Food-stamp tally nears 40 million, sets record (Ok 1 in 8.)
Follow me here---- thats 12.5 % Families (and single people in America) actually getting aid to just eat. Now a family is generally regarded as Mother and Father + 2.5 children - Do the Maths and allow for the single people
Now I know Governments, they give F#%K all away until you can prove, in triplicate that you need the funds then give you half.
Ive done a back of the bar tab bill and it tells me you DO NOT have a 9.9% unemployment rate ------------------- By a long way.
Green shots my ass, good people eating grass to survive.
I want the Truth, the Whole truth and nothing but the Truth, So help me God. Because you are being lied at,through and diddled and you can't see these little truths that slip through the Censorship. Matrix has nothing on your Media - Lying snakes in the grass.
Look I may be wrong and they count every person who is listed through the parents and if thats so (Clarification Needed State side) You have 12.5% that is so disadvantaged that Pride, Hope and Prayer have failed and the last hope is to jump through flaming hurdles to just frigging eat. That Is so third World that you should be ashamed. You Guys are the rest of the Worlds hope. Get off your Fat Butts and agitate for Christs sake. This is appalling. Wealthiest Country in the World I don't think so !. I give not a jot For Lloyd B, AIG, Fannie and Freddie, JPM, GM or that wonderful company of death Raytheon. You need to give a hand up to your people not hand out. This is Disgusting ,forget everything and fix this, lest they eat you.
Food-stamp tally nears 40 million, sets record (Ok 1 in 8.)
Follow me here---- thats 12.5 % Families (and single people in America) actually getting aid to just eat. Now a family is generally regarded as Mother and Father + 2.5 children - Do the Maths and allow for the single people
Now I know Governments, they give F#%K all away until you can prove, in triplicate that you need the funds then give you half.
Ive done a back of the bar tab bill and it tells me you DO NOT have a 9.9% unemployment rate ------------------- By a long way.
Green shots my ass, good people eating grass to survive.
I want the Truth, the Whole truth and nothing but the Truth, So help me God. Because you are being lied at,through and diddled and you can't see these little truths that slip through the Censorship. Matrix has nothing on your Media - Lying snakes in the grass.
Look I may be wrong and they count every person who is listed through the parents and if thats so (Clarification Needed State side) You have 12.5% that is so disadvantaged that Pride, Hope and Prayer have failed and the last hope is to jump through flaming hurdles to just frigging eat. That Is so third World that you should be ashamed. You Guys are the rest of the Worlds hope. Get off your Fat Butts and agitate for Christs sake. This is appalling. Wealthiest Country in the World I don't think so !. I give not a jot For Lloyd B, AIG, Fannie and Freddie, JPM, GM or that wonderful company of death Raytheon. You need to give a hand up to your people not hand out. This is Disgusting ,forget everything and fix this, lest they eat you.