Re: Health Insurance and Death Panels
I work in the IT industry. Several of my friends work for (or in some cases are trying to build!) applications that would greatly automate medical care. Access to records, instant validation of procedures, automated billing.
Two things keep this from happening they tell me:
1 ) The current insurance-powers-that-be like the current system just fine thank you. The complexity serves their purposes. Transparency would reduce their profits -- other companies or (horrors!) customers might be able to see what rates they are really charging. Information might get out on the web as to which companies are really best. Information is power and these companies DO NOT WANT it to get to you.
2 ) Privacy issues. Especially for medical records. Many companies fear to implement such a system because they are afraid they will be hacked (and your local IT team is no match for a crack hacker group if they decide to come for you) and then sued to oblivion by their patients. Some protection has to be established here. Perhaps data could be in the cloud, handled by the government -- don't know.
Originally posted by charliebrown
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Two things keep this from happening they tell me:
1 ) The current insurance-powers-that-be like the current system just fine thank you. The complexity serves their purposes. Transparency would reduce their profits -- other companies or (horrors!) customers might be able to see what rates they are really charging. Information might get out on the web as to which companies are really best. Information is power and these companies DO NOT WANT it to get to you.
2 ) Privacy issues. Especially for medical records. Many companies fear to implement such a system because they are afraid they will be hacked (and your local IT team is no match for a crack hacker group if they decide to come for you) and then sued to oblivion by their patients. Some protection has to be established here. Perhaps data could be in the cloud, handled by the government -- don't know.