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New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

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  • New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

    "The social movement of Technocracy, with its energy-based accounting system, can be traced back to the 1930’s when an obscure group of engineers and scientists offered it as a solution to the Great Depression. "

    "To build a carbon market, its originators must create a currency of carbon credits that participants can trade.”"

    "“… implementing individual carbon allowances for every person will be the most effective way of meeting the targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. It would involve people being issued with a unique number which they would hand over when purchasing products that contribute to their carbon footprint, such as fuel, airline tickets and electricity. Like with a bank account, a statement would be sent out each month to help people keep track of what they are using. If their "carbon account" hits zero, they would have to pay to get more credits”."

  • #2
    Re: New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

    But I don't want a technocratic elite, a Copenhagen (AGW) elite, the central bank of carbon credits, nor the regional district of eco-frauds telling me how to live my life. I don't want to live in a cave and eat granola bars, no matter how politically-correct it may be and no matter how many carbon-credits I might earn.

    I am a social-democrat, but I can't stomach this!

    And people ask me why I love gold? The answer is that I don't want to be controlled. Part of the allure of gold is the allure of freedom itself.


    • #3
      Re: New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

      Originally posted by Starving Steve View Post
      But I don't want a technocratic elite, a Copenhagen (AGW) elite, the central bank of carbon credits, nor the regional district of eco-frauds telling me how to live my life. I don't want to live in a cave and eat granola bars, no matter how politically-correct it may be and no matter how many carbon-credits I might earn.

      I am a social-democrat, but I can't stomach this!

      And people ask me why I love gold? The answer is that I don't want to be controlled. Part of the allure of gold is the allure of freedom itself.
      Bravo S-Steve!


      • #4
        Re: New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

        Originally posted by sandwind View Post
        "The social movement of Technocracy, with its energy-based accounting system, can be traced back to the 1930’s when an obscure group of engineers and scientists offered it as a solution to the Great Depression. "

        "To build a carbon market, its originators must create a currency of carbon credits that participants can trade.”"

        "“… implementing individual carbon allowances for every person will be the most effective way of meeting the targets for cutting greenhouse gas emissions. It would involve people being issued with a unique number which they would hand over when purchasing products that contribute to their carbon footprint, such as fuel, airline tickets and electricity. Like with a bank account, a statement would be sent out each month to help people keep track of what they are using. If their "carbon account" hits zero, they would have to pay to get more credits”."

        Best quote from the article

        "Sounds very modern in concept, doesn’t it? In fact, these ideas date back to the 1930’s when hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens were embracing a new political ideology called Technocracy and the promise it held for a better life. Even now-classic literature was heavily influenced by Technocracy: George Orwell’s 1984, H.G. Well’s The Shape of Things to Come and Huxley’s “scientific dictatorship” in Brave New World. "

        Great, something WE REALLY REALLY WANT TO SHOOT FOR There.


        • #5
          Re: New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

          I don't want technocracy, but I do want technology.

          We can achieve a LOWERING of our cost of living, and we could achieve this by building hydro-electric dams and nuclear power plants, even natural gas-fired power plants. This can be done, if govn't had the will to do what FDR did in the U.S.

          The Bonneville Dam, the Hoover Dam, the Tennessee Valley Authority were done by FDR. They were not just public employment projects, they also lowered the cost of electricity and made life easier for people.

          Under President Truman, the Oak Ridge Labortory in Tennessee helped to develop atomic power. This is what government did and can do again.

          In Canada, the Nelson River was harnessed in Manitoba. The Diefenbaker Dam was built in Saskatchewan.

          America and Canada both dredged the St. Lawrence Seaway.

          Govn't built the California Water Project which was completed in 1965. Govn't helped to develop the Messabi Range in Minnesota.... This is what government can and should be doing now.

          To-day in Alberta, the tar sands are being developed thanks to the help of the Heritage Fund of the Province of Alberta and thanks to the research done at the University of Calgary. There will be up-graded oil available for hundreds of years into the future.

          Government can be made to work for the people. We can dig-out of this abyss if we use our heads.

          New carbon taxes are not the solution. Idiot concepts such as "sustainable development" are not the solution. A technocracy in Washington of carbon police is not the solution. This is where the Obama Administration has failed the people.

          Even last week, the Obama Administration blocked Yucca Mountain in Nevada from being used as an atomic waste storage depot. Sadly, the president just doesn't understand why he was elected and what he has to do.


          • #6
            Re: New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

            Can I coin the term "Carbonars"? Or is it too late already?:rolleyes:
            It's the Debt, stupid!!


            • #7
              Re: New currency to replace dolar a Carbon Currency ?

              Originally posted by jtabeb View Post
              Bravo S-Steve!
              Agreed. Kudos, Starving Steve! I hope you don't go hungry tonight!

              The way I see it, we're already knee deep in fiat money. Why not dive into the depths without scuba tank--or even a snorkel? We might even find buried treasure and appreciate it for the minute or two until we all drown.

