The message [by Karl], which has since been removed, read:
Full article here.
Geez Karl, time for some, huh, vacation?
oh, I almost forgot, about that wealth-destroying-hunk-of-metal:
Yep I know, it does not pay a dividends, but so will California, Spanish, PIIGS and PIIGetS [insert your favorite place here] bonds shortly...
“Jesus, when does the idiocy stop? I am sick and tired of people asking the same dumb questions and bringing up the same moronic points. I do not like gold, ok? Got it? Good. It’s a useless hunk of metal and owning it is how you destroy your personal wealth. If you want to talk about useless hunks of metal, go over to the tinfoil hat brigade websites, where they are stockpiling their bunkers for the end of the world. That’s all I have to say on this topic, forever. And to my critics and detractors, **** you, my answer to you is and must be best and most-simply expressed in the following image:
Geez Karl, time for some, huh, vacation?
oh, I almost forgot, about that wealth-destroying-hunk-of-metal:
Yep I know, it does not pay a dividends, but so will California, Spanish, PIIGS and PIIGetS [insert your favorite place here] bonds shortly...