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7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

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  • 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

    Tho focus right now is on Europe, but points out that 7 US states are in even worse shape. I'm not always happy with what's going on here in Texas (especially the politics), but there are some advantages that the article notes. From

    Seven States of Energy Debt

    The inevitable coming of the sovereign debt panic finally engulfed Europe this week as the derisively (or perhaps affectionately) named PIGS spilled their slop on the continent. But Portugal, Ireland, Greece, and Spain are hardly worthy of so much attention. In truth, they are little more than the currently favored proxies among the leveraged speculator community (cough) for the larger problem of all sovereign debt. Indeed, the credit default swaps on these smaller European satellite states were not alone this week in making large moves higher. UK sovereign risk rose strongly, and so did US sovereign risk. With a downgrade warning from Moody’s to boot.

    Notable among three of the PIGS are their relatively small populations, and small contributions to either world or European GDP. While Spain has a population over 45 million, Portugal and Greece have populations roughly equal to a US state, such as Ohio–at around 10 million. And Ireland? The Emerald Isle has a population similar to Kentucky, at around 4 million. While the PIGS are without question a problem for Europe, whatever problems they present for Brussels are easily matched by the looming headache for Washington that’s coming from large, US states such as California, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, and Michigan.

    I’ve identified seven large US states by four criteria that are sure to cause trouble for Washington’s political class at least for the next 3 years, through the 2012 elections. These are states with big populations, very high rates of unemployment, and which have already had to borrow big to pay unemployment claims. In addition, as a kind of kicker, I’ve thrown in a fourth criteria to identify those states that are large net importers of energy. Because the step change to higher energy prices played, and continues to play, such a large role in the developed world’s financial crisis it’s instructive to identify those US states that will struggle for years against the rising tide of higher energy costs.

    First, let’s consider a large state that didn’t make my list. Texas didn’t make the list because its unemployment rate has not risen high enough to reach my cutoff: a state must register broad, U-6 underemployment above 15%, and currently Texas has only reached 13.7% on that measure. Also, Texas’s total energy production nearly perfectly matches its total energy consumption. Of course, Texas has indeed had to borrow more than billion dollars so far to pay unemployment claims, thus technically bankrupting its unemployment trust fund. That meets my criteria. But, it’s instructive to note Texas’ energy production capacity in this regard, as that produces dollars. And one of the big reasons US states are under so much pressure, like their European counterparts, is that they cannot print currency. Being able to produce oil and gas is the next best thing to printing currency. So, Texas doesn’t make my list.
    The seven states to make my list are California, Florida, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan, North Carolina, and New Jersey. Each has a population above 8 million people. Each has had to borrow more than a billion dollars, so far, to pay claims out of their now bankrupt unemployment insurance fund. Also, each state currently registers broad, underemployment above 15% as indicated by the U-6 measure for the States. And finally, each state is a large net importer of either oil, natural gas, electricity, or all three of these energy sources.

    Let’s consider the overall predicament for residents of states like California, with its epic housing bust, Ohio and Michigan at the end of the automobile era, or North Carolina and New Jersey in light of the financial sector’s demise. Not only have states such as these permanently lost key sectors that once drove their economies, but, residents in these states are over-exposed to structurally higher energy costs. The prospect for wage growth in the United States is now dim. We are already recording year over year wage decreases in real terms. The culprit? Energy and food costs. My seven states are squeezed hard at both ends: no wage growth at the top, and no relief through cheaper energy costs at the bottom.
    US wage growth in real terms has been stagnant for years. And the most recent decade of higher oil prices has been particularly punishing to states over-leveraged to the automobile like California, Florida, and North Carolina where highway and road systems dwarf public transport. While it’s true that states like Ohio and California produce some oil and gas, the size of their populations overwhelm any production with outsized demand for electricity and gasoline. In contrast, and as I mentioned, it will be revealing to see how this depression ultimately plays out in such states as Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, Oklahoma, North Dakota, and Louisiana which are all net exporters of energy.

    Were it not for peak oil, gasoline prices would have fallen to a dollar during this depression as oil returned to the lows of the late 1990’s–if not even lower. Petrol at 90 cents a gallon would begin to chip away at the painfully decreasing spread between punk wages and energy input costs, currently endured by underemployed Americans. Natural gas and coal prices are also much higher than they were at the lows of the 1990’s. And I need not remind: while energy prices are very 2010, the American workforce has lost so many jobs that our labor force has indeed returned the 1990’s.

    21st century energy prices overlaid on a 20th century economy? That’s no fun at all. The mainstream economics profession, perhaps unsurprisingly, still does not pay enough attention to the interweaving of long-term stagnant wage growth, higher energy inputs, and the resulting credit creation that OECD countries took as the solution to resolve that squeeze. Given that one of out of eight Americans takes food stamps, a visit to states like Illinois, Florida, Ohio, and North Carolina would reveal that the difference between 15 dollar oil and 75 dollar oil, and 2 dollar natural gas and 5 dollar natural gas is large.

    My seven states of energy debt represent a full 35% of the total US population. As with other US states, they face looming policy clashes between protected state and city workers on one hand, and the growing ranks of the private economy’s underemployed on the other. The recent circus at the LA City Council meeting was a nice foreshadowing that the days of unlimited borrowing by governments–against future growth based on cheap energy–is coming to an end. Washington can print up dollars and fund these states for years, if it so chooses. But just as with the 70 million people in Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain, the 108 million people in these seven large states are probably facing even higher levels of unemployment as austerity measures finally slam into their cashless coffers, and reduce their ability to borrow.

  • #2
    Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

    In one sense, the Gregor article has good points. But in another sense, it fails to distinguish why the PIGS (and missing Italy by the way) are in any way different than the JIMMY CCOFAS (new Jersey, Illinois, Michigan, California, north Carolina, Ohio, Florida). While technically the EU could boot out one or more of the PIGS, so too technically could the JIMMY CCOFAS be left to twist in the wind.

    But it isn't going to happen that way - except for maybe Greece. There are plenty of ways both PIGS and JIMMY CCOFFAS can be helped - the unemployment borrowing is just one example.

    Another one would be lending to the educational systems in each state - generally one of the larger expenses.

    A third would be the Fed or Treasury outrighting buying state bonds.

    It would be much more useful and constructive to understand the impact of these types of intervention on the individual PIGS or JIMMY CCOFAS economies as well as the impact of a refusal to honor required intervention. It is the latter which is likely to get Greece the boot - when in contrast Ireland is meekly sticking it to its people.


    • #3
      Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

      Euro not the World reserve currancy.
      BTW, don't forget the 51st state!


      • #4
        Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

        I live in Illinois. Election for House/Senate, Governor coming up in Nov.
        You can bet there will not be any tax increases, or service cuts until
        Dec. We will see if the state can survive until next year.


        • #5
          Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

          Illinois, the state where I grew up, and where almost all my relatives still live. Many happy memories of Illinois, I hope it can find its way out of the current morass.

          My sister-in-law has a great teacher's retirement pension after 42 years on the job. It will be interesting to see how that holds up.


          • #6
            Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

            Well I sure don't plan to pay for your sister's pension.


            • #7
              Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

              Here's some perspective from Peter Boockvar, for what its worth:


              To put into perspective the 420 bps level of 5 yr Greece CDS, it is now just 55 bps from debt plagued Dubai and well above the following credits, Bulgaria (255 bps), Croatia (234 bps) Egypt (250 bps), Hungary (243 bps), Kazakhstan (210 bps), Lebanon (247 bps), Romania (250 bps), Russia (192 bps), and Turkey (196 bps). It remains though more than half the level of Venezuela (1038 bps), Argentina (1032 bps) and Ukraine (923 bps). The US trades at 43 bps, UK at 84 bps, Japan at 88 bps, Germany at 35 bps and the other stretched European sovereign credits such as Italy trades at 122 bps, Portugal at 169 bps, Spain at 135 bps and Ireland at 147 bps.

              Here are some updated CDS levels in the troubled European countries, Portugal 225 +30, Italy 150 +20, Greece 410 +22, Spain 170 +19, and Ireland 170 +10.
              (US 55, UK 100)


              • #8
                Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

                I find the whole concept of a pension ridiculous. People should not be paid when they are not working.


                • #9
                  Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

                  Then I presume that all the money you save in the bank should not come back to you -- and so you better not stop working till you die! The pension if it exists was a part of the contract for the work performed. Think of it as deferred pay -- I hope that clarifies the concept of a pension for you!


                  • #10
                    Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

                    Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                    Then I presume that all the money you save in the bank should not come back to you -- and so you better not stop working till you die! The pension if it exists was a part of the contract for the work performed. Think of it as deferred pay -- I hope that clarifies the concept of a pension for you!
                    The concept is quite understandable, but in practice it is exactly as MulaMan says. I did not promise to pay your sister's retirement. I was not even alive 42 years ago. The State promised it. The State is broke.


                    • #11
                      Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

                      Why the need for a pension? Why not pay the people up front and let them save it? Tax reasons sure. But I'll tell you the real reason. Its because they never had the intention to ever fully pay out all the promised pensions. If they had the money in the first place they'd just pay it up front. But they don't. Just like our government, they intend to pass off to future generations the burden of paying these debts. Only now the chickens are coming home to roost. Sure, the early people in this Ponzi scheme will get their pension. Its only when the music stops and there are no chairs left that people find out how badly they have been screwed. Meanwhile the executives that promised this shit have long ago retired to their estates and yachts saying, "gee, what happened, it was all going so well under my leadership". Politicians use the same tactic to gain power. They promise the world to police, firefighters, and other public employees. "Take lower pay and you will be rewarded with a 90% pension the rest of your life". Anyone who couldn't smell a Ponzi scheme in that is a fool.


                      • #12
                        Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

                        Originally posted by Rajiv View Post
                        Then I presume that all the money you save in the bank should not come back to you -- and so you better not stop working till you die! The pension if it exists was a part of the contract for the work performed. Think of it as deferred pay -- I hope that clarifies the concept of a pension for you!
                        I disagree with it. Compensate the person as they work.

                        Originally posted by flintlock View Post
                        Anyone who couldn't smell a Ponzi scheme in that is a fool.


                        • #13
                          Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

                          Originally posted by MulaMan View Post
                          Well I sure don't plan to pay for your sister's pension.
                          Moving to Panama?
                          Planning on being unemployed?

                          Otherwise, how can you avoid it?
                          Please share . . . I'd like to know myself.
                          Boycott Big Banks • Vote Out Incumbents


                          • #14
                            Re: 7 US States Worse Off Than Greece, Portgal, Ireland, And Spain

                            Yes that is my point. You had better not save anything in a bank -- for they are by your definitions Ponzi schemes as well -- not invest in the stock market -- because that is also a Ponzi scheme -- (It relies on somebody buying back your investments -- at a later uncertain date for an uncertain value.) Socking the savings under the mattress is out -- because your stash could be stolen (If not by thieves -- then definitely by inflation)

                            I think with the financial system - the way it is -- you are left with no options. Juju is right -- you just have to work until you die!

                            But I think Juju is not correct on one thing -- the young also incur obligations -- they have been raised and supported by their parents. When will they pay them back for that support? Could they have survived if they had been abandoned by their parents at birth?

                            And parents are only the tip of the iceberg of all the obligations incurred to society till one gets to productive age!

                            If the financial system was sound, and designed properly, and not reliant on eternal growth to service the Ponzi scheme, then the idea of pensions is a good one. Pool savings, invest in enabling the community, and withdraw from it when the need arises.
                            Last edited by Rajiv; February 06, 2010, 09:21 PM. Reason: Added the last two sentences

