Schaeffer Cox from Alaska has over 3,500 citizens in a State Militia, a Liberty Bell network who will immediately come to the aid of anyone who is having their rights attacked/infringed, and has formed a People's Common Law Court.
Listen carefully to what he explains to a group in Montana about what he has done for himself and fellow citizens in Alaska, based on the common law principles:
- Respect everybody else's rights and property
- Do all that you have agreed to do
The existing government is pushing normal citizens to build a culture of self-control and self-reliance
Government Agencies & Bureaus (eg. EPA, FCC, IRS, ATF, etc.) are a violation of US constitution, as they make the rules, implement them, and judge guilt to their rules that have the force of statute; all 3 independent branches of government combined into one group.
Right & wrong must be placed above legal and illegal.
Must have a cause above self-preservation, affluency, and personal peace (the mistakes of the me-first generations who don't want to get involved, no matter what; they wrongly choose ignorance over duty and responsibility).
Schaeffer's recommendations:
- Sign the declaration
- Set up a Liberty Bell System (automatic phone alert system)
- Organize a Militia
- Get a Common Law Court
- Discover your Leaders
No need to attack nor destroy the current government of tyranny, it will destroy itself soon enough.
Rather than being consumed by anger & hate, you can proceed by what you belief and what you love (doing what's right, and liberty).
Government doesn't operate by rule of law, they operate by rule of force.
The 5 steps above will be ready to fill the vacuum when the current government collapses under its own errors.
Governments cycle through the following states:
- Prosperity
- Apathy
- Tyranny (strategic liaison to trap personal power & wealth)
- Oppression
- Destruction (of systems & individuals by gov't & henchmen, kill the golden goose, just starting into this phase in last 2 years)
- Repentance (give up mis-guided values of past, see the right path forward)
- Courage
- Rebellion
- Back to Step #1
Forget teabags, get on board today.