we are likely to hit a few bumps on the road along the way. Of course, "Change We Can Believe In" became "More and More of the Same."
Try as they might, they will not be able to hide the disaster that has occurred no matter how many spin doctors and PR firms they hire. When the next leg down economically comes, BP will be held up as the poster child of government regulatory capture along with the Wall Street firms.
BP Admits to Damage Under Sea Floor
Lots of good detail with supporting video links as well.
Meanwhile, the government continues to manage the flow of information coming from the Gulf via a news blackout. Seems now they are using the national guard to prevent news crews access to clean up efforts. Below is a short clip from Anderson Cooper of CNN:
Anderson Cooper speaks out on Gulf Media blackout
Aside from the staged photo ops, news crews have been allowed ZERO access to the disaster, one that is likely several magnitudes greater than anyone is admitting.
As America moves closer and closer to the centrally planned and controlled oligarchical society that the powers that be want to create, we are likely to hit a few bumps on the road along the way. Of course, "Change We Can Believe In" became "More and More of the Same."
Try as they might, they will not be able to hide the disaster that has occurred no matter how many spin doctors and PR firms they hire. When the next leg down economically comes, BP will be held up as the poster child of government regulatory capture along with the Wall Street firms.