So, i had a meeting today with my second level manager, kind of a get to know you after multiple re-orgs, you kind of rarely get to know the manager above your current team....
One of the questions he asked me was; what to do you find as the most challenging thing to getting your job done?
My reply: The current work schedule around multiple time zones, in particular malaysia and asia in general.... It is not really conducive to a work life balance, i have meetings with European customers at 6 am and meetings with team counterparts in malaysia at 6 pm....
His response: Malaysia is not going away
They are gaining more prominence within our organization and are taking leading product development roles that would not have been given to them several years ago....
My thoughts on what was said:
Essentially, this tells me that most of the work is really being concentrated in malaysia and the US is now really going to be a support team
No one comes out and flat out says it, but looking at trends can mean a ton more than spoken words... In other words look at a persons/organizations actions rather than what it spells out for you; as actions speak louder than words... Almost all of our hiring is now in asia...
Major nextgen products/projects are now being driven out of asia and malaysia, where as 3 years ago THEY were the support/legacy/sustaining teams and now , we are the "support"/sustaining teams...
Several years ago, counterparts in malaysia used to accomodate our time zone, now we in the US are being asked to hold meetings at 8-9 pm US time...
Colleague's in the US seem to have the mentality that the US will always be the "innovator", they see through rose colored glasses.... Once asian counter parts have some more experience under their belt i have no doubt they will be able to innovate the same as the US, if not better... They hunger to climb the ladder, while in the US we bitch and complain and have an entitlement mentality
Colleagues in Malaysia truly have no life, they work over 12 hour days, are always online and always strive to show that they add value......
Living standards will go down in the US and living standards will rise in asia. If nothing more than for pure economics, why would i hire 1 engineer here, when i can hire 4 hungry, well educated, driven engineers in asia.....
Welcome to the new US reality
One of the questions he asked me was; what to do you find as the most challenging thing to getting your job done?
My reply: The current work schedule around multiple time zones, in particular malaysia and asia in general.... It is not really conducive to a work life balance, i have meetings with European customers at 6 am and meetings with team counterparts in malaysia at 6 pm....
His response: Malaysia is not going away
My thoughts on what was said:
Essentially, this tells me that most of the work is really being concentrated in malaysia and the US is now really going to be a support team
Major nextgen products/projects are now being driven out of asia and malaysia, where as 3 years ago THEY were the support/legacy/sustaining teams and now , we are the "support"/sustaining teams...
Several years ago, counterparts in malaysia used to accomodate our time zone, now we in the US are being asked to hold meetings at 8-9 pm US time...
Colleague's in the US seem to have the mentality that the US will always be the "innovator", they see through rose colored glasses.... Once asian counter parts have some more experience under their belt i have no doubt they will be able to innovate the same as the US, if not better... They hunger to climb the ladder, while in the US we bitch and complain and have an entitlement mentality
Colleagues in Malaysia truly have no life, they work over 12 hour days, are always online and always strive to show that they add value......
Living standards will go down in the US and living standards will rise in asia. If nothing more than for pure economics, why would i hire 1 engineer here, when i can hire 4 hungry, well educated, driven engineers in asia.....
Welcome to the new US reality