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Chernobyl Legacy- Fusco
Re: Chernobyl Legacy- Fusco
One day after Obama has the federal govn't provide loan guarantees to Southern Company for building its atomic power plants, you devils in Greenpeace are at work trying to infer that American reactors or British reactors or Chinese reactors are built without containment buildings, the same as Chernobyl's reactor was built. And then you show the odd mutation from Chernobyl trying again to scare the public here into believing that there is a danger in atomic energy.
I have to hand it to Greenpeace, you are very clever in tactics in trying to scare the public.
There has not even been one (not ONE) death or major injury from atomic power in all of the years that Europe and America and Canada and Australia have developed atomic power. The safety record of atomic power is better than that of other power sources.
Was it you who put the single mutated fish in Lake Athabasca in 2008? You were trying to infer that the solvents used in the tar sands up-grading at Ft. McMurray caused the mutated fish? No mind that no fish from Lake Athabasca since your Greenpeace news release was found with a mutation.
How much is Greenpeace paying you? Or are the lawyers that file the environmental-impact lawsuits paying you? Whose payroll are you on?
I have spent my life starving because you and your bunch in the environmental movement killed industry after industry. And your technique is always the same: to release half-truths, the odd picture, and whatever mis-information to try to manipulate public opinion.
No mind that millions of people starve, millions have lost their jobs thanks to radical environmentalism, you have your pristine environment. :rolleyes: And no mind that mutations always have occurred in nature; they are part of a natural process of specie development in biology. And no mind that the connection between your claim and your mutation-de-jour is vague and undocumented.
For decades we were told by environmentalists that low-level radiation was linked to mutations. Now we know that cells repair damage from low levels of radiation, otherwise life could not have developed on this planet. But the public was never told this by Greenpeace or David Sazuki.
How many people died of malaria because DDT was banned thanks to Rachel Carlson's book, Silent Spring? We were told only the half-truth that DDT causes cancer, but we were never told that DDT saves millions of lives.... We were never told that DDT wipes-out mosquitos, nor that DDT wipes-out malaria, nor that DDT increases the food supply for people. Not one word from Greenpeace about those facts.
.Last edited by Starving Steve; February 17, 2010, 05:18 PM.
Re: Chernobyl Legacy- Fusco
By the way, twenty years after the Chernobyl melt-down, the environment around Chernobyl is recovering, apparently just fine. People in the Chernobyl region grow vegetables in the soil of the region, and guess what: no cancer. They even eat mushrooms grown in Chernoybl soil, and no problems in human health have been observed. (In theory, those mushrooms would be very radioactive because mushrooms absorb the minerals in the soil.)
Do I recommend Chernoybl mushrooms in a diet? No. But apparently, they won't kill you.
Re: Chernobyl Legacy- Fusco
Originally posted by Mega View PostHi Steve
Not seen you for awhile, hope your well.
I am doing fine, but taking 1.000 grams per day of Keppra to stay conscious and semi-sane.
My arsenic-coated cedar-shake roof hasn't done me in yet, nor has the cyanide in the cedar logs of my home, nor has the mercury from the cinnibar ore on-display above my computer poisoned me either. Still no lung cancer from the radon emitted from the granite rocks under my cabin.... So life is good.
No nookie now, but no divorce to worry about either.
Last edited by Starving Steve; February 18, 2010, 12:17 AM.
Re: Chernobyl Legacy- Fusco
From God to Gaia to Obama's Nuclear Apocalypse
Thirty-five years later, James Cameron gives us Avatar and the planet Pandora, which is Gaia brought to life in the most savage denunciation of imperial exploitation—explicitly American—ever brought to screen. Now a huge hit, Avatar is the most expensive antiwar film ever made (at $200 million, about half the cost of a single F-22). “It is nature which today no longer exists anywhere,” a peppery German called Marx wrote in 1845. But Rousseau is having his revenge on Karl. The night I went to Avatar the audience cheered when Pandora, as a single Gaian organism, puts Earth’s predatory onslaught to flight and man’s war machines are crushed by natural forces. Against Genesis and the Judeo-Christian tradition, pagan mysticism is carrying the day, at the level of fantasy as it is in those astrological manuals down in the Bible belt.
But alas, it is all fantasy, as a beautiful creature with a tail whacks USMC colonel Quaritch with a couple of well-placed arrows. Here on earth, the Gaian crowd are all devotees of the Man-Made Global Warming Cult, which this last week, in the world of the real, fulfilled its basic mission of smoothing the way for the renaissance of nuclear power, with Obama announcing last Tuesday, February 16, – see Karl Grossman’s useful piece on this site last week - that his administration is moving ahead on $8.3 billion in federal government loan guarantees to build new nuclear plants.
“My budget proposes tripling the loan guarantees we provide to help finance safe, clean nuclear facilities,” Obama proclaimed on Tuesday, referring to a DOE plan which would add $36 billion and bring the loan guarantee fund to $54.5. The $8.3 billion in loan guarantees is to go toward the Southern Company of Atlanta constructing two nuclear power reactors in Burke, Georgia. These are to be AP1000 nuclear power plants designed by the Westinghouse nuclear division (now owned by Toshiba) although in October the designs were rejected by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission as likely being unable to withstand events like tornadoes and earthquakes.
Yes, Obama did denounce the dangers of nuclear power on the campaign trail. And yes, he has always been in receipt of hefty campaign funds from the nuclear industry. The huge nuke corporation Exelon donated $US200,000 to Obama's 2008 election campaign and his chief of staff, Rahm Emanuel, and prime political advisor David Axelrod, have links to the company. And yes, on February 1, the Obama administration unveiled a budget in which both of the University of California’s s weapons labs would receive huge boosts in government funding. The proposed funding increase of 23 per cent at Los Alamos would be the facility's largest since 1944. Much of that funding is for a new factory to produce plutonium bomb cores, the explosive triggers of modern thermo-nuclear warheads, for the purpose of outfitting the first new nukes to be developed since the end of the Cold War.
You can trace the hand of the nuclear power lobby in the confection of the global warming scare as far back as the 1970s. It’s been a four-decade push which took a giant step towards fruition last Tuesday. A quarter of a century ago, nuclear power was dead in this country, so far as new plant construction as concerned. In the wake of Obama’s announcement last week, there were some bleats from the greens, some pro forma yaps from the big Green organizations, but nothing with real teeth. The executives at these big green outfits knew long ago that this was a “bait and switch” exercise. Watch Obama festoon the requests for the new nuke plant licenses with all manner of pleasing drapery about “cap and trade” and so forth. It’s meaningless.