The hacks on Wall Street are at it again. They know that the debt bubble continues to implode, the FED is out of bullets, and with it the giant derivatives Ponzi scheme. The financial house of cards is collapsing for lack of liquidity and, more importantly, credit, the very life blood modern finance. Every dollar that is destroyed due to a default on a credit card, business loan, or mortgage is a dollar that is sucked from the economy. In the modern economy money is created as an instrument of debt, a promise to pay someone back. Normally, this debt is backed by a hard asset (like a home or auto) or by your willingness to trade your productive labor. In recent years, however, credit was extended to finance anything that could produce a revenue stream. This is the underlying mechanism for the carry trade (i.e. borrowing a currency at low interest rates and investing it in another nation's bonds or equities markets) and other speculative financial activities like borrowing money to purchase mortgage securities from a pool of subprime mortgages that have been fraudulently rated AAA by a complicit ratings agency. If you are going to speculate, it is always better to do it with someone else's money. Borrowing to invest in speculative investments is called "leverage" and it allows you to use just a little bit of your own money and a whole lot of other money created out of thin air to go and play the markets. This is the reason why the American financial sector, alone, has almost as much total debt as all of the business and consumer debt in the United States combined. This is the REAL reason behind the current crisis. People running up their credit cards and buying houses they couldn't afford is only a very, very small part of the story. The real crime is the borrowing of money by Wall Street firms and major banks around the world to engage in speculative trading activities.
The problem now is that the only party extending cheap credit is the FED through their ability to print money. Everyone knows that they cannot continue doing this without creating a hyperinflationary death spiral. They need to keep the game going with another source of cheap money, but how?
The answer is your retirement funds. Your social security was spent long ago by profligate politicians, but there are trillions in 401K's and pension funds all over the country waiting to be tapped if they could only get their hands on it. They know that no one is crazy enough to voluntarily give up their money, so they need a little spin. The scam works something like this.
Someone says "Hey, people are losing their retirement money. That's wrong. We need a way to protect people's retirement savings with an iron clad guarantee! The government needs to do something about this!" So, the government steps in and takes your money and gives you an IOU that says you will get a "guaranteed" pension when you retire. Sound familiar? ("social security, cough, social security"). The government then turns around and allows Wall Street access to those trillions and trillions of dollars that were just sitting there on the sidelines.
Gene J. Koprowski of the Money News has this to say:
The funny thing (or not so funny) is that folks like former Treasury Secretary Paulson are making noises as to the insolvency of Social Security and Medicare. "Sorry, we already spent the money. Sucks for you." Of course, it'll all be blamed on the bad economy, the avalanche of retiring Baby Boomers, and the fact that no one "saw the crisis coming" until it was too late. You can be sure to get a similar sob story about your "guaranteed" retirement pension when the bill comes due.
Meanwhile, the Criminal Oligarchs of Wall Street will have enjoyed another streak of record breaking bonuses over the next few years while the rest of the nation sinks deeper and deeper into economic depression.
If it is not clear to you now that Obama and fellow cabinet members Summers, Geither, et. al. are nothing more than whores of the Wall Street money interests (just like the last President and the one before that), then maybe a little refresher of the Lehman smoking gun might jog your memory:
Senator Kaufman Makes A Stand Against The Criminality Exposed By The Lehman Examiner Report, Questions The Core Principles Of US Democracy
How Lehman, With The Fed's Complicity, Created Another Illegal Precedent In Abusing The Primary Dealer Credit Facility
Lehman Brothers Dies While Getting Away With Murder: Regulatory Capture
The "Repo 105" Scam: How Lehman Fooled Everyone (Including Allegedly Dick Fuld) And How Other Banks Are Likely Doing This Right Now
Presenting The Lehman Bankruptcy Examiner Report
Ratigan And Spitzer Discuss Repo 105, Conclude "Civil Cases Will Be Brought"
These stories basically show that the NY Fed and the SEC had full knowledge of Lehman's securities fraud. And the person in the middle? Why none other than our friend Turbo Timmy Geithner.
Wresting control back from these greedy, evil morons will not be easy. These folks are not going away quietly. This process is not going to be quick or clean.
The problem now is that the only party extending cheap credit is the FED through their ability to print money. Everyone knows that they cannot continue doing this without creating a hyperinflationary death spiral. They need to keep the game going with another source of cheap money, but how?
The answer is your retirement funds. Your social security was spent long ago by profligate politicians, but there are trillions in 401K's and pension funds all over the country waiting to be tapped if they could only get their hands on it. They know that no one is crazy enough to voluntarily give up their money, so they need a little spin. The scam works something like this.
Someone says "Hey, people are losing their retirement money. That's wrong. We need a way to protect people's retirement savings with an iron clad guarantee! The government needs to do something about this!" So, the government steps in and takes your money and gives you an IOU that says you will get a "guaranteed" pension when you retire. Sound familiar? ("social security, cough, social security"). The government then turns around and allows Wall Street access to those trillions and trillions of dollars that were just sitting there on the sidelines.
Gene J. Koprowski of the Money News has this to say:
Unions Want to Take Over Your 401(k)
One of the nation's largest labor unions, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), is promoting a plan that will centralize all retirement plans for American workers, including private 401(k) plans, under one new "retirement system" for the United States.
One of the nation's largest labor unions, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), is promoting a plan that will centralize all retirement plans for American workers, including private 401(k) plans, under one new "retirement system" for the United States.
In effect, government pensions for everyone, not unlike the European system and regardless of personal choice.
The SEIU, which was integral to the election of Barack Obama as president (emphasis mine), is working with the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI), and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, on SEIU's plan, called "the Retirement USA Initiative."
Claiming that the retirement system in place now has "failed most Americans," EPI vice president Ross Eisenbrey, told a labor union publication that "account balances have fallen by a third since late 2007, leaving many older workers unable to retire just as our economy is shedding millions of jobs.”
And from the SEIU's own blog:The SEIU, which was integral to the election of Barack Obama as president (emphasis mine), is working with the left-leaning Economic Policy Institute (EPI), and the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare, on SEIU's plan, called "the Retirement USA Initiative."
Claiming that the retirement system in place now has "failed most Americans," EPI vice president Ross Eisenbrey, told a labor union publication that "account balances have fallen by a third since late 2007, leaving many older workers unable to retire just as our economy is shedding millions of jobs.”
SEIU, Coalition Partners Launch Retirement USA Initiative
Initiative will work to establish principles for a visionary retirement income system
Initiative will work to establish principles for a visionary retirement income system
SEIU partnered with The Economic Policy Institute (EPI), the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare and the Pensions Rights Center to launch Retirement USA, an initiative working for a new retirement system that, along with Social Security, will provide universal, secure, and adequate income for future retirees.
Why do we need the Retirement USA Initiative?
Because the system we have now has failed most Americans---a harsh reality that EPI Vice-President Ross Eisenbrey spelled out at the launch of the initiative yesterday:
"The financial crisis and the economic recession have shone a spotlight on the inadequacies of today's system," said Stephen Abrecht, Director of Benefits and Capital Stewardship for SEIU. "The time to act is now."
Karen Ferguson, director of the Pension Rights Center, has invited others to submit proposals for a new system, which will be examined at the fall conference. Proposals will be posted on the Retirement USA web site at
Of course, this wouldn't work if the government just mandated it. People might get mad. You need a "consumer friendly" complicit union or other entity to come up with the idea first.Because the system we have now has failed most Americans---a harsh reality that EPI Vice-President Ross Eisenbrey spelled out at the launch of the initiative yesterday:
"Only half of full-time workers have a retirement plan through their employer, and coverage is much lower for part-time workers. Participating in a plan doesn't mean a worker is adequately preparing for retirement. The median 401(k) account balance was only $25,000 in 2006---$40,000 for workers approaching retirement age. In other words, half of those who had a 401(k) were nearing retirement with less than $40,000 in their account. "Account balances have fallen by a third since late 2007, leaving many older workers unable to retire just as our economy is shedding millions of jobs. The failure is broad and deep. It's not just a few people falling through the cracks: most of us are already in the ravine. In the private sector, only two in 10 of us have a secure pension. Three in 10 have only a 401(k) or similar savings plan-and the rest of us are totally out of luck."
The Retirement USA principles will be used by SEIU and its partner organizations in this initiative as a framework for evaluating how well proposals would fulfill the goals of universal coverage, and secure and adequate income. The principals would include concepts such as:- Pooled assets that are professionally managed; (emphasis mine)
- Shared responsibility among employers, employees and the government;
- Payouts only at retirement;
- Benefits that could move with you even if you change jobs
"The financial crisis and the economic recession have shone a spotlight on the inadequacies of today's system," said Stephen Abrecht, Director of Benefits and Capital Stewardship for SEIU. "The time to act is now."
Karen Ferguson, director of the Pension Rights Center, has invited others to submit proposals for a new system, which will be examined at the fall conference. Proposals will be posted on the Retirement USA web site at
The funny thing (or not so funny) is that folks like former Treasury Secretary Paulson are making noises as to the insolvency of Social Security and Medicare. "Sorry, we already spent the money. Sucks for you." Of course, it'll all be blamed on the bad economy, the avalanche of retiring Baby Boomers, and the fact that no one "saw the crisis coming" until it was too late. You can be sure to get a similar sob story about your "guaranteed" retirement pension when the bill comes due.
Meanwhile, the Criminal Oligarchs of Wall Street will have enjoyed another streak of record breaking bonuses over the next few years while the rest of the nation sinks deeper and deeper into economic depression.
If it is not clear to you now that Obama and fellow cabinet members Summers, Geither, et. al. are nothing more than whores of the Wall Street money interests (just like the last President and the one before that), then maybe a little refresher of the Lehman smoking gun might jog your memory:
Senator Kaufman Makes A Stand Against The Criminality Exposed By The Lehman Examiner Report, Questions The Core Principles Of US Democracy
How Lehman, With The Fed's Complicity, Created Another Illegal Precedent In Abusing The Primary Dealer Credit Facility
Lehman Brothers Dies While Getting Away With Murder: Regulatory Capture
The "Repo 105" Scam: How Lehman Fooled Everyone (Including Allegedly Dick Fuld) And How Other Banks Are Likely Doing This Right Now
Presenting The Lehman Bankruptcy Examiner Report
Ratigan And Spitzer Discuss Repo 105, Conclude "Civil Cases Will Be Brought"
These stories basically show that the NY Fed and the SEC had full knowledge of Lehman's securities fraud. And the person in the middle? Why none other than our friend Turbo Timmy Geithner.
Wresting control back from these greedy, evil morons will not be easy. These folks are not going away quietly. This process is not going to be quick or clean.