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  • Assasination


  • #2
    Re: Assasination

    Rather old news unless you believe in the single assassin theory (JFK), which coincides with : Financial Oligarchy- the Early Years, and Reagan's taking a bullet, from a spook's son, who was meeting with VP chief spook Bush, Sr, etc.

    Life magazine, in the 60s, ran a pictorial on US forces in 'Nam dropping suspected VC from helicopters into the Gulf of Tonkin as a interrogation technique. I think we all know about Operation Mongoose. These things inevitably come home to roost...and they're old news today.

    Want an update- lookout for Blackwater and its ilk. Private armies operating domestically in the USA.


    • #3
      Re: Assasination

      Originally posted by don View Post
      ...... Private armies operating domestically in the USA.
      Now that corporations have been granted the right to elect our representatives, expect the other rights enumerated in the Bill of Rights, specifically Second Amendment rights to be extended to corporations. That means private militias, folks. They don't even have to tell us about them prior to their establishment. I'm not talking about private security guards like Pinkertons. I'm talking heavy equipment, armored personnel carriers, perimeter mining, aircraft, night vision and high tech communications, etc. I'm afraid we haven't seen anything yet.


      • #4
        Re: Assasination

        I'm sure the Bush family has much blood on thier hands. How any American voted for GW Bush, is still amazing to me!

        Makes you wonder if Ron Paul actually gets close to being President, ...

        Makes you wonder if Obama actually starts getting reforms through, ...

        Makes you wonder why Pelosi suddenly stopped her dispute with the CIA lying to Washington, ...

        Makes you wonder why Leman Brothers needed to hire both HW Bush and Jeb Bush prior to thier collapse, ...

        Makes you wonder about Neil Bush being at the center of the S&L crisis, Silverado Savings and Loan, which collapsed and got bailed out by taxpayers for 1 billion $$?

        Makes you wonder about Jeb Bush in 2012?

        If we really see Jeb Bush run for President and American's are so retarded as to vote for him, then the decision becomes - stay and fight or leave?

        Jeb Bush, Worse than Neil?

        by emptywheel
        Via Atrios, people are beginning to wonder whether Jeb Bush was responsible for approving Florida's purchase of a hefty chunk of the shitpile when he was Governor.
        A government money market debacle unfolding in Florida is raising questions about former governor and presidential brother Jeb Bush's possible involvement in the mess.
        Florida froze withdrawals from a state investment fund earlier this week when local governments withdrew billions of dollars out of concern for the fund's financial stability.
        In the past few days, municipalities have withdrawn roughly $9 billion, nearly a third of the $28 billion fund (which is similar to a money market fund) controlled by the Florida's State Board of Administration (SBA). The run on the fund was triggered by worries that a percentage of the portfolio contained debt that had defaulted.
        A majority of this paper was sold to SBA by Lehman Brothers (nyse: LEH - news - people). Bush, as the state's top elected official, served on a three-member board that oversaw the SBA until he retired as governor in January. In August, Bush was hired as a consultant to the bank. Lehman spokesperson Kerrie Cohen, speaking on behalf of Bush, said they had no comment and would not say when the bank had sold Florida the paper. SBA did not return calls.
        Which made me wonder what happened to investigations into Jeb's role in the last piece of shitpile Florida bought: Over $300 million in Enron stock, also approved while Bush was in charge of Florida's State Board of Administration.
        According to a report by AFSCME Florida Council 79, Inside the Florida State Board of Administration: Mismanagement Made the Enron Loss Inevitable, the State Board of Administration (SBA) repeatedly engaged in poor investment practices under the watch of its Board of Trustees, chaired by Gov. Jeb Bush. Despite warnings from inside and outside the SBA, the trustees failed to correct these problems, leading to a stunning loss on Enron stock nearly three times greater than that of any other state retirement fund. The trustees failed to act as Alliance Capital Management, one of the pension fund's money managers, continued to invest in Enron even as its financial instability became public and the Securities and Exchange Commission was investigating the corporation.
        Michael Froomkin has a detailed description of what this means for FL here.
        The possibility that Jeb presided over not one but two massive transfers of money from Florida's government coffers into the pockets of his friends raises the possibility he'll be remembered as more corrupt than his brother, Neil. I know it's a tough contest, trying to figure out which Bush brother is the most corrupt. But Neil Bush only indirectly stole from taxpayers with his Silverado Savings & Loan. And while it's pretty clear Neil's company was shafting taxpayers to put money in Ignite's bank accounts, I'm not sure if that matches the scale of Jeb's apparent wholesale emptying of Florida's coffers into corrupt and losing business deals.
        Last edited by MulaMan; February 25, 2010, 01:26 AM.


        • #5
          Re: Assasination

          Oh man! 4 wicked awesome posts in a row!

          Where are the people who are supposed to come on here and call us conspiratorial nut jobs?

          Well, while were on the subject of the Bushes.

          Marvin P. Bush, the president’s younger brother, was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport. The company was backed by KuwAm, a Kuwaiti-American investment firm on whose board Marvin Burns also served. According to the security company's present CEO, Barry McDaniel, the company had an ongoing contract to handle security at the World Trade Center "up to the day the buildings fell down." (Refer to post about nano-thermite found in the towers.)


          • #6
            Re: Assasination

            If we really see Jeb Bush run for President and American's are so retarded as to vote for him,
            I'm not saying that the 2000 and 2004 elections were crooked. But if they really needed another Bush in the White House I'm sure they wouldn't let the will of the people get in the way.


            • #7
              Re: Assasination

              The Mossad hit, i don't half fancy that "Gail"......always loved dangeroius females........just got to be a bit care full about going to a hotel room with her......her "Boyfriends" might be about.



              • #8
                Re: Assasination

                Ah Yes

