Unfortunately the parasitic interests of Goldman, Wall Street, central banking and governments, et al, in commanding the substitution of gold money by fiat currency and credit has distorted the natural progression of human development to such an extent that the usual process of Darwinian evolution has temporally reversed into a process best described as Darwinian devolution.
How did such degenerate behaviour, contrary to all aspects of positive human existence and aspiration come about?
Simply because, without a Gold standard, it could.
How can we immediately reverse this disastrous state of affairs and return the financial elites to their proper subservient role in society?
Return to a 100% non fractional Gold standard without delay.
How did such degenerate behaviour, contrary to all aspects of positive human existence and aspiration come about?
Simply because, without a Gold standard, it could.
How can we immediately reverse this disastrous state of affairs and return the financial elites to their proper subservient role in society?
Return to a 100% non fractional Gold standard without delay.