Well now - really - all 18 of our indicators are red and only 1 month ago only 10 were saying the steam had come out. Bernanke's absolutely right -You won't get a double dip because you never hit the inflection point because what was reported showing a bottom was modified figures massaged to please . What your going to get does not have a word to describe it. I'm an optimist but I see the reality. What is reality- well imagine 40 Million people lined up twice daily at a soup line but you don't see that because it has been sanitized via food stamps.
What your about to get is dante's inferno - a bonfire of the Vanities - but No actual word. Well do you think its avoidable or has the inevitable started to roll through the World. Will June 2011 will reveal the Annus horibilus??. Keep well my friends. Bens got your back and you should be real worried about that
Don't listen to the mouth look at the flash cards in the background - Then think for God sake.
But there is hope and a small laugh to be had still
What your about to get is dante's inferno - a bonfire of the Vanities - but No actual word. Well do you think its avoidable or has the inevitable started to roll through the World. Will June 2011 will reveal the Annus horibilus??. Keep well my friends. Bens got your back and you should be real worried about that
Don't listen to the mouth look at the flash cards in the background - Then think for God sake.
But there is hope and a small laugh to be had still