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First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

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  • First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982
    Friday's Consumer Price Index Summary from the Bureau of Labor Statistics contained some news so arcanely bleak it drove even Paul Krugman, the doctor, to say two true things. The "core" CPI, which includes consumer prices except food and energy, has declined for the first time since 1982. In a post quoted by Calculated Risk, Krugman sees facts not fitting his theories and suggests we change our way of measuring inflation. He also hits Federal Reserve Bank chairman Ben Bernanke with Japan's lost decade:
    [C]ore CPI has been behaving erratically lately, making me doubt whether it’s still a good guide to underlying inflation (by which I mean the trend in prices that, unlike commodity prices, have a lot of inertia).
    What I find myself looking at these days are the Cleveland Fed “trimmed” inflation measures, which exclude outlying large price movements; the ultimate trim is the median, the rise in the price of the median category. And these indicators tell a story of dramatic disinflation in the face of a weak economy ... We may have to start calling the Fed chairman Bernanke-san, after all.
    Both of Krugman's points make sense. A year ago he cited a scenario in which the zombie banks would do nothing but consume government cash following the Japanese pattern, which is precisely what has happened. (For more on America's appropriation of the lost decade, check out Reason's July 2009 cover story.) Like all the core beliefs of the economic elite, of course, this one is worth a whore's wedding vow: When the TARP was still being debated, Krugman supported it, with rueful handwringing, in the belief that allowing rich pigs to suffer the consequences of their actions would have caused an apocalypse of a meltdown of an armageddon.

    But the case against core CPI is more interesting. I have never understood what leaving out food and energy costs does to make core CPI a relevant representation of the economic well-being of Americans, and my recent experience at Safeway and the gas station indicates prices for both are flat anyway (though gas prices are said to be rising again).

    The saddest thing about the economic hyperpocalypse is how little use anybody has made of it to throw out vast chunks of macroeconomic pettifoggery and monetarist voodoo. The contents of the consumer price index could probably use a more vigorous reshuffling if you want to get accurate numbers on what Mr. and Ms. Average are paying for stuff. Misleading concoctions like Owner's Equivalent Rent are still in use. Even GDP, that too-big-to-follow whale -- and the only evidence, really, with which you can claim the recession is over -- is as easily gamed as the tables at Rick's American Cafe. They can create more than a trillion additional dollars in the course of one year, and not cause the price of anything to go up. That's a pretty good reason not to believe anybody who claims to have things figured out.

    The political way through the cognitive dissonance is to say, "The recovery is underway but people are still hurting." How about this instead: People are hurting because the recovery isn't underway. To recognize that we have to move the conversation beyond people like the Obama economic team, who say we need to keep pushing on a string; people like Krugman, who say we need to push harder; and people like Ben Bernanke, who say we need cheaper string. If you never travel outside the circle jerk of mutual congratulations, you might think all three of those claims are true.
    As the masters of the economy wait for the little blue pill of inflation to kick in, kick back with Reason's coverage of what happened the last time it was 1982 and the era of runaway inflation was brought to a very painful end. Or see how inflation can give Old Kid Depression a sock on the button with this vintage propaganda from MGM:

    Poor old Ben is scared sh*tless now. However I dont know if to believe these numbers, groceries seem to have gone up quite a bit in the last 6 months. The whole way of calculating inflation is ridiculous anyway.

    Comments? Fred?
    Last edited by tsetsefly; February 23, 2010, 02:21 PM.

  • #2
    Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982


    • #3
      Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

      still low level of reported inflation...

      Anyway, that video is great and scary in the fact that it is probably shown to all new economist at the FED!


      • #4
        Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

        If you incorrectly forecast deflation over and over again then you must repeatedly defend your errors. But if you correctly forecast cycles of disinflation and inflation, then you need only refer back to your correct forecasts.

        Google deflation


        • #5
          Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

          All these metrics make me laugh. Ha ha ha.

          Just follow a soccer mom in Ohio around for a week. That is the only metric that matters. To paraphrase that great American social philosopher Groucho Marx, "who ya gonna believe, an economist of yer own lyin' eyes".


          • #6
            Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

            Originally posted by FRED View Post
            If you incorrectly forecast deflation over and over again then you must repeatedly defend your errors. But if you correctly forecast cycles of disinflation and inflation, then you need only refer back to your correct forecasts.

            Google deflation
            This is an excerpt from the New Normal thread. It fits here quite well.

            I have a friend in the Tampa area that works as a construction superintendent. To get his current job he had to take a $20,000 plus salary cut, with heavier medical costs. The job is near Daytona, a 3 1/2 hour drive. He works a 10 hour/4 day week, sleeping in a rental with some other members of the construction gang, and drives home on weekends. His wife works two part-time jobs as a seamstress. They have one teenage daughter.

            He told me that can't quite make the month. He comes up about 3 days short. They live modestly, cut costs, and when their rental lease expires, will move to a cheaper place. (This one was 'cheap' less than a year ago- they're cheaper now. A good example of equity loss being one of the few decision points for falling salaries/rising basic food costs, and the ever-present medical gouging.)


            • #7
              Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

              It is hard to compute inflation because of a changing basket of products over long time frames. Let's look at a 70's basket of goods vs. a 2010 basket.

              70's car from the big three is a piece of junk. Remember the pinto? It would last maybe 70k, require tune ups all the time. After 5 years a constant maintenance headache. After 10 years it was junk. I think it cost 3500? Today's pinto
              is probably around 12K. Much more reliable. Will last 100K+ and 12 or more years in the rust belt.

              cell phone, computer, what's that. Now they are disposable and nearly indespensible.

              Hip replacement, coronary stent, eye lens replacement. Yes we are all getting killed by health costs but our care is much better. The thing I am most amazed about is the increase in basic health care. Why does a shot cost 200+ dollars? My kid had a sinus infection, total cost $400. 2 office vists and a half pint of anti-biotics.

              I have modeled lots of data in my life and some of this doesn't make sense. owner's equivalent rent. I think housing should be price of house / % of population in a house + rent / % pop in rental. something like that,
              sampling on a regional basis also.

              core prices. If food and energy, two very inelastic prices are volatile, smooth them with a moving average. Don't remove them from the CPI.
              Some of the hedonic adjustments I have heard about are just plain silly,
              color pictures in books, push buttons on a washing machine, CPU clock
              increases on a computer etc (I can still balance my check book, or re-format a business letter in a milli second whether on a 8086, or core2 duo). I don't know how to assign a value to cd/dvd burning or digital photograpy.


              • #8
                Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

                Yes, but subtract from that list of "life improvements" Loss of job security, loss of civility, Loss of morals, Loss of cheap land to hunt and fish on, Loss of freedom, Loss of justice, Loss of privacy.....


                • #9
                  Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

                  Prices for eggs have gone up by over 50% for me in the past 6 months....and I shop at Sam's!


                  • #10
                    Re: First Decline in Core Inflation Since 1982

                    Originally posted by lsa420 View Post
                    Prices for eggs have gone up by over 50% for me in the past 6 months....and I shop at Sam's!
                    I suspect this gets back to the embodied energy cost of the egg. Certainly the chicken is not asking for a higher wage.

