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  • #46
    Re: Iran

    Originally posted by cmalbatros View Post
    The Chinese have found that the best way to control an invaded country (Burma) is to have about 1 in 5 of its own citizens living there. So who's up to emigrating to Iran after the hostilities die down? Should be plenty of jobs working for Haliburton rebuilding the counties infra structure.
    That's not just China. That's every invasion in history until the post-WWII era.

    Obviously, otherwise the US would still be populated by aboriginal peoples.


    • #47
      Re: Iran

      Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
      Hmm. How would Iran respond? from a recently declassified CIA study:

      "We are most concerned about the damage that could be inflicted on oil facilities in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Their oil production and export systems are highly concentrated and extremely vulnerable to sabotage or direct military action. Iran already has demonstrated its capability to inflict damage to the facilities. In early October 1981, Iranian F-4 fighters attacked Kuwait's largest gas-oil separation plant at the Raudhatain Oilfield... Kuwait: by far the most critical and vulnerable Kuwaiti petroleum choke points are the offshore and onshore terminal loading facilities at Ahmadi, as well [redacted]... Saudi Arabia and Kuwait are aware of their vulnerability, and have taken countermeasures during the past year to provide early warning and to make it more difficult for Iranian commandos to reach their coastal petroleum facilities. These include an increase in air and naval patrols around potential target areas, the positioning of guards at some offshore oil facilities and tighter controls on access to installations. Despite these measures Tehran could still seriously damage petroleum installations in various Persian Guld countries."

      I would second that. Kuwait has been lazily complacent in their border security measures. Until recently, they have allowed fully veiled women to enter Kuwait from Saudi Arabia without matching their faces with their IDs. The logic was: Saudis will check them anyway on the exit so why bother?
      At the request of the Saudi government, Kuwait finally posted female border inspectors to check fully veiled visitors.

      The sea border is not exactly well guarded either. Just a recent example, a Kuwaiti friend went out fishing with his buddies near the Saudi border and accidently or on purpose crossed over. Nobody challenged them on the Kuwaiti side but they were quickly approached by a Saudi patrol vessel and ordered to get the hell out.

      On the sea border with Iran, the biggest concern has always been drug smuggling. Attach the goodies to a fishing buoy in the neutral waters, give the GPS coordinates to your business partner on the Kuwaiti side and hope they won’t get caught. Of course the Kuwaiti government knows about it and drug seizures do occur. But who knows what the success rate is.
      Last edited by konj; March 18, 2010, 01:33 AM.


      • #48
        Re: Iran

        Originally posted by thriftyandboringinohio View Post
        And finally, the inevitable Hitler-Chamberlin comparison arrives. ;)

        Stole my thunder... The more I hear "peace in our time" the more I favor the removal of Sean Hannity from the airwaves.

