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gloomier than gloomy: Depression to start in Japan (Evans Pritchard)

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  • gloomier than gloomy: Depression to start in Japan (Evans Pritchard)

    He is a deflationist. I do not agree with him with respect to gold and commodity prices. He discounts the end game which is to FLEE out of paper.

    Weak sovereigns will buckle. The shocker will be Japan, our Weimar-in-waiting. This is the year when Tokyo finds it can no longer borrow at 1pc from a captive bond market, and when it must foot the bill for all those fiscal packages that seemed such a good idea at the time. Every auction of JGBs will be a news event as the public debt punches above 225pc of GDP. Finance Minister Hirohisa Fujii will become as familiar as a rock star.

    Once the dam breaks, debt service costs will tear the budget to pieces. The Bank of Japan will pull the emergency lever on QE. The country will flip from deflation to incipient hyperinflation. The yen will fall out of bed, outdoing China's yuan in the beggar-thy-neighbour race to the bottom. By then China too will be in a quandary. Wild credit growth can mask the weakness of its mercantilist export model for a while, but only at the price of an asset bubble. Beijing must hit the brakes this year, or store up serious trouble. It will make as big a hash of this as Western central banks did in 2007-2008.

    The European Central Bank will stick to its Wagnerian course, standing aloof as ugly loan books set off wave two of Europe's banking woes. The Bundesbank will veto proper QE until it is too late, deeming it an implicit German bail-out for Club Med.

    More hedge funds will join the EMU divergence play, betting that the North-South split has gone beyond the point of no return for a currency union. This will enrage the Eurogroup. Brussels will dust down its paper exploring the legal basis for capital controls. Italy's Giulio Tremonti will suggest using EU terror legislation against "speculators".

    Wage cuts will prove a self-defeating policy for Club Med, trapping them in textbook debt-deflation. The victims will start to notice this. Articles will appear in the Greek, Spanish, and Portuguese press airing doubts about EMU. Eurosceptic professors will be ungagged. Heresy will spread into mainstream parties.

  • #2
    Re: gloomier than gloomy: Depression to start in Japan (Evans Pritchard)

    And just what are we going to buy once the debt-bail-out bubble is lanced in late 2010?

    Each central bank just keeps issuing more questionable fiat, and each central bank just continues to bail-out the worldwide debt-bubble with more quantitative-easing and zero-interest rate money..... The public is not dumb. We all see what is happening now.

    There is no way to grow your way out of this mess. Dr. Arthur Laffer, are you reading this?

    Just who has income growth to-day? And how can we buy anything without income? Zero-interest rates for savers means no ability of savers to buy much of anything. And debtors can't buy because who is going to lend more to them and get nothing back in return? And how many remain with good jobs in North America when the exports are gone and the manufacturing base is gone too?

    The next shoe to drop may not be just Club Med; it may be the American bond market, especially the municipal bond market in California.

    This is like swimming in a septic tank, and there is no easy way out of it.
    Last edited by Starving Steve; February 08, 2010, 06:30 PM.


    • #3
      Re: gloomier than gloomy: Depression to start in Japan (Evans Pritchard)


      You have hit the nail on the head. This is somthing which keeps me awake at night.

      It looks to me as if the market is topping out and we are initially heading for deflation. As AE-P says, QE will continue at a pace. A while ago I posted an article by PIMCO and the ring of fire. The only really positive country was Norway.

      In my opinion the only thing you can do is have cash(get nothing for it but so what in deflation) and gold. Wait for the market to crash and then buy in.

      Good luck!

