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Guam Might Tip Over

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  • Guam Might Tip Over

    One of America's legislators at work. And no, this was not an April's Fool joke.
    Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho

  • #2
    Re: Guam Might Tip Over

    Sad! Wonkette also said:

    But maybe there’s a medical issue? Right-wing blog Powerline — there’s a likely defender of a black Democratic congressman! — says Johnson has Hep-C and that causes confusion. Well, that’s sad, and certainly not unique in the Halls of Congress, but maybe the dude needs to take medical leave.


    • #3
      Re: Guam Might Tip Over

      Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
      Sad! Wonkette also said:
      Then let him step down.
      Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


      • #4
        Re: Guam Might Tip Over

        I don't necessarily disagree with you. However, if such things were to happen, then many more elected and unelected officials should have stepped down. Anybody remember Senator Hayakawa, and his episodes of falling asleep?

        I think going on a medical leave is not a bad solution, IF the problem can be taken care of.


        • #5
          Re: Guam Might Tip Over

          My favorite Ronald Reagan quote, when he was gov of CA; "Trees cause more pollution than cars".


          • #6
            Re: Guam Might Tip Over

            Originally posted by bobola View Post
            My favorite Ronald Reagan quote, when he was gov of CA; "Trees cause more pollution than cars".
            You get the non-sequiteur of the day award.

            Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


            • #7
              Re: Guam Might Tip Over

              Originally posted by Master Shake View Post
              You get the non-sequiteur of the day award.

              Anyway - I think his point is -some tiny forsaken island with a tiny population and 'of course' we will transform it inot yet another military base -apparently the over 700 we have is just not enough to police the globe. Besides the huge ones in Bahrain/Germany/Serbia/Japan/Iraq/Afghanistan/Taiwan - we need endless little ones to dot the globe and continue the siphonig of ever more present and future tax dollars to subsidize the military-industrial complex.

              Which btw I think is an archaic term -we should just call it the Government/Industrial complex -since the Auto/Finance/Hi-tech/Military and Healthcare are all subsidized.


              • #8
                Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                Anyway - I think his point is -some tiny forsaken island with a tiny population and 'of course' we will transform it inot yet another military base -apparently the over 700 we have is just not enough to police the globe. Besides the huge ones in Bahrain/Germany/Serbia/Japan/Iraq/Afghanistan/Taiwan - we need endless little ones to dot the globe and continue the siphonig of ever more present and future tax dollars to subsidize the military-industrial complex.

                Which btw I think is an archaic term -we should just call it the Government/Industrial complex -since the Auto/Finance/Hi-tech/Military and Healthcare are all subsidized.
                I could not agree more.


                • #9
                  Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                  Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                  Anyway - I think his point is -some tiny forsaken island with a tiny population and 'of course' we will transform it inot yet another military base -apparently the over 700 we have is just not enough to police the globe. Besides the huge ones in Bahrain/Germany/Serbia/Japan/Iraq/Afghanistan/Taiwan - we need endless little ones to dot the globe and continue the siphonig of ever more present and future tax dollars to subsidize the military-industrial complex.

                  Which btw I think is an archaic term -we should just call it the Government/Industrial complex -since the Auto/Finance/Hi-tech/Military and Healthcare are all subsidized.
                  That's a valid point. Unfortunately, it's quite clear that the Congressman was literally talking about Guam tipping over.

                  I prefer the Government-Media-Academic complex when talking about how propaganda is inculcated and disseminated. For the economy, it's pretty much a Government-Corporate complex, but ultimately it's simply the Government complex since Leviathan just keeps getting bigger.
                  Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho


                  • #10
                    Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                    Originally posted by bobola View Post
                    My favorite Ronald Reagan quote, when he was gov of CA; "Trees cause more pollution than cars".
                    Before the enlightenment, nearly everyone tested the truth of statements against the judgment of their own intuition or against the intuitions of those considered authorities. If a statement sounded wrong, it must wrong. If Aristotle declared the earth the center of the universe, then there was no need for further investigation. Then science came along and some of the more clever people decided to actually test statements with experiments instead of relying on their intuition and the intuition of others and they learned a great deal.

                    Like, for example, that trees contribute to smog.

                    "The study examined a class of chemicals that are emitted as unburned fuel from automobile tailpipes and as vapors from industrial chemicals, but also come naturally from tree leaves. These chemicals, known collectively as VOCs, react with other pollutants to form ozone, a bluish, irritating and pungent gas that is a major form of smog in the lower atmosphere."



                    • #11
                      Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                      Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                      Anyway - I think his point is -some tiny forsaken island with a tiny population and 'of course' we will transform it inot yet another military base -apparently the over 700 we have is just not enough to police the globe. Besides the huge ones in Bahrain/Germany/Serbia/Japan/Iraq/Afghanistan/Taiwan
                      Isn't the idea to move forces presently stationed in Japan (on Okinawa) to Guam?


                      • #12
                        Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                        Ash thats not happening. After all -a military base of that size and strength is what keeps Japan buying worthless US treasuries. They and Germany and the GCC are in the top 4 of foreign debt holders. Thats why the US isn't THAT scared if China stops.

                        Do you really think the Japanese and Germans see US Treasuries as the best place to invest their hard earned savings?


                        • #13
                          Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                          Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                          Anyway - I think his point is -some tiny forsaken island with a tiny population and 'of course' we will transform it inot yet another military base -apparently the over 700 we have is just not enough to police the globe. Besides the huge ones in Bahrain/Germany/Serbia/Japan/Iraq/Afghanistan/Taiwan - we need endless little ones to dot the globe and continue the siphonig of ever more present and future tax dollars to subsidize the military-industrial complex.

                          Which btw I think is an archaic term -we should just call it the Government/Industrial complex -since the Auto/Finance/Hi-tech/Military and Healthcare are all subsidized.
                          There is no base on Taiwan.


                          • #14
                            Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                            Originally posted by iyamwutiam View Post
                            Ash thats not happening. After all -a military base of that size and strength is what keeps Japan buying worthless US treasuries. They and Germany and the GCC are in the top 4 of foreign debt holders. Thats why the US isn't THAT scared if China stops.

                            Do you really think the Japanese and Germans see US Treasuries as the best place to invest their hard earned savings?
                            I guess we'll see what happens in May. However, prior to Hatoyama's election, the American and Japanese governments agreed to move 8,000 Marines to Guam. That is what I am referring to.
                            After years of discussions the Japanese and American governments agreed a deal to restructure US forces on Okinawa.

                            It involved closing Futenma air base, building a new runway on reclaimed land and relocating troops at a base in the less populated north of the island. Japan would pick up $6bn of the $10bn cost.

                            As part of the deal, 8,000 US marines would also move to Guam, where President Obama is due next week.

                            But last year Yukio Hatoyama was elected prime minister, after 50 years of almost unbroken rule by the Liberal Democratic Party.

                            He made a campaign promise to move US troops off Okinawa as part of a creating a "more equal" partnership with America.

                            The original deal was put on hold and he is now torn between a threat from ruling coalition partners to withdraw support if he breaks his promise, and pressure from the US. He has promised to announce a new plan by the end of May this year.

                            That wouldn't mean all American forces leave Japan. To be clear: I am stating that the base being built on Guam is intended to house the Marines that will be moved out of Okinawa.


                            • #15
                              Re: Guam Might Tip Over

                              I might note that Guam is already a military base.

                              The US military based B52 bombers there as a strategic deterrent to the Soviet Far East fleet, as well as a large number of anti-submarine planes.

                              But of more relevance is Mr. Johnson's record:


                              Johnson is a member of the House Democratic leadership, elected by the Democratic caucus to serve as whip for Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida.[3] Johnson serves on the House Armed Services and Judiciary committees.
                              This guy is supposed to be the go-getter action dude for the Democratic South?

                              Goodness gracious!

                              Johnson's aggressive use of the internet to court supporters and attract national attention to the 2006 race in which he challenged and defeated Cynthia McKinney was noted by national political media. The National Journal wrote that of all Congressional candidates nationwide in 2006, "Johnson had the most unique blog strategy by far."[10]
                              The National Journal ranked Johnson's use of the internet to defeat McKinney -- and the broader trend of challengers using the blogosphere to challenge entrenched incumbents -- as the third most significant blog-related story of 2006.[11]
                              Johnson was the first Congressional candidate invited to blog for The Hill's Congress Blog, typically reserved for Members of Congress.[12] "I'm tremendously excited about the opportunity to use this unique medium to strengthen democracy by increasing open interaction between constituents and candidates," Johnson wrote. "I hope to provide you with an inside view of this hotly-contested, high stakes runoff."
                              Uh, ok. Can use Internet, but can't understand that islands don't float on the water...

