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BP, the news is getting bad

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  • #16
    Re: BP, the news is getting bad

    Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
    Thank Southern Company and Duke Energy Company for your cheap electric power rates.

    Hey, look at this home made solar hot water heater I made:water heater.JPG


    • #17
      Re: BP, the news is getting bad

      speaking of the economic impact of this spill, has anyone checked out the price of seafood at the market lately? It's going through the roof.


      • #18
        Re: BP, the news is getting bad

        Originally posted by pmmeaney View Post
        speaking of the economic impact of this spill, has anyone checked out the price of seafood at the market lately? It's going through the roof.
        Well now this is a refreshing change...we can blame Big Oil for the high price of something other than gas at the pump...


        • #19
          Re: BP, the news is getting bad

          Originally posted by Minion View Post
          Yo, Steve, whassup?!?

          Ah Gawt ma'h math all set. 300 watts / hr / day x 8 hours / day = 2.4kwh / day.
          I think I can run a dorm fridge and sum LED lights on that.
          If you could run a central air-conditioner on 2.4 kwh/day or re-charge a plug-in car like a 2010 Chevy Volt on 2.4 kwh/day, then you would have something. Then solar energy systems would be viable. Again, you have to understand the meaning of zero energy produced, as in almost nothing produced.

          It took thousands of years for Europe to discover the number 0, and the meaning of 0 is still not fully appreciated, especially by engineers, and so-called "energy experts" at the U.S. Dept. of Energy.

          I want real lights when I read, not LED lights. I would want real central air in Alabama, not a mouse blowing through a straw. I would want a real electric stove in Alabama, not a microwave oven. I would want a real electric dryer in Alabama, not a clothes line outside, nor a clothes-rack in the basement or attic. I would want a real fridge in Alabama, not something for a kid batching in a dorm. In Canada, I want bright heat lamps when I shower, not LED pin-lights..... Got it????????
          Last edited by Starving Steve; June 06, 2010, 10:08 PM.


          • #20
            Re: BP, the news is getting bad

            Originally posted by pmmeaney View Post
            speaking of the economic impact of this spill, has anyone checked out the price of seafood at the market lately? It's going through the roof.
            I sure have. Salmon here in NYC easily is up 30% in the past few months. I just spent a fortune on the stuff tonight.


            • #21
              Re: BP, the news is getting bad

              Originally posted by Serge_Tomiko View Post
              I sure have. Salmon here in NYC easily is up 30% in the past few months. I just spent a fortune on the stuff tonight.
              Something else at work here driving food prices? I wasn't aware there was any salmon fishery in the Gulf of Mexico...


              • #22
                Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                Something else at work here driving food prices? I wasn't aware there was any salmon fishery in the Gulf of Mexico...
                I imagine there isn't, but I don't think markets work in that fashion. I honestly have no idea what is in the gulf besides shrimp, but perhaps rising prices/shortages in other low end products have resulted in people moving to salmon, wish is a heavily farmed relatively inexpensive fish.

                Back to pork shoulder and hamburger for me.


                • #23
                  Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                  Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
                  You can put up all the solar panels you want to, but in the end, you will have almost zero-power.

                  You need to learn the mathematics and the significance of the number zero because the Sun puts-out almost zero useable photo-electric energy here on Earth. "Zero times anything is still" ZERO..... Got it? That is God's Law, not mine.

                  If only geographers like myself were planning the energy policy for this world, we wouldn't be in this Great Recession now.... Got it?

                  2 CALORIES PER SQ. CENTIMETRE PER MINUTE AT NOON IN SUMMER at the surface of the Earth on a clear and dry day is virtually ZERO..... Got it?

                  The U.S. Dept. of Energy under Dr. Chow doesn't seem to understand it. The Democrats don't seem to understand it. Obama doesn't seem to understand it. The NDP here in British Columbia doesn't seem to understand it. Gordon Campbell, the Premier of BC, doesn't seem to understand it. The pot-heads here in Victoria, BC don't get it. Advanced Micro-Devices (AMD) in Santa Clara, Cal. doesn't seem to understand it (the Law of Zero) either.

                  We had better embrace and support BP's drilling efforts because without atomic energy, there is no viable near-term alternative energy for the Western World, including Canada and Europe.
                  The Earth receives 174 petawatts (PW) of incoming solar radiation (insolation) at the upper atmosphere.[1] Approximately 30% is reflected back to space while the rest is absorbed by clouds, oceans and land masses. The spectrum of solar light at the Earth's surface is mostly spread across the visible and near-infrared ranges with a small part in the near-ultraviolet.[2]

                  The total solar energy absorbed by Earth's atmosphere, oceans and land masses is approximately 3,850,000 exajoules (EJ) per year.[6] In 2002, this was more energy in one hour than the world used in one year.[11]

                  Sometime I just wonder -wtf - we surely are in Wonderland


                  • #24
                    Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                    One more- talk about denial --

                    Solar cookers use sunlight for cooking, drying and pasteurization. They can be grouped into three broad categories: box cookers, panel cookers and reflector cookers.[54] The simplest solar cooker is the box cooker first built by Horace de Saussure in 1767.[55] A basic box cooker consists of an insulated container with a transparent lid. It can be used effectively with partially overcast skies and will typically reach temperatures of 90–150 °C.[56] Panel cookers use a reflective panel to direct sunlight onto an insulated container and reach temperatures comparable to box cookers. Reflector cookers use various concentrating geometries (dish, trough, Fresnel mirrors) to focus light on a cooking container. These cookers reach temperatures of 315 °C and above but require direct light to function properly and must be repositioned to track the Sun.[57]

                    315 degrees is like 600 degrees Fahrenheit -MORE than enough to cook most things!! And note -that in your 'land of science' its been around for atleast 300 years and I am quite sure other cultures were aware of solar energy and its applications. Just like there were Palaces in India that used water cooling and architecture to provide cooling and heating. Fossil fuel is an albatross that refuses to let go - it has become incapable of surviving on its own.

                    Many technologies that can support good living from solar/wind/biofuel have existed for some time and most importantly the understanding of reducing consumption will go much farther as a cumulative effect- period.


                    • #25
                      Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                      and on the Americano political activists front....


                      • #26
                        Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                        Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post

                        I want
                        I would want
                        I would want
                        I would want
                        I want
                        Got it????????
                        We already know you, Steve.

                        The meek shall inherit the earth.


                        • #27
                          Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                          Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post

                          It took thousands of years for Europe to discover the number 0, and the meaning of 0 is still not fully appreciated, especially by engineers, and so-called "energy experts" at the U.S. Dept. of Energy.
                          I find this interesting. Could you explain?


                          • #28
                            Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                            Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
                            Something else at work here driving food prices? I wasn't aware there was any salmon fishery in the Gulf of Mexico...

                            I would actually think that fishermen are the biggest winners of this oil leak. All fishes to be priced 30% higher due to the leak!

                            By the way, do you guys know that a VLCC can carry 1.5 million barrels of oil? That's way more than the BP leak since day one assuming a leak of 20,000 barrel a day. The Gulf of Mexico is a huge place.


                            • #29
                              Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                              Buy the cheaper cuts of meat (with full flavor but aren't tender: rounds, chuck cuts, skirt steak, shank) on sale and use a Jaccard:

                              You get instant 5 star steaks.


                              • #30
                                Re: BP, the news is getting bad

                                At least Goldman knows what it's doing;
                                Goldman Sachs sold $250 million of BP stock before spill

                                By John Byrne
                                Wednesday, June 2nd, 2010 -- 10:12 am

                                Firm's stock sale nearly twice as large as any other institution; Represented 44 percent of total BP investment

