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Channeling Mega - Somebody help me with this

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  • Channeling Mega - Somebody help me with this

    If this is true......I've got an idea.

    The Congressional Budget Office reported last month that increasing unemployment benefits offers the most bang for the buck of any government policy aimed at countering a recession: They produce up to $1.90 worth of economic growth for every $1 spent on them.

  • #2
    Re: Channeling Mega - Somebody help me with this

    Extending additional unemployment benefits would directly help those who would otherwise exhaust their unemployment benefits between March and December of this year. Households receiving unemployment benefits tend to spend the additional benefits quickly, making this option both timely and cost-effective in spurring economic activity and employment. A variant of this option would extend assistance with paying health insurance premiums, which would allow some recipients to maintain health insurance coverage they would otherwise have dropped. This variant would result in increased demand for health care services, and it would increase the income available to purchase other goods and services for recipients who would have purchased insurance even without this special assistance. Both policy options could dampen people’s efforts to look for work, although that concern is less of a factor when employment opportunities are expected to be limited for some time.

    CBO estimates that the policies would raise output cumulatively between 2010 and 2015 by $0.70 to $1.90 per dollar of total budgetary cost. CBO also estimates that the policies would add 8 to 19 cumulative years of full-time-equivalent employment in 2010 and 2011 per million dollars of total budgetary cost.
    Policies for Increasing Economic Growth and Employment in 2010 and 2011 January 2010


    • #3
      Re: Channeling Mega - Somebody help me with this

      I wonder if those estimates can be trusted. I always hear the same kind of talk regarding public funding of sports stadiums.

      Thank you for the link. On page 24 there is a map of state budget gaps. Yikes, California at 49% STILL.

