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kunstler on a roll

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  • kunstler on a roll

    hookworms and chiggers…

    potemkin patriotism…

    berm between the WalMart and the Target Store…

    healthcare reform as a rope-a-dope moment…

  • #2
    Re: kunstler on a roll

    Originally posted by Thailandnotes View Post
    hookworms and chiggers…

    potemkin patriotism…

    berm between the WalMart and the Target Store…

    healthcare reform as a rope-a-dope moment…
    Kunstler's schtick is to stereotype his fellow citizens. It was amusing the first it's an overused and stale routine, and he's just tiresome.


    • #3
      Re: kunstler on a roll

      Originally posted by GRG55 View Post
      Kunstler's schtick is to stereotype his fellow citizens. It was amusing the first it's an overused and stale routine, and he's just tiresome.
      Mostly true. He should have been a rap artist.


      • #4
        Re: kunstler on a roll

        c'mon, you can't beat prose like this for entertainment:

        Originally posted by jkunstler

        Behind the incoherent cargo of conflicting complaints that makes up Tea Party doctrine -- like "keeping the government's hands off our medicare!" -- stands the more basic dissolution of the Sunbelt's miracle economy, along with the pain and bewilderment of the southern peckerwood political nexus that rose out of the dust after World War Two to build the suburban nirvana of universal air-conditioning, happy motoring, Jesus tub-thumping, over-eating, and Friday night football that defined Sunbelt culture. They sense now that history is about to thrust them back into the okra patch, with the hookworms and the chiggers, as the economy whirls down the drain, and the car dealerships close up, and the idle production homebuilders succumb to methedrine addiction, and the price of Reba McEntire tickets exceeds their dwindling resources, and they are none too happy about any of that.

        Of course this Sunbelt political culture has tentacles and outposts all over the USA, wherever a few generations of laboring folk enjoyed debt-fueled parabolic rises in living standards during the cheap oil decades, and now find themselves in foreclosure hell, indentured to the very WalMarts that they welcomed with open arms (and allowed to destroy their local businesses) -- and, of course, it's yet another paradox that these are the same folk who will still defend the big box masters to their deaths. The America they stand for is a weird contradictory mish-mash of Confederate nostalgia, hyper-individualism that really owes allegiance to nothing, racial enmity, religious paranoia, and potemkin patriotism -- especially involving anything in the constitution that allows them to wriggle out of obligations to the public interest at the same time that they get to push other groups of people around.

        The Tea Party people are the corn-pone Nazis I have been warning you about. They are gathering strength in numbers as President Obama and congress fritter away their remaining legitimacy in a manner of governance that more and more resembles an endless Chinese Fire Drill. The delusional craziness of the Tea Partyists exists in direct proportion to the wimpy deceit of the government, especially in matters of money and statistics reporting. Our political leaders are resorting to wholesale deceit because the truth of our situation -- comprehensive bankruptcy -- is too painful to dwell on and for the most part they are too chicken too [sic] state it.
        "corn-pone nazis" is just great! and he's equal opportunity, pointing to the establishment's "wholesale decit."


        • #5
          Re: kunstler on a roll

          Ditto on the tiresomeness of Jim. Max Keiser is currently much preferred for this kind of thing- more substance, wit and plenty of heat. A good blowoff of steam when you need it, with an occasional bonus- an informed guest. Does Kunstler allow guests? No, I didn't think so. ;)


          • #6
            Re: kunstler on a roll

            Originally posted by jk View Post
            c'mon, you can't beat prose like this for entertainment:

            "corn-pone nazis" is just great! and he's equal opportunity, pointing to the establishment's "wholesale decit."
            Anybody who has attended at least one Tea Party rally knows that Kunstler is talking out of his ass. Characterizing gainfully employed, family-oriented, boring, middle-aged, apolitical white people as "corn-pone nazis" is not stereotyping, it is misguided slander. Stereotypes at least are grounded in reality, he is manufacturing cartoon characters out of whole cloth.

            Kunstler is such an obvious victim of his left-wing biases, that it makes it difficult to take him very seriously any more.


            • #7
              Re: kunstler on a roll

              I think Kuntsler's writing displays as much arrogance and lack of empathy with Joe 6 Pack as the powers than be display in their actions.


              • #8
                Re: kunstler on a roll

                Is "little Eichmanns" a better fit? Just doing ma job, ma'am. . .Nuttin' to see here, pick up the litter, don't let the street get dirty. . .

                Originally posted by BuckarooBanzai View Post
                Characterizing gainfully employed, family-oriented, boring, middle-aged, apolitical white people as "corn-pone nazis" is not stereotyping, it is misguided slander.


                • #9
                  Re: kunstler on a roll

                  In Kunstler's dystopian view


                  there is no Spring


                  and we'll all be crushed, in the crack of doom


                  (all pictures taken this President's Day, 2010)

