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Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System

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  • Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System

    Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System

    Let’s connect the dots on the ENTIRE financial system right now.

    Fact #1: Banks are Insolvent.
    The only reason they’re still in business is because they are permitted to value their balance sheet at whatever price they choose. I could privately value my car at $500 TRILLION, but that doesn’t mean I’ll get that price for it when it comes time to sell.

    Ditto for the banks and their garbage saturated balance sheets.
    Fact #2: Countries are Insolvent
    Europe, a union of broke countries, recently announced it is bailing itself out. This is a bit like your bankrupt friend announcing he is gifting himself $1 million: it DOESN’T SOLVE ANYTHING. As I’ve stated time and again, you CANNOT solve a debt problem by issuing more debt.
    Fact #3: Wall Street is Crooked
    Anyone who even wants to debate this can look at Goldman Sachs’ latest trading results: Goldie made money EVERY SINGLE DAY of last quarter. As if that wasn’t statistically impossible enough, the firm pulled in $100 million+ on 35 out of 63 days. This simply cannot be done ethically. The only way your trading is that good is because you’re cheating (front-running your clients or manipulating the market).
    Fact #4: The Central Bankers Cannot “SAVE” Anything
    The world’s central bankers are clueless about fixing the debt problems (see Europe). If a private business employed the same tactics as Ben Bernanke and pals, it would be bankrupt. Leaving a paperweight on the “print” button is not a policy. Neither is buying garbage debt (something of NO value) at 100 cents on the dollar. Indeed, there’s a word for someone willing to the latter action; it’s “sucker.”
    Fact #5: The Stock Market is Controlled by Computers
    The stock market has rallied courtesy of outright manipulation and fraud. Bailout Ben’s money didn’t go to Mom and Pop America, it went to Wall Street where they gunned the stock market higher on next to no volume using algorithmic computer programs to front-run their clients (see Goldman above).

    So markets today are not moving based on real investors, they are moving based on computers that trade back and forth in nanoseconds if not faster. These programs were created to reap a ¼ penny profit for each transaction the make (a policy the NYSE created to induce investors to continue trading and provide “liquidity”). However, as last Wednesday showed, when things start to get ugly all these “liquidity providers” seem to vanish in a hurry.
    What It All Adds Up To

    All of the above are facts that have been staring us in the face for well over six months, if not a year. If you suspected that something was “strange” about the market, you’re absolutely right, it’s that our entire financial system is based on fraud, lies, and BS.


  • #2
    Re: Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System

    So nothing new here, though I agree with all your points. But as we watch the spectacle of the euro implosion unfolding in front of our eyes, my question really is what can we do about it? I am not talking about profit taking I am talking about how can small inidvidual investors influence decisions at he policy level? If they can't why will any of this ever change? What's in it for TPTB?

    Does Europe now need the equivalent of the French revolution? Mass scale purging of the entrenched oligarchy? Man that 2012 date for armageddon is looking pretty good so far.:rolleyes:
    It's the Debt, stupid!!


    • #3
      Re: Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System

      Does Europe now need the equivalent of the French revolution? Mass scale purging of the entrenched oligarchy? Man that 2012 date for armageddon is looking pretty good so far
      I'm becoming more and more convinced that a "terror" along French Revolution lines will be the result of all of this. The Pendulum of history tends to swing back and forth to the extremes before it settles in the middle. I think we are past the point where things can be "fixed" by any moderate means.


      • #4
        Re: Five Facts You Need to Know About the Financial System

        Originally posted by flintlock View Post
        I'm becoming more and more convinced that a "terror" along French Revolution lines will be the result of all of this. The Pendulum of history tends to swing back and forth to the extremes before it settles in the middle. I think we are past the point where things can be "fixed" by any moderate means.
        I tend to agree, though I admit my view is colored having recently read a biography of Robespierre (Fatal Purity: Robespierre and the French Revolution).

        The teaparty/patriot/militia movement sure feels like the sans-culottes peasantry following the enragés ("enraged ones" Jacques Roux and Jacques Hébert), their parts now being played by Glen Beck and Rush Limbaugh.

        The whole situation can hardly escape the comparison -a fiscally and morally bankrupt government being overthrown by a fed-up population running on emotion without much logic or planning.

        Afterwards, enter Napoleon.

